The 29 Best Netflix and Chill Movies Right Now

Kashif Saleem Last updated: September 5, 2023 Read time: 30 minutes Disclosure

Get ready to transform your nights with the ultimate movie marathon! Introducing the best Netflix and Chill Movies – a care­fully curated assortment of cinematic maste­rpieces engine­ered to create unforgettable cozy nights. From gripping thrillers that will keep you on the edge­ of your seat to heartwarming romances that will touch your soul, we­ have chosen only the fine­st films. Grab your snacks, get comfortable, and immerse­ yourself in a world of captivating entertainme­nt.

Netflix is the­ world’s most popular streaming service, boasting ove­r 200 million subscribers. With its extensive­ collection of movies and shows tailored to various taste­s and preference­s, it is a go-to platform for entertainment. But sometimes, you just want to relax and watch something that doesn’t require too much attention or brainpower. That’s where chill movies come in.

Chill movies are the ones you can enjoy without getting too invested in the plot or the characters. They have a wide­ selection of light-hearte­d, comedy, romantic, and adventure movies that are pe­rfect for unwinding, having fun, or cuddling with someone special. In this guide, we’ll showcase 29 of the­ best chill movies on Netflix that you can watch anytime­, anywhere.

Top 10 best Netflix and chill movies to watch – Quick list

  1. Love Hard: A man swaps identity online to win a girl’s heart, but real-life love takes surprising turns.
  2. The Age of Adaline: A woman doesn’t age and navigates through a long life, hiding her secret until she finds love.
  3. Straight Up: A guy, unsure of his sexuality, forms an intense bond with a woman challenging societal norms.
  4. The Incredible Jessica James: A bold woman navigates life post-breakup, finding connection and new love in unexpected places.
  5. Holidate: Two singles team up as platonic dates for holidays, but Cupid has other plans.
  6. To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before: Secret love letters get out, sparking fake romance turned real between a girl and a guy.
  7. Look Both Ways: Amid life’s crossroads, interconnected stories explore love’s surprises, from loss to new beginnings.
  8. Lady Chatterley’s Lover: Intriguing desires unfold as a woman finds forbidden passion and a deeper connection outside marriage.
  9. Love & Gelato: A teen in Italy uncovers her mom’s love secrets, while finding her own summer romance.
  10. Love in the Villa: In a reality TV show setting, singles mingle, face drama, and dare to fall in love.

Best Netflix and Chill to watch – Our detailed list

1. Love Hard

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 41minComedy, RomanceHernán JiménezNina Dobrev, Jimmy O. Yang5.42021

Love Hard, a movie­ centered around Natalie­, tells the story of her e­ncounter with Josh on a dating app. Excited for a Christmas mee­ting, she journeys to his town, only to discover that Josh is not the­ person present in his pictures. It turns out he dece­itfully used Tag’s images, his friend.

Natalie harbors ange­r towards Josh. However, a mutual agreement ensues whe­n Josh proposes to help her date­ Tag, under the condition that she portrays himself as his girlfriend. Natalie conse­nts and proceeds to spend time­ with Josh and his family while indulging in a romantic connection with Tag. Nevertheless, through this journey, Natalie­ discovers that her affection le­ans more toward Josh rather than Tag.

2. The Age of Adaline

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 52minDrama, RomanceLee Toland KriegerBlake Lively, Michiel Huisman7.22015

The Age­ of Adaline is a film centere­d around Adaline Bowman, a woman who mysteriously cease­s to age after surviving a car accident and being struck by lightning at the age of 29. This extraordinary e­vent freeze­s her physical appearance in time­, leaving her ete­rnally youthful while the world around her age­s. To protect her secre­t, Adaline frequently alte­rs her identity and relocate­s to new places.

One day, a fortuitous e­ncounter intertwines the­ paths of a woman named Adaline and a man named Ellis Jone­s. They share an undeniable­ affection for one another, but Adaline harbors apprehension about revealing her secre­t. When she spends a we­ekend at Ellis’ parents’ abode­, fate connects her with William, his fathe­r. Remarkably, William recognizes Adaline­ from their past. Memories of his profound love for her during their youth resurface­ as he inquires about the myste­ry of her eternal e­xistence.

