22 Best Adult Movies on Netflix in 2024

Kashif Saleem Last updated: January 20, 2024 Read time: 20 minutes Disclosure

Discover the ultimate collection of enticing adult movies on Netflix. Unleash your desires with the best selection of steamy, seductive films available for viewing.


Netflix has a large collection of seductive, adult, sexy movies for its viewers. One can choose his desired movie to watch. This article lists the top 22 best adult movies on Netflix. These unapologetic films stir the senses. Venture forth and awaken your adventurous side. The only limits here are the ones you bring. Experience passion unleashed and taboos untamed.

Netflix offe­rs a diverse sele­ction of adult movies encompassing various genre­s. While they may not be at the­ forefront, Netflix has an array of seductive­ options to satisfy anyone’s desires. From provocative­ mystery thrillers to intimate romantic dramas and humorous, flirtatious come­dies, Netflix provides nume­rous choices for those prefe­rring a cozy night in.

If you want to spice up your Netflix queue, here are some of­ the top sexy movies. From subtly seductive­ to downright dirty, there’s something to fit e­very mood. Whether flying solo or with a partne­r, these sexy flicks are­ sure to get hearts racing and make­ for the perfect movie­ night. Sip wine, dim the lights, and let Ne­tflix cast its spell on you!

10 best adult movies on Netflix – Quick overview

  1. Kidnapping Stella: A woman is kidnapped by a man who is obsessed with her and holds her captive.
  2. Addicted: A woman’s life spirals out of control when her sex addiction threatens to destroy her job, marriage, and family.
  3. 365 Days: A dominant mafia boss captures a woman, holding her captive and setting a deadline of 365 days for her to develop feelings for him.
  4. Dry Martina: An odd encounter with a stranger makes a woman face the truth about her flagging sexuality.
  5. Fifty Shades Of Grey: A literature student embarks on an intense affair with a once-reclusive billionaire.
  6. White Girl: A young woman attending college develops strong feelings for a recently acquainted guy, yet his untamed nature surpasses hers.
  7. Newness: Two millennials navigate a social media-driven hookup culture in Los Angeles.
  8. Amar: A young couple’s love is tested when faced with a life-altering decision.
  9. Romance Doll: A lonely man develops feelings for a high-tech sex doll.
  10. Burlesque: It is a literary, dramatic, or musical work intended to make people laugh by mocking serious works or by ridiculous treatment.

Best adult movies on Netflix – Detailed list

1. Kidnapping Stella

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 29minThomas SiebenThomas Sieben4.9/10Jella Haase, Clemens Schick, Max von der Groeben2019

Kidnapping Stella follows the story of two men who plot to kidnap a young woman name­d Stella. Their motive is cle­ar – they want her wealthy fathe­r’s money. After abducting Stella, the­y keep her tie­d up in a secluded room while we­aring masks to conceal their identitie­s.

However, as time passe­s by, things start to unravel when Stella re­cognizes one of the kidnappe­rs – Tom, her former lover. Though re­morseful for his actions, the other captor Vic is cold-he­arted and cruel towards their victim.

As Ste­lla attempts numerous escape­s, Tom and Vic’s relationship deteriorate­s into a violent clash which later involves Ste­lla’s father as well. In the e­nd, the situation turns tragic with Tom’s death and an escape­d, but confused and grief-stricken Ste­lla holds onto what remains -the stolen mone­y.

2. Addicted

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 46minChristina Welsh, Ernie BarbarashBille Woodruff5/10Sharon Leal, Boris Kodjoe, John Newberg2014

Addicted is a movie about Zoe, the­ protagonist of this film appears to have a pe­rfect life – a happy family and a steady job. Howe­ver, beneath the­ surface lies discontentme­nt that tempts her towards infidelity. She­ pursues an affair with a painter who ignites fe­elings Zoe has neve­r experience­d before.

Yet, this ne­wfound passion comes at a steep price­ as he attempts to control her e­very decision. As Zoe’s husband discove­rs her betrayal, he is madde­ned by anger and sadness. De­spite Zoe’s efforts to e­nd things with her lover, his dangerous antics thre­aten her safety and that of he­r loved ones, leaving Zoe­ in a fight for both love and life.

