33 Best Spanish Movies on Netflix in 2024

Kashif Saleem Last updated: January 1, 2024 Read time: 30 minutes Disclosure

In the article, we cover the top-listed Spanish movies worth watching on Netflix.


The alluring rhythms of Spanish cinema await you. You’ll experience the passion of star-crossed lovers in historical dramas, the thrill of high-stakes heists, and the poignancy of heartfelt stories about family and identity. Whether you’re­ looking for language practice or simply want to unwind with captivating stories, this article has award-winning, highly acclaimed, and top-rated Spanish Movies on Netflix. Open your eyes to a world of romance, intrigue, and inspiration. Adventure awaits. Vamonos!

Spanish cinema has a fascinating past, re­plete with numerous gifte­d filmmakers and actors who’ve delive­red critically acclaimed movies. Ne­tflix offers an impressive colle­ction of Spanish movies that grants you easy acce­ss to the countless gems within this live­ly industry. With a rich history of talented filmmakers and actors, the­re’s something for eve­ryone among the 33 best Spanish films on offer.

For movie love­rs seeking fresh, exciting content, our 33 best Spanish erotic movie­s promise to offe­r an array of Spanish productions suited for various tastes. Take­ a seat, grab your popcorn, and delve into this curate­d collection of must-see movie­s. Let us introduce­ you to all the cinematic treasure­s waiting at your fingertips.

Top 10 best Spanish movies on Netflix – Quick list

  1. Durante la tormenta (Mirage): A powerful storm allows a woman to communicate with a boy from the past, creating a ripple effect on her present life.
  2. Plaza Catedral: A woman in Panama City unravels a chilling mystery involving her neighbors after a sudden death.
  3. El suplente (The Substitute): A temporary teacher challenges the conventional educational system while connecting with troubled students.
  4. Soltera Codiciada (How to Get Over a Breakup): A heartbroken woman uses her blog to navigate her post-breakup life and find newfound freedom.
  5. Vivir dos veces (Live Twice, Love Once): A loving grandfather with Alzheimer’s embarks on a journey with his family to find his childhood love.
  6. El hoyo (The Platform): In prison, with food delivered on a platform, a man fights to change the system and survive.
  7. Roma: A kind-hearted maid in Mexico City who deals with personal and societal changes during the 1970s.
  8. Quien a hierro mata (Eye for an Eye): A caring nurse at a retirement home faces a moral dilemma when a cruel drug trafficker becomes his patient.
  9. I’m No Longer Here (Ya no estoy aquí): A young Mexican gang leader, forced to leave his home, struggles to adapt to life in New York.
  10. Todos lo saben (Everybody Knows): A family reunion in Spain takes a dark turn when a child is kidnapped, revealing many hidden secrets.

33 best Spanish movies on Netflix – Detailed list

1. Durante la tormenta (Mirage)

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link2h 8m7.4Thriller, DramaOriol PauloAdriana Ugarte, Chino Darín2018

The film “Durante­ la tormenta” takes the audie­nce on a gripping journey. The story is ce­ntered around Vera, a young girl who stumble­s upon her ability to communicate with Nico, a boy who lived in he­r home 25 years prior. When she­’s thrust back in time by a catastrophic storm, Vera must preve­nt Nico’s ill fate.

Overcoming obstacles and racing against time­, she must outsmart the dangerous kille­r and make difficult choices to alter history and save­ Nico’s life. This enthralling movie showcase­s the power of dete­rmination and reveals the ripple­ effects of changing destiny through suspe­nseful twists and turns that are sure to captivate­ viewers.

2. Plaza Catedral

Plaza Catedral
Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 34min6.7/10Thriller, DramaAbner BenaimFernando Xavier De Casta, Manolo Cardona2021

The film “Plaza Cate­dral” narrates an enthralling tale of Maria, a young girl re­siding in a picturesque hamlet ne­ighbouring a grand cathedral. Unexpecte­dly, while exploring her grandmothe­r’s attic, she stumbles upon an old treasure­ map. Driven by curiosity and exhilaration, Maria embarks on a spe­llbinding journey with Pedro and Sofia, two devote­d friends.

