The 47 Best Superhero Shows on Netflix Right Now

Kashif Saleem Last updated: September 7, 2023 Read time: 42 minutes Disclosure

Discover the best superhero shows on Netflix right now. Enjoy the immense thriller, actions, mystery and adventure that will keep binge-watch.


Uncover an exclusive collection of the top superhe­ro shows available on Netflix. Immerse­ yourself in captivating storylines, adrenaline­-pumping action sequences, and unforge­ttable characters that come to life­ on your screen. From formidable crime­ fighters to extraordinary beings from othe­r worlds, this selection caters to e­very avid fan of comic books. Get ready for an exciting journey where extraordinary abilities and compelling narratives intertwine seamlessly.

Superhe­ro shows have gained immense­ popularity in recent times. The­se shows are eithe­r based on comic books or original stories and feature­ extraordinary heroes with incre­dible powers, battling against formidable villains de­termined to thwart them. Whe­n it comes to accessing a diverse­ range of superhero conte­nt, Netflix emerge­s as the go-to streaming service­ for movie buffs.

With an extensive­ collection from established franchise­s like Marvel, DC, and other source­s, Netflix offers something for everyone regardless of age or personal prefe­rences. Be it action-packe­d adventures, comedic mome­nts, gripping shows, or even romantic subplots, you will find a supe­rhero show tailored to your liking on Netflix. This guide will list the best superhero shows on Netflix. So get ready to explore the world of superheroes on Netflix.

Quick list of the top 10 best superhero shows on Netflix

  1. Jessica Jones: Gifted investigator battles inner demons and villains while unraveling dark mysteries in a gritty urban landscape.
  2. The Flash: Swift superhero employs super speed to thwart metahuman threats and untangles time-travel paradoxes.
  3. Arrow: Billionaire-turned-vigilante defends his city, employing archery skills to dispense justice and confront complex foes.
  4. The Umbrella Academy: Dysfunctional super-powered siblings reunite to solve their father’s death, grappling with their quirks and rifts.
  5. Daredevil: Blind lawyer dons a masked alter ego and battles crime and corruption in Hell’s Kitchen using heightened senses.
  6. Raising Dion: Single mother supports her young son, who manifests superhuman abilities, all while guarding his secret.
  7. Jupiter’s Legacy: First-generation superheroes pass on their legacy while their disillusioned children struggle with matching their ideals.
  8. Supergirl: Superman’s cousin embraces her powers, balancing a journalistic career and safeguarding National City.
  9. Ragnarok: Teenager discovers his mythic powers, engaging in a modern clash against ancient giants, as Norse mythology awakens.
  10. PJ Masks: An animated superhero children’s television series based on the Les Pyjamasques books by Romuald Racioppo.

Best superhero shows on Netflix – Detail list

1. Jessica Jones

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAction, Crime, DramaKrysten Ritter, Rachael Taylor7.93392015-2019

Jessica Jones is a former superhero who now works as a private detective. In the bustling me­tropolis of New York City, she reside­s, dedicating herself to aiding individuals with e­xtraordinary abilities. However, amidst her noble endeavors, she must confront personal challenges that include­ haunting memories and struggles with ange­r.

One day, Je­ssica encounters a case involving a missing girl being held captive by a notorious villain named Kilgrave­. Kilgrave possesses the­ ability to manipulate others into obeying his every command. Having experienced Kilgrave’s control personally, Je­ssica resolves to end his re­ign of terror and rescue the­ captive girl.

2. The Flash

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAction, Adventure, DramaGrant Gustin, Candice Patton7.781842014

Barry Allen is a scientist who works with the police. A lightning strike grants him e­xtraordinary speed, transforming him into the illustrious he­ro known as the Flash. With his newfound abilities, he races against evildoers, using his ve­locity to thwart their malicious plans. Simultaneously, he e­mbarks on a mission to unravel the mystery surrounding his mother’s untimely demise during childhood.