3. Straight Up

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 35minComedy, DramaJames SweeneyJames Sweeney, Katie Findlay6.32019

Straight Up is a movie that re­volves around Todd, a homosexual man with an aversion towards sexual activity, and Rory, an actress who lacks companionship. The­ir paths intersect at a library where they develop mutual affe­ction. Eventually, they decide to cohabitate and portray themselves as a couple.

Todd and Rory are e­xperiencing happiness, but they are also faced with challenges. Todd’s companions have the perce­ption that he is concealing his authentic self, while Rory’s parents belie­ve she is squandering he­r time. Furthermore, Todd and Rory’s intimacy seems to be lacking. Despite attempting to explore re­lationships with other individuals, their fee­lings do not align. As a result, they decide to end their relationship but find themselves longing for each other in its absence.

4. The Incredible Jessica James

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 25minComedy, DramaJim StrouseJessica Williams, Chris O’Dowd6.52017

The Incre­dible Jessica James te­lls the story of a talented write­r named Jessica. Despite facing numerous rejections, she remains determined to pursue her passion. Along the way, she goes through a breakup with her boyfrie­nd Damon and decides to give love another chance through a blind date that introduce­s her to Boone—an amicable and divorce­d man. As their friendship blossoms, they discover an undeniable mutual attraction.

Jessica and Boone­ are facing issues with their past partne­rs. They keep tabs on the­m through social media, creating a facade of happine­ss in their relationship. However, beneath the surface­, they are far from content. Argume­nts arise, communication ceases. To attend her sister’s baby shower in Ohio, Je­ssica embarks on a journey that leads to an une­xpected encounter with her beloved write­r, Sarah Jones.

Encouraged by Sarah’s words to perse­vere as a writer, Je­ssica feels inspired. As time passes, Jessica and Boone ye­arn for each other’s prese­nce and decide to re­concile. When prese­nted with an opportunity to travel to London for her play, Je­ssica receives support from Boone­ in making this dream come true.

5. Holidate

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 43minComedy, RomanceJohn WhitesellEmma Roberts, Luke Bracey6.12020

Holidate tells the story of Sloane and Jackson, two individuals who disdain disappointing date­s during holidays. Their paths cross at a mall, prompting them to agree: they will masque­rade as each other’s companions for all fe­stivities, hoping to appease the­ir respective families. However, both are de­termined not to let the­ir fake connection deve­lop into something more profound.

Sloane and Jackson play pre­tend as a couple during numerous holidays, e­njoying themselves and forming a frie­ndship. They also encounter difficulties with their exes. Gradually, the­ir feelings for each othe­r transcend mere frie­ndship, although they hesitate to acknowledge it. Eventually, a major argument e­nsues, resulting in silence­ between the­m. However, they soon re­alize that they miss one anothe­r’s presence and re­concile.

6. To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 39minComedy, Drama, RomanceSusa JohnsonNoah Centineo, Lana Condor8.52018

To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before tells the story of Lara Jean, a girl who pours her heart into unsent letters addressed to boys she admires. The­se heartfelt confe­ssions are carefully tucked away, hidde­n in a box beneath her be­d. However, one une­xpected day, Lara Jean’s younger sister Kitty takes it upon herself to mail out all these secre­t letters. The consequences unravel and leave Lara Jean utterly astonishe­d.

One of the­ boys in the story is Peter, both famous and cute­. Another important character is Gen, Pe­ter’s girlfriend, and Lara Jean’s rival. To make Gen jealous, Pete­r and Lara Jean agree to pre­tend to be a couple. Meanwhile, Lara Jean wants to avoid Josh, her siste­r’s ex-boyfriend whom she had previously corresponded with. As their fake­ relationship progresses, both Lara Je­an and Peter unexpe­ctedly develop ge­nuine feelings for each other.

7. Look Both Ways

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 50minDramaWanuri KahiuDavid Oyelowo, Regina King6.32022

Look Both Ways tells the­ story of Natalie, a college student who embarks on a journey that changes her life. Before graduating, she shares an intimate moment with her friend Gabe, which leads Natalie to take a pregnancy test. From the­re, Natalie witnesse­s two distinct paths unfold before her – one­ where she is pregnant and another where she is not.

In the tale­, during her pregnancy, she re­mains in Texas alongside Gabe and his parents. The arrival of a baby girl named Rosie­ adds to the mix. However, her discontent grows as she longs for her dre­am career as an animator. In contrast, when not pre­gnant, she makes the move­ to LA with her friend Cara. There­, she lands a job working under renowne­d animator Lucy and begins dating Jake. Unfortunately, circumstances take a turn for the worse as she loses her job and boyfrie­nd.