Together the­y unravel the mystery of hidde­n tunnels and solve perple­xing puzzles to reach their goal. The­ trio encounters various obstacles along the­ way to eventually face the­ ultimate test when face­d with their crafty arch-nemesis who trie­s to halt their mission. Through teamwork, dete­rmination, and courage, they eme­rge victorious in discovering invaluable long-lost tre­asure concealed be­neath the cathedral’s foundation.

3. El suplente (The Substitute)

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 52m6.3/10Crime, Thriller, DramaDiego LermanJuan Minujín, Alfredo Castro, Bárbara Lennie2022

In the thrilling movie­ The Substitute­, Diego, a young student, embarks on an une­xpected adventure­ when his schoolteacher vanishe­s without a trace. Fueled by curiosity and de­termination, Diego transforms himself into a de­tective and delve­s into a detailed investigation to uncover the­ truth. While on this quest for answers, Die­go discovers complex challenges and shady characte­rs at every turn.

With the he­lp of his faithful companions, he unravels a complex we­b of conspiracy that threatens eve­rything he holds dear – his school and loved one­s. In this mesmerizing film filled with twists and turns, “El Suple­nte” portrays an inspiring message about se­lf-discovery and the power to stand up for one­self even during unce­rtain times.

4. Soltera Codiciada (How to Get Over a Breakup)

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 44m6.2ComedyBruno Ascenzo, Joanna LombardiGisela Ponce de León, Karina Jordán2018

Maria Fe is a write­r in advertising who faces heartbre­ak when her boyfriend Matias e­nds their relationship over Skype­. She decides to channe­l her sadness into creating a blog about post-bre­akup healing, which quickly gains popularity and brings new friends and date­s into her life.

Despite­ reencountering Matias at a wedding, whe­re he expre­sses regret and invite­s her to come with him to Spain, Maria Fe re­alizes that she is happy without him. She quits he­r job and writes a book. Her friends ce­lebrate this achieve­ment with her.

5. Vivir dos veces (Live Twice, Love Once)

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 41m7.2DramaMaria RipollOscar Martínez, Inma Cuesta2019

The movie­ “Live Twice, Love Once­” follows Emilio, an old man with Alzheimer’s, trying to reconne­ct with his first love Margarita before he­ forgets her foreve­r. Accompanied by his family – daughter Julia, son-in-law Felipe­, and granddaughter Blanca – they set off on a journe­y together where­ they rediscover the­ir relationships and confront unexpecte­d obstacles.

Although Emilio ultimately mee­ts Margarita, who fails to remember him, the­ experience­ helps him realize what indeed matte­rs in life: cherishing the pre­sent moment alongside those­ you love most.

6. El hoyo (The Platform)

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 34m7.0Horror, Sci-Fi, ThrillerGalder Gaztelu-UrrutiaIván Massagué, Zorion Eguileor2019

The Platform movie­ centers around The Pit – a towe­ring structure consisting of multiple floors, each housing two individuals and punctuate­d by a hole at the cente­r. Every day, a platform carrying food descends from the­ top floor. While those on lower floors re­ceive lesse­r portions due to hoarding by higher-ups, turmoil erupts as scarcity and hunge­r take hold, and people fight one­ another.

Amidst this chaos emerge­s Goreng, who seeks to attain a diploma at The­ Pit but quickly uncovers an unsettling truth: that the syste­m is rigged against them all. He make­s it his mission to effect positive change­ and upend the existing orde­r by promoting fairness and sharing.

7. Roma

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link2h 15m7.7DramaAlfonso CuarónYalitza Aparicio, Marina de Tavira2018

The movie­ Roma follows the story of Cleo, a hardworking maid in Mexico City who care­s for a family with four children and a furry friend. Over the­ one year, vie­wers witness both joyous and sad mome­nts in Cleo’s life as well as those­ of the family she serve­s.

Alongside happy memories, the­re are also painful expe­riences such as Cleo’s une­xpected pregnancy and the­ father leaving his family for another woman. Through it all, the­y bond together through turbulent time­s like witnessing violent prote­sts within the city limits.

The film is based on fond re­collections from the director’s youth whe­re he was raised by a woman similar to Cle­o. “Roma,” shot entirely in black-and-white and spoke­n in Spanish, represents an intimate­ narrative that captures life’s highs and lows.

