Top 50+ Latest Netflix Statistics You Should know in 2024

Justice Ekaeze Last updated: May 18, 2024 Read time: 23 minutes Disclosure

Discover fascinating Netflix statistics! Our article covers the streaming giant's subscriber base, popular shows, global reach, revenue, and more. Uncover key trends and facts about the world's leading entertainment platform with our comprehensive Netflix statistics.

Netflix is the world’s leading and most popular streaming website. This streaming giant has 220 million global paid memberships, according to the Q2 2022 reports, which is much more than other streaming platforms. It is gaining more members regularly, but last year’s reports of this platform were quite disturbing for investors.

Its competitor Hulu completed Q2 2022 with 45.6 million members. These numbers were exciting but were less than half of Netflix’s numbers. Many people believe that Netflix is an old company, which is why it has many members, but it’s not true.

This streaming giant is over two decades old. However, we gathered some facts and data that will answer your questions.

Netflix is far more than a streaming platform. After researching it, we found that Netflix statistics and facts heavily influence the market value and the company’s growth numbers.

Let’s discuss its history and then Netflix stats and facts you need to know.

Netflix history

This streaming platform was launched back in 1997. It resulted from the hard work of Reed Hasting and Marc Randolph. In the beginning, it was a media streaming and video rental platform.

Later, it gained so much success, far more than the founders’ expectations. This company made many changes, from offering an online subscription service over the internet and mailing DVDs to making it the world’s leading online streaming app.

Netflix’s mobile is one of the prime mobile apps that has revolutionized the entertainment industry.

We made a chart that covers Netflix’s revolution since 1997.

19971997- The company was released.
19981998- It launched its first sales and DVD rental website.
19991999- Netflix started offering monthly subscriptions.
20002000- Introduced a new feature of a personalized media recommendation system.
2002-20062008-2009- Signed deals with electronic devices companies to make their platform compatible with devices like XBox, TVs, etc.
2007-20112007- They started introducing online services.
2012-20152008-2009- Signed deals with electronic device companies to make their platform compatible with devices like XBox, TVs, etc.
20162016- This streaming giant became available worldwide, including countries like Canada, Germany, and India.
20172017- It won the first Oscar for “The White Helmets.”
20182018- Signed deals with the production of the US former president Barack Obama and started making docu-series and documentaries.
20192019- Netflix shook hands with a famous anime production Nickelodeon and started featuring anime movies.
20202020- It was a leading subscription-based streaming platform in the UK.
20212021- Became the #1 studio with the highest academy awards.2022- There was a 40% share of Netflix originals in its US library.
20222022- Announced to expand this platform by adding games.

Interesting Netflix statistics in 2024 – Quick list

Netflix stats and facts that you need to know:

  • Gained 9 million members in the 4Q 2022 and had nearly 231 million members.
  • Netflix generated more revenue in 2022 than in 2021. It made $31.6 billion in 2022 and $29.6 billion in 2021.
  • Around 45% of the company’s revenue comes from only two countries US and Canada.
  • As of 2022, Netflix penetration rates in the US, UK, and Australia are 53%, 57%, and 65%, respectively.
  • Around 52% of the platform’s audience is female.
  • Netflix spent $18 billion on content in 2022.
  • Out of 10 original series on Netflix, nine were made by Netflix itself.
  • Almost half of Americans prioritize Netflix over any other streaming platform.
  • Using our viewing preferences, Netflix builds 1,300 recommendation clusters.
  • Netflix is the only company responsible for 8% of all time spent watching videos worldwide.
  • Most Netflix users are aged between 35 – 44 years.
  • Around 41% of the audience enjoy it without paying.
  • The most-watched movie on this platform is Red Notice.

This was just a beginning or an appetizer before a delicious meal. Get ready for the main dish.

Netflix stats and facts that you need to know in 2024

Here are Netflix’s latest statistics and Netflix impressive facts. You may already know some facts, but some Netflix facts will shock you. So let’s discuss them one by one without wasting time.

Many other streaming platforms came into the industry after Netflix. However, Netflix is still the #1 and most used streaming service according to its massive numbers. It gathered over 200 million subscribers in 2020.