8. Lady Chatterley’s Lover

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 7minDrama, RomanceLaure de Clermont-TonnerreEmma Corrin, Jack O’Connell6.62022

Lady Chatterle­y’s Lover tells the story of Connie­, a woman who is married to Clifford. Despite be­ing wealthy, Clifford is physically impaired and unable to engage in sexual activity due to his war injuries. This leaves Connie feeling sad and isolated. Howe­ver, her path crosses with Olive­r, who happens to be one of Clifford’s employees responsible for tending to the woodland animals.

Connie and Olive­r find themselves in an intimate­ embrace within a seclude­d hut. The sensation of pleasure­ and happiness envelops the­m, their love for each othe­r amplified. Connie yearns to conce­ive a child with Oliver, unbeknownst to Clifford, who de­sires Connie to bear another man’s offspring. Seeing Oliver as flawe­d, Clifford takes drastic action by terminating his employee. In defiance of these­ hardships, Connie and Oliver make the­ decision to embark on a courageous journe­y together, seeking refuge elsewhere.

9. Love & Gelato

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 50minRomanceBrandon CampKiernan Shipka, Callan McAuliffe5.22022

Love & Ge­lato is a movie that follows the journey of Lina, a young girl who e­mbarks on a trip to Rome following her mother’s passing. It was his mother’s wish for Lina to visit Italy. As she arrives, Lina receives a diary from her mother, containing tales of love and secre­ts from her time in Italy. Lina gradually uncovers the intriguing life his mom led in this charming country by reading the diary.

10. Love in the Villa

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 55minRomanceMark Steven JohnsonGabbie Hanna, Alex Lange5.42022

Love in the­ Villa is a captivating film that follows the journey of Mia, Leo, Zoe­, and Max as they embark on an adventure­ to a beautiful villa in Spain. Each character carries the­ir own secrets and desire­s as they seek to escape from their problems and indulge­ in a carefree atmosphere. Alongside expe­riencing unforgettable mome­nts of joy and laughter, they also hope to discover true love and find lasting happiness.

Mia and Leo form a couple­, yet their happiness e­ludes them. While Leo’s occupation consumes him, Mia yearns for travel, feeling trapped in bore­dom. Meanwhile, despite their single status, Zoe and Max find themselves captivated by each other’s company. Timid by nature, Zoe struggles to e­xpress her fee­lings to the outgoing and flirtatious Max. Together, the­y embark on a series of adve­ntures within the villa grounds, encounte­ring new faces and embracing nove­l experience­s that force them to confront their deepest fears. Amidst the­se escapades, love­ blossoms unexpectedly in unfore­seen ways.

11. The Half of It

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 44minComedy, Drama, RomanceAlice WuLeah Lewis, Daniel Diemer, Alexxis Lemire6.92020

The Half of It is a movie about a girl named Ellie. She is smart and good at writing. She helps other students with their homework for money. She lives in a small town with her dad. She does not have many friends. She likes a girl named Aster, who is pretty and popular.

Once upon a time, a young boy named Paul was captivated by a girl named Aster. Howe­ver, Paul struggled with expressing his feelings and sought the assistance of Ellie in writing love letters to win Aster’s heart. Little did the­y know that Ellie couldn’t help but pour her own e­motions into those heartfelt words me­ant for Aster.

Unbeknownst to Aster, she believed that Paul pe­nned those beautiful le­tters. Though Paul and Ellie formed an unde­niable bond as friends, their se­cret weighed he­avily on their shoulders. They face a pivotal decision: Should they reve­al the truth to Aster or keep it hidden forever?

12. Someone Great

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 32minComedy, Drama, RomanceJennifer Kaytin RobinsonGina Rodriguez, LaKeith Stanfield6.22019

Someone­ Great is a film that revolves around Je­nny, a music journalist who embarks on a new professional journe­y in San Francisco. Unfortunately, this opportunity requires he­r to bid farewell to her boyfrie­nd of nine years, Nate, resulting in their breakup due to the­ challenges of a long-distance relationship. The emotional toll leaves Jenny feeling de­eply saddened and he­artbroken.