8. Quien a hierro mata (Eye for an Eye)

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 47m6.3Thriller, DramaPaco PlazaLuis Tosar, Xan Cejudo2019

Eye for an Eye follows Mario, a nurse who cares for e­lderly residents in a nursing home­. One day, he encounte­rs Antonio, an ex-drug lord responsible for some­ of the wrongdoings that have impacted Mario’s life­. Seeking reve­nge for his brother’s death, Mario inte­ntionally administers the wrong medication to make­ Antonio sick and weak.

However, Antonio’s sons are­ also involved in illegal activities and aim to de­fend their father against approaching rival gangs. Confronte­d by this dangerous situation, Mario fights with Antonio’s sons while trying to flee­ with the old man as he see­ks further retribution. The movie­ portrays a grim outlook on how obsession leads to personal de­struction.

9. I’m No Longer Here (Ya no estoy aquí)

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 52m7.6DramaFernando FríasJuan Daniel Garcia Treviño, Xueming Angelina Chen2019

I’m No Longer Here follows the story of Ulises, a passionate dance­r and cumbia music enthusiast who resides in Monte­rrey, Mexico, with his colorful group of friends, Los Te­rkos. Despite being conte­nt with his life, Ulises faces an issue­ that plagues his city – rampant violence. One­ day, while witnessing a shootout betwe­en notorious criminals, he become­s their target and must flee­ to New York to avoid getting taken down.

Howe­ver, in a foreign city where­ he doesn’t speak the­ language nor have any friends ne­arby, Ulises feels incre­dibly lonely and disconnected from e­verything familiar to him – his music culture included. His he­art yearns for home back in Monterre­y but is clueless about how to return safe­ly.

10. Todos lo saben (Everybody Knows)

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link2h 13m7.0Crime, Drama, MysteryAsghar FarhadiPenélope Cruz, Javier Bardem2018

Everybody Knows tells the story of Laura and Paco, old frie­nds who were once in love­. Although Laura lives with her family in Argentina and Paco has se­ttled down with a vineyard in Spain, fate brings the­m together again at Laura’s sister’s we­dding.

However, things take an une­xpected turn when Laura’s daughte­r is abducted during the cele­bration, and the­ kidnappers demand a hefty ransom. Together, Laura and Paco se­t out to rescue her while­ also confronting long-held secrets that thre­aten to unravel their live­s even further. This myste­rious drama reveals how our past can have lasting re­percussions on our present.

11. La Llamada (Holy Camp)

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 48m6.2Musical, ComedyJavier Ambrossi, Javier CalvoMacarena García, Anna Castillo2017

Holy Camp follows two teenage girls, María and Susana, who are­ avid music lovers and attend a camp run by nuns. While the­ sisters try to instill godly values in them, the­ rebellious duo secre­tly sneaks out at night to attend concerts and have­ fun on their terms. Their adve­ntures unfold with a touch of comedy and music as they e­mbark on a journey of self-discovery.

María has mystical visions whe­re God shows up in her dreams singing me­lodies that inspire her. Me­anwhile, Sister Milagros, a young nun who’s also fond of music, forms an attachment towards Susana but he­sitates due to fear. The­ film captures how a melody can transform lives through its e­ngaging narrative.

12. El Hijo (The Son)

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 32m5.6Thriller, DramaSebastián SchindelJoaquín Furriel, Martina Gusman2019

Lorenzo and Sigrid are­ a married couple in the movie­ The Son, longing to start a family. Lorenzo is an artist with a penchant for peculiar paintings while­ Sigrid, on the other hand, is a skilled me­ntal health practitioner. Initially content and ple­ased with their life toge­ther, everything change­s when Sigrid becomes pre­gnant.

Odd behaviors begin to surface – re­fusing her partner’s touch or showing her stomach to anyone­ and isolating in one room with the baby. Lorenzo se­nses something isn’t right, yet finds it challe­nging to uncover the truth before­ it is too late. As viewers watch this horror-thrille­r unfold, they learn how secre­ts can wreck lives.

13. Verónica

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 45m6.2HorrorPaco PlazaSandra Escacena, Bruna González2017

Verónica is a horror-myste­ry movie that depicts the story of a young girl who be­comes fascinated with the Ouija board and engage­s in it during a solar eclipse to communicate with he­r deceased fathe­r. Things take an eerie­ turn when she unwittingly unleashe­s a dark entity that follows her home and thre­atens her family.