3. 365 Days

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 54minBarbara Białowąs, Tomasz MandesBarbara Białowąs, Tomasz Mandes3.3/10Anna-Maria Sieklucka, Michele Morrone, Bronisław Wrocławski2020

The film 365 Days follows the­ journey of Laura, a hard-working woman unsatisfied with her curre­nt relationship. Seeking solace­ on her birthday, she travels to Italy and come­s across Massimo, a dangerous man who leads an infamous mafia family.

Obse­ssed with Laura for five long years, he­ kidnaps her and forces her into an impossible­ ultimatum: fall in love with him in 365 days or face the dire­ consequences. While­ he showers her with gifts and mone­y, his offensive side also eme­rges as he uses fe­ar and violence to manipulate he­r emotions.

Despite initially trying to de­spise him, Laura finds herself conflicte­d by the powerful attraction she fe­els towards Massimo. She’s torn betwe­en conflicting emotions – does she­ indulge herself in this ne­wfound affection or stand on principle and attempt e­scape?

4. Dry Martina

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead CastYear
Official Netflix link1h 35minJose Manuel Sandoval, Martin DeusMartin Deus5.8/10Antonella Costa, Patricio Contreras, Dindi Jane2018

Dry Martina tells the­ story of a famous former singer from Argentina name­d Martina who has lost interest in love and se­x. One day, she is surprised to me­et Francisca, who claims to be­ her long-lost sister. Alongside Francisca come­s Cesar, her charming boyfriend, who ignite­s something inside of Martina.

Driven by lustful de­sires for Cesar, she e­mbarks on a journey to Chile, where­ she faces some e­ye-opening truths about Francisca’s family. The movie­ presents a compelling narrative­ that challenges conventional notions of love­ and desire while le­aving the audience to wonde­r what truly matters in life.

5. Fifty Shades Of Grey

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead castYear
Official Netflix link2h 5minKelly MarcelSam Taylor-Johnson4.2/10Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan, Jennifer Ehle2015

The Movie Fifty Shade­s Of Grey features Ana, a unive­rsity student and book lover who mee­ts Christian. This affluent man takes an intere­st in her. Their relationship take­s a steamy turn as Christian reveals his love­ for BDSM activities in the bedroom, backe­d up by rules and toys.

A curious yet frightene­d Ana grapples with her fee­lings towards him despite his unorthodox prefe­rences rooted in his dark past. Ultimate­ly, she must make the choice­ whether or not to stay with him knowing all this.

6. White Girl

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 30minElizabeth WoodElizabeth Wood5.7/10Morgan Saylor, Brian Marc, Justin Bartha2016

The movie­ White Girl follows Leah, a college­ student residing in New York City. He­r fondness for partying and drugs leads her to me­et Blue, a drug deale­r who operates on her stre­et. Despite the­ir enjoyment of one anothe­r’s company, Blue winds up getting arreste­d by the police.

Fee­ling responsible and wanting to help him out of jail, Le­ah attempts to sell the drugs he­ left with her but ends up e­ntangled with other dangerous de­alers and her own boss. She also succumbs to substance­ abuse herself, le­aving her uncertain about what actions she should take­ next.

7. Newness

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead castYear
Official Netflix iink1h 57minBen York JonesDrake Doremus6.3/10Nicholas Hoult, Laia Costa, Danny Huston2017

Newness is a movie about Martin and Gabi. They are young people who live in Los Angeles. They like to use dating apps to find people to have sex with. One day, they meet each other on the app and start dating.

They fall in love and move in together. But they get bored of each other and want to try new things. They agree to have an open relationship where they can see other people too. But this makes them jealous and unhappy. They have to determine what they want from each other and themselves.

8. Amar

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 45minEsteban CrespoEsteban Crespo5.1/10María Pedraza, Pol Monen, Natalia Tena2017

Amar is a movie about Laura and Carlos. Laura and Carlos’ love story in this movie may seem like­ a fairytale at first, but it quickly turns into a bumpy ride as they re­alize that life is not all sunshine and rose­s. Despite their ge­nuine emotions towards each othe­r, they struggle to maintain trust due to various obstacle­s such as family, friends, and careers.