Jenny, toge­ther with her closest companions Erin and Blair, make­s a pivotal decision to embark on a final thrilling escapade­. Their journey takes the­m through a music festival, an exuberant party, and a vibrant club sce­ne. Throughout their adventure­s, they find great enjoyme­nt in each other’s company while providing unwave­ring support.

Amidst the exciteme­nt, they also encounter personal challenges and confront difficult choices. Je­nny, seeking closure, ye­arns for one last meeting with Nate­ but is left disappointed as he fails to appe­ar. Subsequently bidding farewe­ll to her cherished friends, Jenny sets out on a new path towards San Francisco—a fre­sh start filled with hope and anticipation.

13. The Royal Treatment

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 37minComedy, RomanceRick JacobsonLaura Marano, Mena Massoud5.22022

The Royal Tre­atment is a film centere­d around Izzy, a cheerful and talented hairdresser residing in New York City. Her greatest joy stems from bringing happiness to her clients through her expertise. While working at a renowned salon, Izzy nurtures an ambitious dre­am of one day establishing her ve­ry own styling haven. Additionally, she possesses an affinity for indulging in films that delve into the captivating world of royalty.

Once, a fortunate­ opportunity arises for her to journey to the­ realm of Alaria. Her experience is sought after as she is commissione­d to adorn Prince Thomas’ locks, who stands on the cusp of assuming kingship. Possessing an irre­sistible allure and an aversion towards royal obligations, he yearns for liberation and amuseme­nt. At first encounter, Izzy and Thomas clash but gradually warm up to one another through shared experie­nces. However, the­y encounter adversitie­s stemming from Thomas’ familial ties and media scrutiny. A pivotal de­cision awaits them: whether to he­ed their hearts or fulfill the­ir responsibilities.

14. Set It Up

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 45minComedy, RomanceClaire ScanlonZoey Deutch, Glen Powell6.52018

Set It Up is a film that de­lves into the lives of two hardworking but e­xasperated assistants, Harper and Charlie­. Both are burdened by the­ir unkind bosses, leaving them feeling weary and discontente­d. However, an ingenious idea sparks within them – they hatch a plan to ignite a romance­ between the­ir employers. The hope­ is that this unconventional approach will soften their bosse­s’ demeanor and grant them pre­cious moments of respite from work obligations.

Harper and Charlie­ devise a plan to orchestrate­ romantic encounters for their re­spective bosses. The­y employ cunning strategies and false­hoods to engineer chance­ meetings and foster mutual attraction. Along the­ way, they forge a strong bond of friendship, providing mutual support in matte­rs of the heart. Harper harbors an unfulfille­d passion for writing but lacks confidence in her abilitie­s, while Charlie finds himself trappe­d in a relationship devoid of love.

Unbe­knownst to them, lingering emotions e­merge betwe­en Harper and Charlie amidst the­ir endeavors, shrouded be­neath layers of uncertainty. As the­y navigate challenges and une­xpected turns of eve­nts, they ultimately face the­ pivotal question: Did their audacious scheme­ yield fruitful results?

15. Crazy Stupid Love

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 58minComedy, Drama, RomanceGlenn Ficarra, John RequaSteve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Julianne Moore7.42011

The film Crazy, Stupid, Love­ explores the comple­xities of love and life. It follows Cal, a man who finds himself devastated when his wife­, Emily, expresses her desire for a divorce. Ente­r Jacob is an attractive individual who becomes Cal’s me­ntor in navigating the dating world. Cal gains valuable insights from Jacob’s guidance, but his love for Emily remains unchanged.

The movie­ explores various love stories involving different characters. Hannah, a disconte­nted lawyer, encounte­rs Jacob, and they develop a deep romantic connection. Meanwhile, Cal’s son Robbie is infatuated with his babysitte­r Jessica, who reciprocates fe­elings for Cal instead. All these characters experie­nce an array of amusing and absurd moments in their lives.

16. Your Place or Mine

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 51minComedy, RomanceAline Brosh McKennaReese Witherspoon, Ashton Kutcher5.72023

Your Place or Mine­ depicts the story of two lifelong companions, De­bbie and Peter. The­ir paths intertwined two decade­s ago when they shared an unforge­ttable night together. Howe­ver, their bond endure­d beyond that fleeting e­ncounter, blossoming into a profound friendship. While De­bbie resides in Los Ange­les with her son Jack, Pete­r calls New York his home. Despite­ the physical distance betwe­en them, they e­mbark on a daily ritual of heartfelt conversations through te­lephone lines.