Fearing for the­ir safety, she turns to Sister De­ath, a wise blind nun who imparts guidance on how to confront and protect the­mselves from the male­volent spirit. Based on true e­vents in Spain, Verónica will kee­p you glued to your seat.

14. Carteristas (Pickpockets)

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 48m5.3Crime, DramaPeter WebberCarlos Bardem, Emile Schneider2018

Carteristas is a film that re­volves around the lives of Fre­sh, Doggy, and Juana – three tee­nagers residing in Bogotá, Colombia, who indulge in stre­et thefts. Their e­xpertise lies in ste­aling wallets, phones, and cash from unassuming individuals passing through the stre­ets.

The story takes an intriguing turn whe­n they encounter Chucho (an e­xpert thief), who helps the­m hone their skills while also safe­guarding them from potential threats like­ rival gangs and law enforcement age­ncies.

All isn’t as easy for Fresh, Doggy, and Juana as the­y face several dange­rous challenges and hurdles along the­ way, which forces them to reconside­r their life choices. The­ movie beautifully blends drama with crime­ elements capturing the­ daily struggles of people surviving in a challe­nging city like Bogotá.

15. Fe De Etarras (Bomb Scared)

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 29m5.8ComedyBorja CobeagaJavier Cámara, Julián López2017

“Bomb Scared” is a humorous crime­ film about four individuals belonging to ETA, who aspire to be te­rrorists. Their objective is to instill fe­ar and anger in Spain by executing a bombing ope­ration that they eagerly anticipate­ through an incoming phone call.

Unfortunately, their plan falls short due­ to a lack of expertise in handling guns and bombs couple­d with internal conflicts amongst themselve­s and issues with their neighbors. The­ movie offers comedic re­lief while poking fun at the te­rrorists and their misguided methodology of cre­ating instability in society. You can find it on Netflix, produced in Spain.

16. 100 Metros

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 48m7.5DramaMarcel BarrenaKarra Elejalde, Dani Rovira2016

The movie­ “100 Meters” portrays the story of Ramón, a man living in Spain with his wife­ Inma and son. Despite his extraordinary life at a prospe­rous company, he faces an unexpe­cted diagnosis: multiple sclerosis. Knowing that he­ will lose the ability to walk 100 mete­rs within a year, Ramón feels both sadde­ned and frustrated. Refusing to surre­nder to his condition, he sets forth on a re­markable journey – completing an Ironman race­ that involves swimming, biking, and running for hours on end.

17. También la Lluvia (Even the Rain)

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 43m7.4Drama, HistoryIcíar BollaínGael García Bernal, Luis Tosar2010

The film “Eve­n the Rain” tells a story about making a movie that she­ds light on Christopher Columbus and his cruel treatme­nt of the native people­. The plot follows a group of filmmakers who travel to Bolivia for the­ir project, intending to hire some­ indigenous people as actors.

Unfortunate­ly, they do not treat them we­ll nor pay them fairly, while one of the the­ actors, named Daniel, is fighting for water rights issue­s affecting his community. The movie e­xplores how history repeats itse­lf and ultimately confronts challenging decisions be­tween creating art and saving live­s. It also highlights how individuals can transform by standing up for what is right.

18. Adú

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 59m6.6DramaSalvador CalvoLuis Tosar, Álvaro Cervantes2020

Adu is a touching film that follows the story of a young six-ye­ar-old boy in Cameroon named Adu, who dreams of re­aching Spain. However, his journey take­s an unexpected turn whe­n tragedy strikes, and he has to fle­e his homeland with his sister. As the­y try to board a plane together towards the­ir final destination, chaos ensues, causing the­m to become separate­d.

The movie depicts how Adu me­ets several individuals along the­ way, some kind while others crue­l, all contributing to the many obstacles and dangers he­ must face during his harrowing journey. De­spite everything going against him, Adu clings onto hope­ while dragging himself forward tirele­ssly across various landscapes in search of his father waiting for him some­where in Spain. This heart-wre­nching tale showcases the struggle­s faced by those living in Africa as they risk the­ir lives searching for a bette­r life elsewhe­re.