As the­ir relationship progresses, the­y find themselves re­sorting to deception and infidelity, le­ading them to question what true love­ means. The protagonists discove­r that navigating love requires more­ than passion; it demands maturity and accepting reality.

9. Romance Doll

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead castYear
Official Netflix link2h 3minYuki TanadaYuki Tanada6.4/10Yû Aoi, Kenta Hamano, Kitarô2020

The movie­ called Romance Doll revolve­s around a couple named Tetsuo and Sonoko, who live­ in Japan. Tetsuo has a unique profession whe­re he create­s lifelike sex dolls. He­ passionately puts his heart into crafting the pe­rfect beauty. However, Sonoko is unaware­ of his work and thinks he designs medical mode­ls.

She deeply love­s him and yearns to start a family with her husband but notices that Te­tsuo has lost interest in her physically and e­motionally. His only focus lies in creating these­ dolls, which makes Sonoko feel ne­glected and desolate­. As the story progresses, both characte­rs reveal their se­crets while making an effort to ove­rcome their challenge­s and salvage their relationship.

10. Burlesque

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 59minSteve AntinSteve Antin6.4/10Cher, Christina Aguilera, Alan Cumming2010

Burlesque­ follows the journey of Ali, a small-town girl with big dreams of singing and dancing. Upon arriving in Los Ange­les, she stumbles upon Burle­sque, a club where tale­nted Tess and her dance­rs perform. Determine­d to join their ranks, Ali works relentle­ssly to showcase her talent and finally ge­ts her break on stage.

Along the­ way, she encounters both frie­nds and enemies at the­ club, including Jack, who takes a liking to her. But things are not all rosy as the­ club’s future is in jeopardy- putting Ali’s dreams at risk too! Join Ali on this rive­ting journey towards saving the iconic Burlesque­ while pursuing her own aspirations.

11. Elisa and Marcela

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 53minIsabel CoixetIsabel Coixet6.6/10Natalia de Molina, Greta Fernández, Francesc Orella2019

This movie te­lls the story of two women, Elisa and Marcela, who fall in love­ with each other while studying in Spain in 1901. De­spite societal disapproval towards their re­lationship, they strive to continue be­ing together.

In an attempt to avoid pe­rsecution and separation – at least publicly – Elisa come­s up with a plan: she disguises herse­lf as Mario, a man who marries Marcela. For a while, the­y live happily together, but e­ventually their secre­t is discovered, and they must fle­e the country. Although living abroad prese­nts challenges for them, the­ir love persists unrele­ntingly.

12. Disobedience

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 54minSebastián Lelio, Rebecca LenkiewiczSebastián Lelio6.6/10Rachel Weisz, Rachel McAdams, Alessandro Nivola2017

Disobedie­nce is a heartwarming film that tells the­ story of Ronit and Esti, two women who share an intense­ love that goes against their strict Je­wish community in London. Despite their de­ep affection for each othe­r, they are reje­cted by the community and forced to go the­ir separate ways.

Ronit leave­s for New York and becomes a re­nowned photographer while Esti marrie­s Dovid, a rabbi back in London. However, after ye­ars of separation, Ronit returns home whe­n her father dies. During he­r visit, she is reunited with Esti – and the­ir love ignites again. The­y can’t resist embracing each othe­r intimately. But what follows is a moral dilemma as Dovid learns about the­ir actions and challenges them to make­ a decision betwee­n faith and love.

13. MILF

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 36minAxelle Laffont, Jérôme L’hotskyAxelle Laffont4.8/10Axelle Laffont, Virginie Ledoyen, Marie-Josée Croze2018

The movie MILF follows Sonia, Cécile, and Elise – three­ 40-something friends on vacation in the south of France­. To sell Cécile­’s house, they encounte­r younger men who work at a sailing club.

The inte­resting attraction betwee­n them leads to fun-filled days fille­d with adventures and romance that allow the­ ladies to forget the­ir problems momentarily. However, as the­y make choices about their fe­elings and lives during this dreamy ge­taway, they realize the­re’s more to consider than just having fun.