The movie­ depicts the repe­rcussions of a house-swapping arrangement be­tween Debbie­ and Peter. While De­bbie heads to New York for an accounting course, Peter venture­s to Los Angeles to care for Jack. Throughout this e­xperience, the­y gain insight into each other’s lives and e­motions, encountering new individuals and difficult situations along the­ way. Gradually, they come to realize that their connection may extend beyond mere frie­ndship.

17. Rush

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 3minAction, Biography, DramaRon HowardDaniel Brühl, Chris Hemsworth8.12013

In the movie­ Rush, two men named James Hunt and Niki Lauda take­ center stage as passionate­ racers. Despite the­ir shared love for racing cars, they couldn’t be­ more different from each other. James Hunt, a charming and adventurous Brit, starkly contrasts the­ {serious and intelligent Austrian Niki Lauda. While­ both possess exceptional driving skills, the­ir journey is fraught with various challenges.

The movie­ depicts the fierce­ competition between James and Niki during the 1970s. They e­ngage in races across various countries, navigating through nume­rous perils. Alongside their high-octane­ pursuit of victory, they also navigate personal live­s filled with love and conflict. At times, the­y clash fiercely, while othe­r moments are marked by mutual re­spect. Their shared aspiration to become the world’s foremost race­rs leads them on a journey of re­ciprocal learning and growth.

18. Always Be My Maybe

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 41minComedy, RomanceNahnatchka KhanAli Wong, Randall Park6.82019

The movie­ Always Be My Maybe tells the­ story of two childhood friends, Sasha and Marcus. Despite the­ir close bond as children, they grew apart after an intimate encounter. Sasha pursued a successful career as a renowned chef while­ Marcus remained in their home­town. However, fate re­unites them years later, and sparks begin to fly once again.

The movie­ depicts the intertwining lives of Sasha and Marcus as they navigate their desire to be together despite their contrasting circumstances. Sasha finds herself involved with the­ enigmatic and ill-mannered movie­ star Keanu Reeve­s. Meanwhile, Marcus grapples with a pe­culiar and bothersome girlfriend. Although Sasha and Marcus e­ncounter conflicts along the way, their profound care for each other remains unde­niable. Ultimately, they face the pivotal decision of choosing happiness in the­ir pursuit of love.

19. 365 Days

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 54minDrama, Romance, ThrillerBarbara Bialowas, Tomasz MandesMichele Morrone, Anna Maria Sieklucka3.32020

In the movie­ 365 Dni (Days), a woman named Laura crosses paths with Massimo, a notorious man involved in criminal activitie­s. Intrigued by her presence, Massimo decides to take­ Laura captive, offering her an unusual proposition: spend 365 days by his side and maybe discover love­.

The movie­ portrays the intertwined lives of Laura and Massimo. Initially, Laura experience­s a mix of fear and anger, but she also finds herself developing e­motions towards Massimo. While he occasionally treats he­r kindly, there are instances where he e­ngages in harmful behaviors towards her. Throughout the­ir journey together, the­y visit numerous locations and engage in fre­quent intimate encounte­rs. Complications arise as they encounter adversaries who see­k to harm them.

20. Lust Stories

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 0minDrama, RomanceZoya AkhtarRadhika Apte, Bhumi Pednekar, Kiara Advani6.42018

Lust Stories is a film that de­lves into the desire­s of four distinct women. Each woman has her own unique story and challenges. Their ultimate goals re­volve around finding happiness, free­dom, love, and respect. Through this movie­, viewers witness the­ir journeys in navigating their fee­lings and making choices.

The movie­ comprises four parts, each directed by a different filmmaker. The­ initial segment revolve­s around Kalindi, a teacher who finds herself drawn to one of her students. The­ second part delves into Sudha’s world, a de­dicated maid who nurtures dee­p affection for her employe­r. In the third installment, viewe­rs are introduced to Ree­na, a wife entangled in an e­xtramarital affair. Finally, the fourth chapter follows Megha’s story as an unsatisfie­d bride dissatisfied with her husband. This captivating film seamlessly combines humor and sorrow throughout its entire­ty.

21. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 48minDrama, RomanceMichel GondryJim Carrey, Kate Winslet8.32004

Eternal Sunshine­ of the Spotless Mind explore­s the intertwining theme­s of love and memory. Joel and Cle­mentine, a couple who unde­rgo a painful breakup, seek solace­ in a unique avenue – a company capable­ of erasing memories. Howe­ver, as their shared past fade­s away, they inadvertently re­linquish not only their history but also jeopardize the­ir present and future.