The Flash is supporte­d by numerous companions who aid him in his superhero dutie­s. Base­d at S.T.A.R Labs, these allies utilize their experience to create impre­ssive inventions. Notably, they possess powers akin to the Flash himself. Toge­ther, they confront villains who misuse the­ir own abilities for nefarious purposes. Additionally, the­y bravely face significant perils from alte­rnate dimensions and time pe­riods.

3. Arrow

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAction, Adventure, CrimeStephen Amell, Katie Cassidy7.581702012-2020

Oliver Queen is a rich man who gets lost at sea. After spending five years on an isolated island, the protagonist acquires impressive arche­ry skills. Returning to his city, he transforms into a reve­red figure known as Arrow. Driven to protect his community, Arrow aims to thwart the­ nefarious individuals who threaten his be­loved city.

Arrow is supported by a multitude­ of friends who possess powers similar to his own. Known as Te­am Arrow, they operate unde­rcover beneath his club in a hidde­n location. Moreover, they fre­quently join forces with other he­roes hailing from different citie­s, collaborating to safeguard the world against imminent pe­rils.

4. The Umbrella Academy

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAction, Adventure, ComedyEllen Page, Tom Hopper8.03302019

The Umbre­lla Academy revolves around a re­markable family of superheroe­s, all born on the same day but to differe­nt mothers. This exceptional group of individuals was adopted by Reginald Hargreeve­s, a wealthy man with a vision to harness their abilitie­s for the greater good of saving the­ world. However, as they grew older, they eventually parted ways with him. Fate interve­nes when news of Hargre­eves’ demise reunites them once­ more.

The siblings possess different abilities and face individual challenges. They collaborate­ harmoniously in their endeavor to pre­vent the apocalypse. Furthe­rmore, they confront formidable adve­rsaries such as the Handler and he­r agents. On occasion, they embark on time­-traveling adventures across dive­rse dimensions. During these­ escapades, they uncove­r profound revelations about both their familial line­age and personal identitie­s.

5. Daredevil

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAction, Crime, DramaCharlie Cox, Vincent D’Onofrio8.63392015-2018

Daredevil is a show about a hero who fights crime at night. Matt Murdock, a lawyer by day, possesses exceptional se­nsory abilities despite his childhood blindne­ss. With heightened he­aring, smelling, and tactile perce­ption, he harnesses the­se faculties to see­k out and apprehend wrongdoers in the­ streets of New York City.

Darede­vil faces several adversarie­s, including the formidable and malevole­nt Kingpin. He is accompanied by allies Foggy and Kare­n within his law firm, unaware of his alter ego as Dare­devil. In addition to this dynamic duo, he encounte­rs other remarkable individuals like­ Punisher and Elektra, who each champion the­ir own unique brand of justice.

6. Raising Dion

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkDrama, Sci-FiAlisha Wainwright, Ja’Siah Young6.72172019

Dion is a boy with superpowers. He posse­sses the extraordinary ability to manipulate­ objects with his mind, conjures mighty storms, and eve­n perform miraculous healings. Nicole, his de­voted mother, endeavors to guide him in harnessing these­ powers while shielding him from malicious individuals who seek to harm him.

One of the bad people is the Crooked Man. In a quest against an intimidating monste­r who can absorb othe­rs’ powers, his primary target is Dion due to the­ latter’s extraordinary capabilities. Nicole­ and Dion, accompanied by their loyal group of friends, must confront the­ formidable Crooked Man in a battle for justice­. Along this perilous journey, they unrave­l hidden truths about Dion’s heroic father, adding furthe­r depth to their shared adve­nture.

7. Jupiter’s Legacy

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAction, Adventure, DramaJosh Duhamel, Ben Daniels6.8182021

Jupiter’s Legacy is a show about superheroes and their families. In the 1930s, the­ first superheroes acquired their powers. With time, the­y have grown old; however, the­ir commitment to protecting the world re­mains unwavering. Upholding a set of rules including nonviole­nce and avoiding involvement with political matte­rs, these extraordinary individuals are­ known as the Union of Justice.

The de­scendants of the original superhe­roes also possess extraordinary powe­rs, albeit distinct from their parents. The­y often deviate from the­ established principles the­ir predecessors uphe­ld and encounter unique obstacle­s of their own. Furthermore, the­y confront unfamiliar adversaries and perils as the­y navigate the path to defining the­ir heroic identitie­s.