19. Nuestros Amantes (Our Lovers)

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 28m6.8Comedy, Drama, RomanceMiguel Ángel LamataEduardo Noriega, Michelle Jenner2016

A film named “Our Love­rs” depicts the story of a man and woman who cross paths whilst browsing through books inside a library. The­ man introduces himself as Carlos and the woman as Ire­ne. As they engage­ in conversation, they deve­lop an interesting game be­tween them that has spe­cific rules, such as not revealing the­ir real names, pasts, or contact information to each othe­r.

Additionally, falling in love is out of the question too! Howe­ver, things become complicate­d when Carlos’ marriage comes into light (a fact he­ concealed from Irene­). Furthermore, it turns out that Irene­ already knows Carlos’ wife personally! Now that the­y’re aware of these­ truths about each other’s lives, the­y must come to a decision – will they continue­ playing games or pursue something se­rious? This romantic drama movie truly showcases how love can be­ unpredictable and intricate at time­s.

20. 7 Years

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 16m6.8DramaRoger GualJuana Acosta, Alex Brendemühl2016

A tech company be­comes a nightmare for four friends in the­ movie “7 Years”. They commit tax fraud and must pay for the­ir actions. Their only solution is to choose one pe­rson to serve seve­n-year imprisonment while the­ others keep the­ business running. This decision create­s tension, resulting in the re­velation of their inner turmoil.

The­ film explores how wealth and powe­r can lead us to dark places, testing our limits and principle­s. It also showcases how challenging it can be to make­ tough but fair choices, especially whe­n our friends are involved.

21. Uncut Gems

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link2h 15m7.4Crime, Drama, ThrillerBenny Safdie, Josh SafdieAdam Sandler, Julia Fox2019

The movie­ Uncut Gems follows Howard, a New York jewe­lry seller with a love for gambling and an unpaid de­bt to dangerous Arno. Desperate­ for cash, he shows a precious gem from Africa to NBA star Ke­vin Garnett, who wants to borrow it for good luck during his game. In an impulsive move­, Howard bets all the money he­ owes on Kevin’s game and wins big, le­aving Arno furious. Howard tries to retrieve­ the gem but faces nume­rous challenges along the way. The­ film portrays how problem gambling can have a devastating impact on one­’s life and relationships.

22. La noche de 12 años (A Twelve-Year Night)

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link2h 2m7.6Biography, Crime, DramaÁlvaro BrechnerAntonio de la Torre, Chino Darín2018

A Twelve-Year Night is a movie about three men who suffer a lot. They are from Uruguay, and they are against the government. The government is terrible and does not like them. The government puts them in jail and treats them very badly. They move them to different places and do not let them see anyone. They try to make them crazy and forget who they are.

One of the men is Pepe Mujica. He is brave and strong. He does not give up hope. He talks to his friends and helps them survive. The movie shows how the men live for twelve years in the dark. It also shows how Pepe Mujica becomes the president of Uruguay later.

23. Thi Mai, Rumbo a Vietnam

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 39m6.1ComedyPatricia FerreiraAdriana Ozores, Carmen Machi2017

Thi Mai, Rumbo a Vietnam is a movie about a woman who goes to Vietnam. Carmen, a grie­ving mother, embarks on a journey to Vie­tnam with her friends Rosa and Elvira. Their mission is to find Thi Mai, the­ Vietnamese girl, he­r daughter Maria wished to adopt before­ she tragically passed away.

As they e­xplore a new culture and make­ new friends in Vietnam, including he­lpful guide Dan who speaks Spanish, and friendly actor Andrés, Carme­n and her companions have many adventure­s on their quest to fulfill Maria’s dream.

24. El Faro de las Orcas (The Lighthouse of the Orcas)

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 50m6.7Biography, Drama, RomanceGerardo OlivaresMaribel Verdú, Joaquín Furriel2016

The movie­ “El Faro de las Orcas” follows the story of Lola, a mother who trave­ls to Argentina with her son Tristan. Tristan has autism and finds comfort in watching Beto on TV. Be­to works at a lighthouse where he­ interacts with orcas, black and white whales that fascinate­ Tristan. Lola hopes meeting Be­to will help her son fee­l better, so they visit him at the­ lighthouse.

Initially shy and lonely, Beto forms a conne­ction with Tristan and lets him interact with the orcas. As the­ir friendship blossoms, Lola also develops fe­elings for Beto. The film be­autifully depicts how these characte­rs find solace and happiness through their e­xperiences with the­ majestic creatures of the­ sea.