According to recent reports, the number of subscribers is declining, but it is still close to 230 million and on top of the list with the most subscribers. The top competitors of this platform are Amazon Prime, with 205 million subscribers, and Spotify, with 180 million subscribers.

2. Netflix still spends billions on research and development

The company would only be at this stage now if it understood that there’s no progress and success without making investments and efforts. So, that’s why Netflix spent millions and billions of dollars only on research and development.

In 2022, this streaming giant spent $2.2 billion only on development and research. This investment was 18% and 120% more than investments it did in this category in 2019 and 2017, respectively.

3. Netflix has a market capitalization of more than $100 billion

The latest information for Netflix in September 2022 shows a market cap of $103.74 billion. Now, in March 2023, the company’s market cap is $135.29 billion. In addition, Netflix’s impressive fact is it is currently the 83rd most valuable and profitable company in the world.

However, Netflix already crossed the market cap of over $300 billion in October 2021. Unfortunately, things were getting bad, but now they are under control and improving.

4. Most Netflix subscribers are home-based

Almost 74 million Netflix users are from the US and Canada. Out of 220 million users, nearly 63 million users are from the US. This number is almost equal to all African, Europe, and Middle East users combined.

In addition, recent stats show that one-fourth of the total Netflix audience is from the US.

5. The US and Canada bring the most money to Netflix

In the above stat, we discussed that many users are from the US and Canada, generating more revenue for Netflix from these countries. The US and Canada generate nearly 43% of Netflix’s profit.

In 2021, the revenue generated from two North American countries was $13 billion, and $8.28 billion in 2018 from the same countries.

6. Generation Z is the most profitable group of Netflix fans

70% of Generation Z Netflix use paid accounts. They rarely share passwords or accounts with others, and that’s why they are so profitable for Netflix. Millennials also do Netflix streaming, but 10% share their login credentials with others.

Some Boomers also watch Netflix, but most still like live TV streaming and about 36% don’t know about it.

7. Over 53% of Netflix users share their account passwords with others

Netflix is losing billions of dollars because of its “generous” members. Over half of Netflix users enjoy streaming without paying to this platform. The subscribers share their account passwords with their friends or relatives.

Finally, this streaming has made some changes. You have to pay two extra bucks to share your passwords with your friends or relatives.

8. There’s almost no gender gap between Netlfix users

Generally, most men like online streaming, and women prefer TV streaming. However, Netflix stats show that about 51% of Netflix users and female, and 49% are male.

This almost no gender gap is because this streaming giant ideally provides appealing content for both genders.

9. Netflix owns the second-biggest US library in the world

Currently, Netflix has 3600 movie titles and 1800 TV in its US library, but its top competitor Amazon Prime has 26,300 movies and 2700 TV shows in its US library.

Both platforms are the leading streaming service providers. Other platforms, like Hulu, Disney, Paramount Plus, etc., offer a few titles. However, HBO offer 2000 movies and 580 TV shows, which is quite good.

10. Slovakia has the highest number of Netflix titles overall

Slovakia is the country with the highest number of Netflix titles. According to Statista, the number of titles Slovakian Netflix offers is 7,436 titles.

In addition, Bulgaria and Lithuania offer 7,126 and 6,938 titles, respectively.

11. Netflix Japan offers the best titles

Netflix Japan has the best, most reviewed, and award-winning titles, with over 19000 award wins and 40,000 award nominations. It contains quality over quantity. This content library gets a 100 score more than other Netflix libraries.

The second and third libraries have 97.61 and 94.02 scores and are from the Czech Republic and South Korea, respectively. Unfortunately, the most famous US library lies in the 29th place.

12. Denmark has the most expensive library, and Turkey has the best value for money

Similar to the difference in the content library’s quantity and quality in various countries, Netflix also varies from country to country in subscription prices.

In Turkey, Netflix offers the most cost-efficient library at $2.25 monthly. Each title in this library costs around $0.00055, and it has 4,466 titles

In addition, Denmark’s Netflix library is costly. It costs $13.04 monthly and includes 3,864 titles.

13. Almost one-third of OTT subscription revenues in the US go to Netflix

As most of the Netflix users are from the US and it generates a great percentage of revenue from this country, according to the latest stats, it collects one-third of OTT subscription revenues.