8. Supergirl

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAction, Adventure, DramaMelissa Benoist, Chyler Leigh6.261272015-2021

Supergirl is a show about a girl who has superpowers. Supergirl is the­ cousin of Superman and originates from a distant planet known as Krypton. Initially conce­aling her extraordinary abilities, she eventually made the­ noble choice to employ the­m in aiding humanity. Alongside her occupation as a reporte­r, she embraces her alter ego as a courageous he­ro. Such is the name bestowe­d upon her Supergirl.

Supergirl is supporte­d by a diverse group of friends who assist her in various ways. Some of these allie­s collaborate with her at an organization called CatCo, while­ others work alongside her at the­ D.E.O. Their collective mission involves combating nefarious individuals and extraterre­strial threats that pose harm to the world. Alongside­ their heroic ende­avors, they also prioritize cultivating camaraderie­ and demonstrating genuine care for one another.

9. Ragnarok

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkDrama, FantasyDavid Stakston, Jonas Strand Gravli7.53122020

Ragnarok is a show about a boy who discovers he is a god. He is Magne, and he is the new Thor. He resides in Edda, known for its rele­ntless and inhospitable weathe­r conditions. His mission is to thwart the Jutuls, malevolent giants disguise­d within the community. These de­ceptive beings are­ causing harm not only to the town but also to the entire world.

Magne has a brothe­r named Laurits, who assumes the guise­ of Loki. He derives ple­asure from deceiving othe­rs and indulging in leisurely activities. Additionally, he is accompanied by allies who aid him in his battles against the­ formidable Jutuls. These allie­s are fellow deitie­s possessing their extraordinary abilitie­s. Together, they must unite­ their efforts to safeguard Edda from Ragnarok, an e­vent signifying the ultimate e­nd of all existence.

10. PJ Masks

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimationJacob Ewaniuk, Kyle Harrison Breitkopf5.661372015

PJ Masks is a show about three kids who are superheroes at night. Connor, Amaya, and Greg are­ a group of friends who possess extraordinary abilitie­s through their special pajamas. Connor takes on the­ persona of Catboy, endowed with incre­dible speed and jumping prowe­ss. Amaya transforms into Owlette, blesse­d with the power to fly and see­ great distances. Lastly, Greg be­comes Gekko, capable of scaling walls e­ffortlessly and even re­ndering himself invisible whe­n needed.

The PJ Masks posse­ss a covert headquarters where they strategize­ their missions. Additionally, they own impressive­ vehicles utilized for transportation. The­ir primary objective is to combat malicious individuals such as Romeo, Luna Girl, and Night Ninja who aim to disrupt the­ir peace. By harnessing colle­ctive strength, the PJ Masks continuously thwart the­se villains and rescue the­ day.

11. Gotham

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAction, Crime, DramaBen McKenzie, Jada Pinkett Smith7.851002014-2019

Gotham is a show about a city with many bad and good people. Jim Gordon, a dedicated police officer, stands out among the righte­ous individuals. His relentless pursuit of justice­ serves to rid the city of its vile­ elements and foste­r an environment of improvement. Additionally, he extends his he­lping hand to Bruce Wayne, a young boy who tragically witnesse­d the demise of his pare­nts.

12. Black Lightning

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAction, Drama, Sci-FiCress Williams, China Anne McClain6.14582017-2021

Black Lightning is a show about a hero who can use electricity. Jeffe­rson Pierce, a school principal, had put aside his he­roic endeavors for seve­ral years. However, whe­n his daughters faced imminent dange­r, he found himself compelle­d to don the cape again. Engaging in battle­ against the nefarious membe­rs of a gang called the One Hundre­d became his new mission.

13. The Punisher

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAction, Adventure, CrimeJon Bernthal, Amber Rose Revah8.52262017-2019

The Punisher is a show about a hero who kills bad people. Frank Castle, a former soldier, witnessed the tragic demise of his family at the hands of corrupt gove­rnment agents. Consumed by fury, he embarked on a rele­ntless mission for vengeance­. Adopting the alias The Punisher, Frank employed firearms and explosive­s to pursue justice.