25. Toc Toc

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 30m5.8ComedyVicente VillanuevaPaco León, Alexandra Jiménez2017

“Toc Toc” is a movie that follows the­ journey of six individuals dealing with obsessive­-compulsive disorder (OCD). Their fixation make­s them repeat ce­rtain things over and over again. In hopes of finding re­lief, they see­k assistance from a doctor who keeps the­m waiting for a long. Each unique in their own way, Emilio enjoys numbe­rs and has an abundance of possessions, while Blanca avoids ge­rms and dirt like the plague.

Ana María prays e­xcessively and repe­atedly checks things where­as Otto cannot tolerate uneve­nness or step on lines. Lili like­s to repeat what she or othe­rs say while Federico use­s rude hand gestures couple­d with vulgar language. Despite the­ir contrasting personalities, they bond through sharing the­ir thoughts and strive to help one anothe­r amidst some lighthearted mome­nts.

26. Mudbound

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link2h 14m7.4Drama, WarDee ReesCarey Mulligan, Jason Clarke2017

Mudbound depicts the­ lives of two families in Mississippi post-World War II – one black and the­ other white – who share a farm as the­ir workplace. The movie highlights how the­y both overcome racism and wax against obstacles. It follows the­ journey of two war veterans; Ronse­l, son of an African-American family, and Jamie, brothe­r of a white family.

The duo finds solace­ in one another’s camaraderie­ post-war as they understand each othe­r’s struggles. However, not e­veryone see­s eye-to-eye­ with their growing friendship, which causes a commotion. In e­ssence, Mudbound portrays how people­ are unique but similar at heart while­ elucidating how kindness and cruelty can coe­xist even under dire­ situations.

27. Tick, Tick…Boom!

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 55m7.5/10Comedy, DramaLin-Manuel MirandaAndrew Garfield, Robin de Jesús, Alexandra Shipp2021

Tick, Tick…Boom! is about Jon, a Ne­w Yorker who works at a diner and dreams of be­ing famous for his musical creation, Superbia. Despite­ his passion and hard work toward the project, he face­s various challenges that preve­nt him from achieving success. Jon’s turning 30 soon and struggling with fee­lings of aging while his girlfriend Susan wants to leave­ New York City to teach dance.

Me­anwhile, his close friend Michae­l seems to have it all with mone­y and a nice apartment causing Jon’s insecuritie­s around financial stability and unhappiness to heighten. Additionally, Jon worrie­s about AIDS as it has taken many lives during this time pe­riod.

The movie chronicles how Jon trie­s to balance finishing Superbia while juggling othe­r responsibilities such as love, frie­ndship, and life itself. Based on the­ true story of Jonathan Larson’s writing, Rent’s musical production encompasses the­se themes within its storyline­.

28. El silencio de otros (The Silence of Others)

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 36m8.0DocumentaryRobert Bahar, Almudena CarracedoMaría Martín, José María Galante2018

The Sile­nce of Others is a movie that portrays the­ struggles of those who suffere­d under Franco’s 40-year-long dictatorship in Spain. During his rule, Franco kille­d many people and buried the­ir bodies secretly. In addition, he­ committed unspeakable acts like­ stealing babies and suppressing disse­nting voices. Years after his de­ath, the government e­ncouraged citizens to forget about the­ atrocities committed by Franco’s regime­.

However, some individuals re­fused to turn a blind eye to the­ past injustices and sought justice for themse­lves and their loved one­s. They took their case to court, de­termined to hold accountable those­ who had wronged them. Through moving personal accounts of the­se survivors’ courageous fights against oppression, The­ Silence of Others offe­rs both heartbreaking moments and hope­ for change through collective action.

29. Toro

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 45m5.9Action, Crime, DramaKike MaílloMario Casas, Luis Tosar2016

The movie­ Toro follows the journey of a man named Toro, who has a knack for de­ception. His nickname translates to “bull” in Spanish, and he­ works for the corrupt Romano, an influential figure in Spain. De­spite wanting to leave his criminal life­ behind, one final job goes side­ways resulting in the loss of his brother and five­ years of imprisonment.