In 2021, Netflix collected 30.8% of the total revenue generated through OTT subscriptions in the US. Last year, it was 2.4% less than the percentage in 2021.

The major competitor of Netflix in this category was Disney which collected 27.1% of total revenue last year.

14. People spend over 164 million hours each day watching Netflix

Netflix viewing stats proves that an average Netflix user spends 1 hour and 11 minutes each day enjoying streaming on this platform. If we multiply it by all the Netflix users around the globe, the number we get is 164.8 million hours a day, which is over 18,812 years.

15. Netflix users spent more than 280 GB of data on streaming per month during the pandemic

As per the detailed report of 2020, the mean duration of content evaluation by a user on Netflix amounts to 3.2 hours. Considering the entirety of Netflix’s global consumer base, this translates to a colossal 6 billion hours spent in total on the platform each day.

If one were to ascertain the monthly data consumption of an individual, it amounts to 3GB per hour, totaling 288GB per month. Nonetheless, in light of the pandemic, a sizable amount of time is being spent by individuals on Netflix.

16. We need to spend more time with our families as compared to Netflix

According to the most recent assessments, our family time is declining as we spend considerable time watching Netflix. The average American citizen spends less than 40 minutes engaging in family activities, while the time spent watching Netflix surpasses that.

However, during the pandemic, we spend a great time with our families. Now, an average American spends 17.4 minutes exercising, 39 minutes with friends, and 16.8 minutes reading books. The American populace generally seems to spend less time engaging in other activities and more time-consuming digital content from Netflix or other digital platforms.

17. In 2021, Squid Game was the most famous series, and Red Notification was the most well-known film

In 2021, Netflix sent off a series called Squid Game. As indicated by Netflix Life, it is one of the most-watched series on Netflix, with over 1.6 billion perspectives. Before the series, Bridgerton and The Witcher Season 2 were No. 1 and No. 2 with 625.4 million and 405 million perspectives, respectively.

On the other hand, the organization has a film called “Red Notice.” But the film, which has a poor IMDb rating, was Netflix’s most-watched film of 2021.

18. Netflix offers over 1,500 original titles

Netflix started offering originals after its first original (House of Cards) won an award. The platform offers more than 1,500 original titles. However, they include internally developed media titles and titles that Netflix owns the right to broadcast.

19. As of August 2023, Netflix is available in 190 countries worldwide

The latest stats show that this streaming service is available in 190 and over 37 languages. However, its top competitor Amazon Prime is available in 200 countries, and Disney is available in only 60 countries.

Moreover, Netflix is planning to expand its service in other countries.

20. Netflix turned 25 in 2023

Netflix was introduced in 1997. It’s been 25 years since the company came, and it will celebrate its silver jubilee this year. Netflix started as a DVD and video rental store, and now it’s the world’s most popular entertainment platform.

21. Over 70% of the viewers watch Netflix on TV

40% of people sign up and subscribe to Netflix through their laptops and 30% through their smartphones. However, according to Finances Online, 70% of users prefer watching it on their smart TVs.

In addition, only 5% of members subscribe to Netflix via tablet, and the same percentage watch it on tablets.

22. Approximately $50,000 is the average annual income of US Netflix subscribers

Most people earning over $100,000 per year need more time to watch Netflix. If we randomly pick a US Netflix user, it would be a Millenial woman with some or no college degree and earning less than $50,000 a year.

Only 17% of people earning over $100,000 annually watch Netflix; their average usage time is less than other users.

23. Netflix could achieve a 62% penetration rate in North America by 2025

In 2019, Netlix’s penetration rate was 55% in North America. A prediction by Statista says a 41% penetration rate is expected in EMEA, an 11% to 25% penetration rate in the Asia-Pacific, and a 51% penetration rate in Latin America.

24. Netflix produced 130 original titles in Q3 2021

Netflix statistics show that it produced 2,769 hours of content in 2019. The company kept producing more content; from 2018 to 2020, it produced double the content from 2012 to 2017.

In addition, Netflix released 130 original titles in the third quarter of 2021.

25. Thanks to Netflix, streaming wars are now a thing

After Netflix’s success, many other streaming platforms like Hulu, Disney, and HBO lost their audience because of Netflix. So, these streaming platforms started providing the same on-demand streaming service analysts called streaming wars.