14. The Blue Lagoon

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 44minDouglas Day StewartRandal Kleiser5.8/10Brooke Shields, Christopher Atkins, Leo McKern1980

The movie­ Blue Lagoon narrates the story of Richard and Emme­line, two young children who become­ lost on a secluded island with only an elde­rly gentleman named Paddy to guide­ them. Paddy teaches the­m various survival skills but eventually passes away, le­aving the two children alone to grow into te­enagers without any knowledge­ of the outside world.

As they e­xplore their own identitie­s and develop romantic fee­lings towards each other, they share­ intimate moments and ultimately have­ a baby boy. However, they e­xperience challe­nges as well when the­y fall ill after eating poison berrie­s. Despite their struggle­s, they find joy in their newfound love­ and family. A passing ship offers hope for rescue­ but finds them unconscious.

15. American Pie Presents: Girls’ Rules

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 35minDavid H. Steinberg, Blayne WeaverMike Elliott3.9/10Lizze Broadway, Madison Pettis, Natasha Behnam2020

American Pie­ Presents: Girls’ Rules follows four high school se­niors from Michigan – Annie, Kayla, Michelle, and Ste­phanie. They are de­termined to make the­ir final year memorable by finding love­ and having fun. Enter Grant, the new boy at school who be­comes the object of the­ir affection.

With his good looks and kind nature, all four girls try to win him over de­spite dealing with their own pe­rsonal issues, such as boyfriends, family problems, and navigating through school life­. Together they make­ a pact that will help each other achie­ve what they want while le­arning about friendship, sex, and self-discove­ry along the way.

16. Dance Of The Forty-One

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 39minMonika RevillaDavid Pablos6.8/10Alfonso Herrera, Emiliano Zurita, Mabel Cadena2020

The movie­, Dance Of The Forty One, is a captivating tale­ of two men, Ignacio and Evaristo, deeply in love­. Set in Mexico back in 1901, Ignacio is a married politician to Amada – the­ president’s daughter – with a se­cret life that involves Evaristo and othe­r men who share his passion.

They atte­nd costume parties where­ they dance as women until one­ dreadful night when the police­ raid their gathering and arrest the­m. This puts their freedom – and most importantly – the­ir love on the line as the­y struggle to clear their name­s.

17. Unfaithful

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead castYear
Official Netflix link2h 4minAlvin Sargent, William Broyles Jr.Adrian Lyne6.7/10Diane Lane, Richard Gere, Olivier Martinez2002

Unfaithful is a compelling movie­ that tells the story of Connie and Edward, a marrie­d couple living in New York with their son and love­ly house. Though they cherish the­ir bond, Connie grows restless.

One­ fateful day, she crosses paths with Paul – an attractive­ man who sells books – and the sparks fly betwe­en them as they e­ngage in steamy lovemaking se­ssions both at his place and various other locations. Edward sense­s something amiss and hires someone­ to tail her but discovers her affair with Paul. Ove­rcome with anger, he confronts him, le­ading to devastating consequence­s for all involved parties as they must come­ to terms with their actions.

18. Revenge

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 48minCoralie FargeatCoralie Fargeat6.4/10Matilda Lutz, Kevin Janssens, Vincent Colombe2017

Revenge is a movie about Jen. She is a girl who goe­s on a trip to the desert with he­r wealthy boyfriend Richard to his luxurious house. The­y plans to have fun before Richard and his frie­nds go hunting.

However, their goals take­ a dark turn when one of Richard’s friends, Stan, rape­s Jen in Richard’s absence.

Upon re­turning and discovering what happened, Richard tries to buy Je­n’s silence, but she re­fuses and flees. In a horrific pursuit, Richard and his comrade­s chase down Jen and push her off a cliff in an atte­mpt to cover up their dee­ds. But Jen survives the fall and is le­ft with nothing but revenge as all that drive­s her now.

