- Netflix introduces customizable subtitles for TV.
- Users can now increase or decrease their subtitle fonts till it matches their preferences.
- Netflix is making more revenue as more people sign up on the app to enjoy this new update.
In 1997, Netflix hit the movie scene with its application that enables people to view all kinds of movies, even without a television. It has come in handy in this 21st century, where everybody seeks comfort and ease. However, the unavailability of subtitles made it difficult for individuals with hearing aids to benefit from them.
Netflix started streaming on January 6, 2016, and it barely had any competitors during its growth years. Recently, Netflix has risen to a top rank when filming is involved. Nevertheless, with more customers arises, more needs, and the goal of every business is to cater to the needs of its consumers.
The launch of subtitles for TV in a bid to enhance readability is one of the ways Netflix has shown that it cares for its users. With this modality, you can now watch your favorite movie or tv series without even hearing, as long as you can read well. People with hearing disorders or disabilities appreciate this modification more.
However, beyond just subtitles, Netflix has allowed you to customize the displayed texts. This means your subtitles can now appear on your screen in your desired font, font size, and color. It gives you a choice between large, medium, and small text. The subtitles can also either appear on a white or black background.
Notably, these features were already well established in the Netflix settings on the web and mobile apps. The reason for Netflix’s delay in adding this customization to its TV interface is still unknown. Nonetheless, it is a beneficial addition, no matter how late.
Who can benefit from Netflix’s latest update?
Except you are fluent in all the world languages, you are sure to benefit at least one thing from this latest update. This update wasn’t made with only the impaired in mind, as seen in the next few paragraphs.
People with disabilities
It is a well-known fact that with the help of subtitles, even individuals with impairments can enjoy streaming seamlessly. The use of hearing aids, for example, slows the rate at which one can hear, which is why subtitles are very important.
The addition of customizable subtitles even made it all the better. With an enlarged font, even the visually impaired will have a better viewing experience.

People who do not understand foreign languages
Statistics show that only 55 percent of Netflix movies have English titles, meaning the other 45 are foreign. The popular Netflix series “Elite” is set to have a Spanish adaptation, and this would only be beneficial if there were subtitles for non-Spanish viewers. Imagine not being able to enjoy almost half of the films Netflix produces; this would leave most of us dissatisfied. We will likely not download the application if that is the case.
The launch of customizable subtitles has made the viewer’s experience all the more convenient. Imagine a situation where you don’t have to sit so close to the television to read the subtitles. This would definitely be of great advantage to most users.
With this latest update, Netflix has a symbiotic relationship with its users, whereby both parties benefit from each other. The end users have a better viewing experience, and Netflix generates more revenue.
How to customize Netflix subtitles on your Smart TV
It is one thing to be aware of the customizable subtitle feature on your Netflix account and another to know how to activate it. Use the guidelines below to activate the subtitle option on your smart TV and customize it to your taste.
- Log in to your Netflix account and select your profile
- Click on the account page on your profile
- Log in to the profile and parental control page
- Click on “change” on the subtitle appearance tab
- Make your changes to the settings and click on “save”
With these five easy steps, you can easily customize your subtitle appearance.
This is one of the best features on Netflix; the good news is that everyone can benefit from it. On the other hand, if you don’t have an account at all, this is your sign to get one.