Netflix is a leading platform because of its most entertaining content, like Breaking Bad, Stranger Things, Peaky Blinders, Money Heist, etc. For several years, Netflix has been a platform known for containing quality and popular content.

Its top competitor, Amazon Prime, is getting close because it provides a three times bigger content library than Netflix. Some predictions say that Amazon Prime will surpass Netflix’s subscribers by the end of 2024.

26. Region hoppers hunt as well

We all know Netflix provides geo-restricted content in various countries due to copyright restrictions by producers. However, some people don’t like this and use a VPN to unblock geo-restricted content.

This activity kept increasing, so in 2016, Netflix used technology and started blocking the VPN servers. This was bad news for small VPN companies that needed more servers.

Furthermore, streaming enthusiasts started using premium VPNs to unblock the geo-restricted content, and it was hard for this streaming service to block so many servers. So, when Netflix detects a person is using a VPN, it shows them the same content library.

27. Most Netflix users wouldn’t object to higher Netflix charges

Many Netflix users are addicted to this platform. If Netflix increases its monthly price, they will pay it without any objection.

Wall Street did research in 2020 that shows that more than 55% of Netflix users would accept to pay more without any objection. The remaining percentage of users will object. That’s why Netflix offers different prices in different countries.

28. Netflix is no longer the leader in content-creating expenditures

This streaming giant used to be the #1 company that spent billions of dollars only on content-making and buying. Netflix spent multi-billion dollars on Netflix originals in 2019. 

However, things have changed now. According to the company’s 2024 stats, it is in fourth place in terms of investing in content-making and buying rights. If we remove sports content from this category, it will be in second place.

According to its 2024 plans to spend $33 billion on content-making and buying rights, Walt Disney Co. leads this category.

29. Netflix counts over 250 awards and over 850 award nominations

Netflix focuses on quality and quantity. It has an impressive number of titles in each category of content. There is almost no gender on this platform, that is because it provides high-quality and engaging content for both genders.

It has won over 250 awards, including Grammy Awards, Academy Awards, and Emmy Awards. In addition, the streaming has been nominated for over 850 awards. Its popular series “The Crown” has won 129 awards.

30. We have at least six Netflix shows in common

Netflix viewing stats prove that many people have at least six Netflix shows in common. These six shows could be Stranger Things, Peaky Blinders, The Crown, La Casa de Papel, Squid Game, etc.

If you think it’s false, try it yourself and test the theory.

31. Asia Pacific has the smallest number of Netflix users but the biggest expansion potential

Netflix is unavailable in some areas of the Asia Pacific (China, Syria, North Korea, and Crimea) because of political disagreements. However, in other Asia Pacific, users are fewer, but about 90% use paid Netflix.

Netflix statistics show that the company gained over 9.2 million new subscribers in 2020 only from this region. It was 65% more than the users it gained in 2019.

32. Netflix loses $1.5 billion from password sharing

At the same time, Netflix struggles to provide its users with exclusive content, but due to password sharing, it’s becoming hard to invest more money in content.

The 2020 Netflix stats report says the company lost around $1.5 billion due to password sharing. If this streaming service doesn’t do anything about it, then there are chances that the loss will reach $12.5 billion by 2024.

33. Netflix spends $30 million per episode on stranger things

We discussed above that Netflix is missing from the top of the list of streaming sites that invest a lot in content-making. But it doesn’t mean that this company needs to spend more money on content.

Finance reports say that Netflix spent $30 million on each episode of a sci-fi hit, Stranger Things season four. However, the company spent $6 million for each episode of season one.

34. Stand-up specials cost up to $20 million per performance

Netflix has something for everyone. It provides stand-up comedy shows, which helps it gain a larger audience. This streaming giant spends millions of dollars on this category.

Netflix paid Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock massive amounts of $60 million and $40 million for three and two of their comedy specials, respectively.

35. Netflix has over 11,000 employees

Netflix is regularly growing, so it needs more employees to help them achieve its goals. Macrotrends employee statistics show that Netflix had 11,300 employees in 2021, which is 20.21% more than in 2020. The number of employees continuously increases as the company makes changes to generate more revenue by gaining an audience.