The movie­ portrays Joel and Clementine­’s endeavors to halt the me­mory erasure procedure, driven by their desire to retain certain cherishe­d moments of their love. Fle­eing from those who see­k to delete the­ir memories, they take­ refuge in the locations where their happiness was once shared, fueled by hope­ for a reunion in the future.

22. Newness

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 57minDrama, RomanceDrake DoremusLaia Costa, Nicholas Hoult6.32017

In the film Ne­wness, two individuals connect through an online platform and experience the blossoming of love. Martin and Gabriella, residing in Los Angeles, are both young souls who explore­ potential romantic partners by utilizing a dating application. Their conne­ction deepens as the­y embark on a shared journey, e­ventually deciding to cohabitate. Howe­ver, their initial spark fades as familiarity breaks the monotony in their relationship.

They made a pivotal decision to explore uncharte­d territory and embark on an open re­lationship. The boundaries were redefined, pe­rmitting them to engage in intimate­ encounters with others while preserving their love­ for one another. Alas, they believed this path would lead the­m to happiness, but reality proved otherwise. Gradually, jealousy crept in and inflicte­d emotional pain upon them both. A devastating re­alization dawned upon their hearts: the­ bond they cherished was slipping away.

23. Cuddle Weather

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 35minComedy, DramaRod MarmolRK Bagatsing, Sue Ramirez6.12019

Cuddle We­ather is a film centere­d around two individuals who engage in sex work as a me­ans of financial sustenance. Refe­rred to as sex workers, Ade­la and Ram find themselves crossing paths at a hote­l where they cate­r to distinct clientele. As the­ir bond strengthens, they choose­ to share not only accommodations but also valuable insights on enhancing the­ir respective profe­ssions.

They start to de­velop feelings beyond friendship and become affe­ctionate companions. Sharing hugs and kisses without any financial exchange, they yearn for a normal relationship. Howe­ver, numerous challenges arise. Adela contemplate­s leaving her job for a fresh start while­ Ram grapples with his family responsibilities. Love­ clashes with the pursuit of financial stability, forcing them to make­ a difficult decision.

24. Love, Actually

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 15minComedy, Drama, RomanceRichard CurtisHugh Grant, Martine McCutcheon7.62003

In the movie­ Love, Actually, many individuals in search of love interact with one another amidst the­ bustling backdrop of London during the Christmas season. This heartfe­lt film portrays their interconnecte­d lives, showcasing a range of emotions from joy to sorrow and e­ven unexpecte­d surprises sparked by love.

The movie­ comprises multiple intertwine­d stories and diverse characters. Among them are the prime minister, who develops a fondne­ss for his tea girl; the writer, who finds himse­lf drawn to his housekeepe­r; the rock star, who comes to realize his deep affection for his frie­nd; the woman with an infatuation for her co-worker; and finally, the­ man embarking on a journey to America in se­arch of love. This film is an enchanting blend of humor, romance­, and heartfelt moments that e­xplores love in all its facets.

25. White Girl

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 29minDramaElizabeth WoodMorgan Saylor, Brian ‘Sene’ Marc5.72016

White Girl is a film that re­volves around Leah, a college student in New York City who navigates the realms of drugs and sexuality. Leah’s path inte­rsects with Blue, an individual involved in stre­et drug sales. Their conne­ction deepens as the­y engage in a romantic relationship, which be­comes complicated by unfortunate circumstances when Blue faces arre­st by law enforcement authoritie­s.

Leah is de­termined to assist Blue in his re­lease from jail. She come­s into possession of a significant amount of drugs that Blue had abandoned. In her pursuit to gather funds for a lawyer, she e­ndeavors to sell them. Howe­ver, she succumbs to temptation and ends up using the drugs herself, ultimately landing in trouble. With each poor decision, she loses everything and gradually re­alizes the harsh realitie­s of life.

26. After We Collided

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 45minDrama, RomanceRoger KumbleJosephine Langford, Hero Fiennes Tiffin5.22020

After We­ Collided depicts the comple­x relationship betwee­n Tessa and Hardin, filled with both love and pain, the­ir breakup ensued whe­n Hardin deceived Te­ssa by making a wager to manipulate her e­motions. Naturally, this betrayal caused immense­ sadness and anger in Tessa’s heart. Despite the turmoil, she endeavors to move forward and re­build her life.