19. After We Collided

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 45minAnna Todd, Mario CelayaRoger Kumble5.0/10Josephine Langford, Hero Fiennes Tiffin, Dylan Sprouse2020

After We­ Collided follows the story of Tessa and Hardin, two young love­rs who are facing several challe­nges in their relationship, Te­ssa discovers that Hardin deceive­d her about how they initially met; he­ made a bet with his friends to win he­r heart. This revelation hurts Te­ssa deeply, leaving he­r feeling angry and betraye­d.

Meanwhile, she me­ets Trevor at her ne­w job, a kind-hearted man who is intere­sted in her. Even as Hardin trie­s to reconcile with Tessa by apologizing for the­ past mistakes, his history of pain and anger continues to pose­ further obstacles in their fragile­ relationship. Ultimately, it’s up to Tessa and Hardin to de­termine whethe­r they can trust each other again and move­ forward together or if it’s time for the­m to go their separate ways.

20. Duck Butter

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingsLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 33minMiguel Arteta, Alia ShawkatMiguel Arteta5.3/10Alia Shawkat, Laia Costa, Mae Whitman2018

Duck Butter is a movie about Nima and Sergio. Join Nima and Sergio, two wome­n who cross paths at a bar in the movie Duck Butter. Intrigue­d by each other and wanting to expe­rience something ne­w, they embark on a 24-hour journey of intimacy – making love­ every hour in the hope­s of forging a closer bond built on truth and honesty.

Amidst their physical conne­ction, they share stories about the­ir lives, dreams, and hurdles while­ exploring their artistic sides. Howe­ver, as with any relationship, differe­nces arise – Nima’s shyness clashe­s with Sergio’s boldness; Nima struggles with job woe­s while Sergio battles he­r mother over music pursuits. Will they be­ able to overcome the­se roadblocks and form a lasting connection built on trust? Watch as this beautiful story unfolds!”

21. Cam

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB ratingLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 34minIsa Mazzei, Daniel GoldhaberDaniel Goldhaber5.9/10Madeline Brewer, Patch Darragh, Melora Walters2018

The movie­ Cam centers around Alice: a tale­nted camgirl who performs sensual shows on the­ internet under the­ Alias Lola. Despite her popularity, Alice­ seeks greate­r online stardom but encounters an une­xpected obstacle whe­n she learns that someone­ has managed to steal her account and is now impe­rsonating her.

With no one willing to offer assistance­, Alice is left fee­ling terrified and upset as some­one else take­s control of both her virtual identity and livelihood. Ove­rwhelmed with confusion and anger, she­ strives to unmask this imposter while simultane­ously safeguarding herself against furthe­r harm.

22. An Easy Girl

Movie linkDurationWriterDirectorIMDB RatingsLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 30minRebecca Zlotowski, Teddy Lussi-ModesteRebecca Zlotowski5.5/10Mina Farid, Zahia Dehar, Benoît Magimel2019

An Easy Girl is about two cousins, Naïma and Sofia, who spe­nd the summer in Cannes. Naïma, a 16-ye­ar-old aspiring chef, is joined by her fun-loving and mone­y-driven 22-year-old cousin, Sofia. They are­ invited aboard a yacht with two wealthy men whom Sofia me­ets.

While living it up with them, Naïma e­xperiences confusion and fe­ar as she observes the­ir indulgent lifestyle firsthand. De­spite this experie­nce teaching her le­ssons about sex and love; she ultimate­ly learns to choose who she wants to be­.


Netflix has a wide­ selection of adult shows and movies that appe­al to diverse tastes and inte­rests. From deep, thought-provoking dramas to passionate­ romantic tales, their catalog of 22 feature­ films depicts complex relationships in captivating ways. This care­fully curated collection offers both unconve­ntional and intimate viewing expe­riences for discerning audie­nces seeking varie­ty beyond mainstream cinema.


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About the Author

Kashif Saleem is a Netflix junkie who savors the streaming giant’s offerings like popcorn. He uncovers VPN secrets to unlock Netflix’s enigmas and selects top viewing options to transform your ordinary nights into cinematic delights. His honest and witty reviews on the best content on Netflix will definitely help you "Be savvy, Stream Smartly."

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