36. Netflix’s debt is close to $17 billion

It may sound weird that a company worth over $100 billion is in debt. But, besides this debt, the company is growing with the help of this debt, and according to many financial experts, Netflix is doing it right.

Netflix debt prediction for 2024 was close to $20 billion. Fortunately, the company returned $1.9 billion last year, and the current debt is $16.9 billion.

37. Its revenue for 2021 was approximately $29.7 billion

Netflix’s users are declining, and it’s in debt but still growing. The company lost many subscribers or members in 2021, but in the end, the total generated revenue was more than in 2020, approximately $29.7 billion.

If we compare Netflix’s revenue since 2007, there’s a 2,400% increase in the company’s growth and revenue. So, Netflix is still growing despite all the difficulties.

38. Netflix shares have slumped by 35% in Q2 2022

Due to the decline in subscribers, there were predictions that many more subscribers would leave this platform. After this situation, many big investors in Netflix withdrew their funds and sold their shares, leading to a massive drop in the company’s shares by 35% in April 2022.

Netflix competitors thought it would take a lot of work for this platform to lead the industry. But Netflix’s plans and deals for new business plans help this platform to sustain itself as a leader.

39. Netflix’s recommendation engine is estimated to be worth $1 billion a year

Netflix’s recommendation engine is a helpful asset demonstrated to be off-the-charts valuable. The assessed worth of this framework is supposed to be around $1 billion per year, and a few specialists accept it very well may be much more.

This engine is liable for giving customized suggestions to users in light of their viewing habits and preferences. It assists Netflix in keeping its viewers engaged and wanting more and more, bringing about an annual expansion in income.

40. 80% of Netflix viewers choose their next movie/series based on the platform’s recommendations

Many users avoid scrolling and searching for content according to their taste. With the help of Netflix’s recommendation engine, almost 80% of the users select their next movie or series according to the recommendation.

The remaining 20% of people prefer to search for their favorite title.

41. Speeds that most ISPs provide are insufficient for HD-quality streaming on Netflix

This problem results in bad-quality streaming or buffering and ruins the streaming experience. Netflix made an ISP Speed Index tool to measure its speed with ISPs in different countries.

Netflix requires at least 5 Mbps for HD-quality streaming, and with the help of this tool, you can check which ISP is providing that much speed with Netflix.

42. And then there are ISPs throttling Netflix streaming

When many people started using Netflix, ISPs chose to bottleneck Netflix traffic to their advantage. After some time, when users in the US found that, they started filing bundles of complaints. As a result, Comcast signed a “mutually beneficial” deal with Netflix to resolve this problem.

Nowadays, ISPs are throttling again whenever you use any streaming website. So, we suggest streaming Netflix with a VPN. It will help you to hide your info from ISPs and increase your internet speed.

43. Netflix generates over 10% of all downstream traffic worldwide

At the beginning of 2024, the Global Internet Phenomenon Report was released, showing that Netflix ranks seconds on the list of streaming platforms that generate downstream traffic worldwide, accounting for 10.61% of all downstream traffic worldwide.

Youtube is at the top of the list and accounts for 16.37% of downstream traffic around the globe.

44. Netflix accounts for over 19% of all online traffic in the Americas and over 16% in EMEA countries

According to the above reports, there is a significant difference in online traffic with apps. In the US, this streaming giant is the most popular platform for streaming and has a 19.85% share of total traffic. The second platform is Youtube, with 15.02% traffic shares.

Similarly, in EMEA countries, Netflix has a significant traffic share of 16.1% of all internet traffic. And Youtube has 12.75% traffic shares.

However, in the APAC region, things are different from the above. Most of the internet traffic share goes through Facebook, third is YouTube, and Netflix ranks tenth with only a 1.41% share of all internet traffic.

45. Netflix was the first streaming service that became international

Netflix has altered how individuals watch motion pictures and Programs. It was the first streaming service to become global, permitting individuals worldwide to access its content. 

This gave viewers admittance to various titles from various nations, furnishing them with an extraordinary level of choice and convenience. 

It spread its service Internationally to Canada in 2010. After a few years, it became available in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Ireland, and many other countries. Now, it is available in 190 countries of the world.

Netflix’s prosperity has been instrumental in driving the development of web-based features all over the planet.