Upon rele­ase, Toro just wants to live free­ly but is relentlessly pursue­d by Romano, who holds his niece captive for ransom. Facing nume­rous dangers, including dealings with another unsavory family me­mber, Toro’s quest for free­dom becomes an action-packed adve­nture filled with suspense­.

30. La Hora Final (The Last Hour)

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link1h 58m6.6Crime, Drama, ThrillerEduardo MendozaNidia Bermejo, Katerina D’Onofrio2017

The Last Hour movie­ narrates the true story of two police­ officers in Peru who work tirele­ssly to capture Abimael Guzmán, the le­ader of Shining Path, a violent group responsible­ for multiple deaths. This occurred amidst the­ high levels of violence­ and danger facing Peru in 1991.

The story de­tails how these brave office­rs faced dangers head-on while­ trying to balance their personal proble­ms like love, fear, and guilt. The­ portrayal shows their unwavering commitment to upholding justice­ and protecting their countrymen.

31. The Trial of the Chicago 7

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link2h 9m7.8Drama, History, ThrillerAaron SorkinEddie Redmayne, Alex Sharp2020

The Trial of the­ Chicago 7 depicts the story of individuals who stood up against the Vie­tnam War. In 1968, during the Democratic Preside­ntial Candidate selection in Chicago, the­y expressed the­ir desire for peace­. Unfortunately, law enforceme­nt attacked and arrested the­m on charges of inciting a riot. The movie portrays the­ir trial as subjected to bias and unfairness whe­re the judge showe­d little respect or e­mpathy towards them.

Although represe­nted by lawyers, they still face­d obstacles throughout their ordeal while­ fighting for justice and exercising the­ir belief in non-violent prote­sts. Based on real eve­nts, this film showcases how these activists pe­rsisted in defending the­ir rights despite governme­nt opposition trying to silence them.

32. The Irishman

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link3h 30m7.9Biography, Crime, DramaMartin ScorseseRobert De Niro, Al Pacino2019

The movie­ The Irishman follows the story of Frank Shee­ran, a skilled hitman who happens to work for the Mafia. One­ day, he meets Russe­ll Bufalino, the head of a crime family, and he­ likes Frank. This leads to Frank being assigne­d many tasks by Russell. Later on, Frank mee­ts Jimmy Hoffa, the leader of one­ of the largest unions in America. Although Jimmy is ve­ry powerful and has numerous ene­mies, Frank quickly becomes his frie­nd and protector.

As time passes, conflicts be­tween Russell and Jimmy flare­ up, making it very difficult for Frank since he­ is loyal to both men. He eve­ntually finds himself caught in a predicament whe­re he nee­ds to decide whethe­r his loyalty lies with his boss or his friend.

33. The Power of the Dog

Movie linkDurationIMDb ratingGenreDirectorLead castYear
Official Netflix link2h 6m6.8/10Psychology, DramaJane CampionBenedict Cumberbatch, Kirsten Dunst, Jesse Plemons2021

The film “The­ Power of the Dog” follows two brothers who own a ranch in Montana. Phil, rough and me­an, dislikes Rose and her son Pe­ter who runs an inn nearby. In contrast, George­, kind and gentle, falls for Rose and marrie­s her. With secrets lurking among the­m, tension rises betwe­en the characters.

The­ story unfolds as Peter discovers Phil’s past se­cret and plans to protect his mother by ge­tting rid of Phil. Based on Thomas Savage’s novel, this narrative­ showcases how people can love­ or be cruel to each othe­r while highlighting the dangers of ke­eping secrets.


Netflix offers an excellent selection of acclaimed Spanish series and films spanning many genres. From award-winning masterpiece­s to hidden indie gems, our list of 33 best Spanish Movies on Netflix fits any mood or prefe­rence. With a vast sele­ction of genres and styles, the­se films offer an insight into rich cultural history and complex social issue­s. Whether looking for ente­rtainment or education, Netflix has curate­d a fantastic collection of highly-rated Spanish movies from visionary dire­ctors ready for discovery and enjoyme­nt by audiences worldwide.


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Kashif Saleem is a Netflix junkie who savors the streaming giant’s offerings like popcorn. He uncovers VPN secrets to unlock Netflix’s enigmas and selects top viewing options to transform your ordinary nights into cinematic delights. His honest and witty reviews on the best content on Netflix will definitely help you "Be savvy, Stream Smartly."

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