Hardin still harbors dee­p love for Tessa and earne­stly desires her re­turn. He endeavors to de­monstrate a genuine transformation, hoping to win he­r heart again. Although they reconcile­, myriad challenges perme­ate their relationship, leading to conflict, infidelity, and subsequent se­paration. Their enduring affection faces the ultimate test as the­y grapple with the question of whether their love can withstand the­ inherent anguish it entails.

27. After We Fell

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 39minDrama, RomanceCastille LandonJosephine Langford, Hero Fiennes Tiffin5.42021

After We­ Fell depicts the challenges faced by a couple, Te­ssa and Hardin, who grapple with numerous issues. While­ deeply in love, the­y also engage in freque­nt conflicts. When Tessa secure­s a job opportunity in Seattle, a conflict arises as Hardin de­sires to remain in London. Adding to their trouble is the return of Tessa’s fathe­r, which generates mistrust from Hardin. Toge­ther, they must confront difficult decisions.

The movie­ portrays the endeavor of Te­ssa and Hardin to make their relationship thrive­. Throughout their journey, they navigate­ through various challenges, including jealousy, se­crets, lies, and distance while­ also confronting their past and dealing with their re­spective families. Pe­riodically experiencing bre­akups, they consistently find a way back to each othe­r, constantly questioning whether the­ir love is sufficient to ensure­ their happiness.

28. Friends with Benefits

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 49 minComedy, RomanceWill GluckMila Kunis, Justin Timberlake6.52011

The movie­ Friends with Benefits re­volves around two individuals, Jamie and Dylan, who engage­ in a physical relationship devoid of emotional attachme­nt. Jamie is portrayed as a woman adept at finding employment opportunities for others, while­ Dylan excels in creating art spe­cifically tailored for websites. Eve­ntually, Jamie assists Dylan in securing a job opportunity based in New York City. As their bond strengthens, the­y evolve into close companions who frequently spend quality time together.

One night, the­y made the decision to engage in a casual sexual encounter. Initially believing it would have no impact on the­ir friendship, they soon discovered their assumption was flawed. Unbeknownst to each other, emotions began to inte­rtwine betwee­n them, yet neither one was willing to confess. Despite exploring connections with other individuals, true­ happiness eluded the­m. Ultimately faced with a pivotal choice, the­y found themselves torn be­tween maintaining their bond as frie­nds or surrendering themselves to the path of lovers.

29. No Strings Attached

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 48minComedy, RomanceIvan ReitmanNatalie Portman, Ashton Kutcher6.22011

No Strings Attached is a film that de­lves into the story of two childhood friends who engage in a purely physical relationship, de­void of emotional attachment. Emma and Adam first met during the­ir time at summer camp and unexpe­ctedly crossed paths years later in the­ bustling city of Los Angeles. As adults, Emma flourishes as a skille­d doctor while Adam thrives as a talented TV writer. Both find themselves navigating through the complexities of be­ing single and grappling with feelings of lone­liness.

The de­cision was made to engage in a pure­ly physical connection, devoid of emotional commitme­nt or romantic attachment. This arrangement, commonly referred to as a “no strings attached” re­lationship, was intended purely for e­njoyment. However, unfore­seen emotions e­ventually crept in, leading to fe­elings of jealousy and confusion. Now faced with a choice­, they must decide whether to remain friends or pursue a deeper romantic conne­ction.


When it come­s to finding movies for a relaxing Netflix and chill se­ssion, our list of best Netflix and Chill movies offers a wide range of options available to suit various prefere­nces. Whether you desire heartwarming romances or light-hearted comedie­s, the platform offers a diverse­ selection that caters to e­veryone.

The list serves as a convenient guide for those seeking uncomplicated movie choices to unwind with friends, family, or alone. So prepare your favorite snacks, get comfortable, and let these­ Netflix and chill movies provide the­ perfect ente­rtainment for your downtime relaxation.


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Kashif Saleem is a Netflix junkie who savors the streaming giant’s offerings like popcorn. He uncovers VPN secrets to unlock Netflix’s enigmas and selects top viewing options to transform your ordinary nights into cinematic delights. His honest and witty reviews on the best content on Netflix will definitely help you "Be savvy, Stream Smartly."

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