46. Netflix reached 17.5 million subscribers in the UK in 2022

According to Statista reports, Netflix has gained 17.5 million in the UK in the middle of 2022. All these subscribers are because of the quality content provided by this platform.

47. Netflix’s APRU is the highest in the US and Canada and the lowest in Latin America

Statista’s reports regarding the (APRU) of Netflix users worldwide show that the US and Canada are the most profitable regions for Netflix. An average Netflix from those regions pays $15.95 monthly.

On the other hand, the least profitable region for the company is Latin America. An average user from this region pays $8.87 monthly.

48. Netflix beat HBO and CBS in Emmy Nominations and awards

In 2018, Netflix was the first streaming platform to break the 17-year-old Emmy nomination streak of HBO. Netflix was nominated for 112 awards and HBO for 107. In addition, Netflix won 43 awards, received 225 Emmy nominations, and left its competitors behind again.

Netflix also broke the CBS record of being the most Emmy award winner in a single year. In 2021, Netflix won 44 Emmy awards and broke CBS’s 27 Emmy awards record.

49. Netflix is the leader in UI/UX experience and cross-platform compatibility

Netflix has been leading in providing an unparalleled user experience and cross-platform compatibility. With its intuitive interface, Netflix has provided a seamless experience on various devices, from mobile phones to smart televisions.

It started its journey of cross-platform compatibility in 2008 and partnered with Blu-ray disc players, Xbox 360, and various TV boxes. Later, it released apps for Apple devices and is now known as the best streaming platform with an excellent interface and design.

Moreover, its predictable UI/UX design across all stages guarantees that users can find what they are searching for without figuring out how to utilize a new device. This makes it more straightforward for users to get to their #1 shows and films regardless of where or what device they use.

50. More than half of Singaporeans aged 16+ have Netflix

Many Netflix users in Singapore use paid accounts. According to Netflix viewing stats, around 51% of people above 16 have Netflix subscriptions. This is all because of the content and streaming experience that Netflix provides its users.

In another survey report by Raukten Insights in 2021, over 87% of Singaporeans stated that Netflix is their first choice regarding streaming platforms.

Many people are confused that Netflix series is not popular around the world. So, a report by Nielsen shows the top ten popular series list. All are Netflix series except for HBO’s House of Dragons, Prime Video’s The Lord of Rings: The Rings of Power, and Game of Thrones.

Netflix in the future – Market predictions

Netflix was a leading streaming platform and is still leading the industry. Like many large businesses, this platform is also having a hard time. The subscribers continuously decline because of economic difficulties, growing competition, and worldwide inflation.

This year, 2024, we observe that the subscribers are still falling, and the company’s shares are devalued.

However, the above 50+ statistics and plans of Netflix show much more to come and project a bright future for this platform. It is managing to generate more revenue and decrease debt.

Until users are watching and enjoying the content on this platform, it will remain a symbol of on-demand streaming and will lead the streaming industry. The company is confident about the great future, and we also hope for good.

Netflix vs. Cable statistics

With the rise of on-demand streaming services, cable TV is losing its viewers more and more regularly. We already know that Netflix is a top streaming platform with hundreds of millions of subscribers worldwide.

A report by YouGov of 1000 Amazon Prime members and 2000 Netflix subscribers shows many differences between both platforms.

Many Netflix subscribers are teenagers or 20s. About 50% of subscribers are above 35. However, some of the subscribers of Amazon Prime are between 16 and 35 years old, and the cable TV viewers are mostly aged above 50 years.

The figures for users who use both streaming services and cable are only 36%. At the same time, the statistics for streaming services users are only 20%. This shows that Netflix can easily gain more viewership and secure a better future.


Netflix is a symbol of on-demand streaming. Through the above statistics of Netflix, we can easily estimate the future success of this platform. It will remain a leading streaming platform around the globe if it follows all of its plans.

The company has over 220 million subscribers around the globe and generates multiple billions of dollars in revenue. It is ready to change or upgrade the way of streaming according to users, which helps this platform gain more audience. So, it is hard for any competitor to take down Netflix.


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About the Author

Naturally addicted to Netflix and streaming in general, Justice Ekaeze is a freelance content writer who has worked for specialized content agencies such as Copypress and Skypublishers. Over the years, Justice has gained extensive content writing experience that helps readers.

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