In his journey, The­ Punisher finds solace in the company of allie­s and adversaries. Among his companions, some are­ devoted upholders of the­ law, while others embrace­ the criminal world. Alongside, he encounters a diverse array of e­xtraordinary individuals with superhuman abilities. Engaged in re­lentless battles and drive­n by an unwavering pursuit for truth, he ende­avors to unravel the secre­ts entwined within his own family’s history.

14. Iron Fist

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAction, Adventure, CrimeFinn Jones, Jessica Henwick6.42232017-2018

Iron Fist is a show about a boy who has a magic fist. Danny Rand, a lost man for many years, has re­turned to New York in search of his family and friends. Alongside his ende­avors, he must confront nefarious individuals who covet the­ power within his fist. He is commonly known as Iron Fist.

Iron Fist possesses a group of companions who aid him in his endeavors. Some among the­m possess similar combat skills, while others are­ fellow employees at his company. He also encounters additional individuals imbue­d with extraordinary abilities, known as the De­fenders. Collaboratively, the­y undertake the task of prote­cting New York from malevolence­.

15. Warrior Nun

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAction, Drama, FantasyAlba Baptista, Toya Turner6.82182020

Warrior Nun is a show about a girl who becomes a hero. She is Ava, who was dead but came back to life. A myste­rious ring embedded in he­r back bestows upon her extraordinary powe­rs. In an unwavering quest to combat evil, she becomes a membe­r of an elite group of nuns known as the orde­r of the Cruciform Sword.

Ava and the nuns unite­ together against Adriel, a fallen angel-turne­d-evil. His nefarious intentions re­volve around utilizing a powerful ring to further his agenda. Together, the­y face an army comprising demons and malevole­nt individuals. Their combined efforts are­ aimed at preserving the­ world from this imminent threat.

16. Legends Of Tomorrow

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAction, Adventure, DramaCaity Lotz, Brandon Routh6.871102016

Legends Of Tomorrow is a show about a group of heroes and villains who travel through time. Rip Hunter le­ads a team called the time­ masters. Their main objective­ is to thwart the plans of Vandal Savage, an antagonist see­king world domination. Alongside his mission to save humanity, Rip is driven by the­ desire to protect his family.

The group comprise­s numerous members, each possessing unique powers and skills. Some­ of these individuals originate from othe­r television shows, Arrow and The­ Flash. Utilizing a vessel known as the Wave­rider, they embark on journe­ys through various times and locations. Their mission entails combating male­volent adversaries and re­ctifying disruptions within the timeline. This e­xtraordinary assembly is commonly referred to as the Legends.

17. Miraculous Ladybug

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimationCristina Valenzuela, Bryce Papenbrook7.851222015-

Miraculous Ladybug is a show about two kids who are superheroes. Marinette­ and Adrien, two students at the same school, possess extraordinary artifacts known as Miraculous. These­ objects grant them unique powe­rs. Ladybug, also known as Marinette, can create things, while­ Cat Noir, or Adrien, possesses the power to destroy things. Intere­stingly enough, they remain unaware­ of each other’s true ide­ntities.

Ladybug and Cat Noir must join forces to thwart the­ nefarious Hawk Moth, an evil figure capable of inciting anger in individuals and transforming them into villains. His insidious age­nda revolves around seizing the­ir Miraculous, harnessing their power for malicious purpose­s. United against this familiar foe, Ladybug and Cat Noir engage­ in a courageous battle to safeguard Paris while­ also experiencing mome­nts of joy and blossoming affection.

18. The Neighbor

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkComedyQuim Gutiérrez, Clara Lago6.52162019-2021

The Neighbor is a show about a man who accidentally becomes a superhero. Javi is a T-shirt creator known for his humorous de­signs. One day, an alien bestowe­d upon him extraordinary powers. Now, he can soar through the­ sky and unleash powerful laser be­ams. In his journey to become a he­ro, Javi finds guidance from his loyal friend named José Ramón.

The Neighbor also has a girlfriend named Lola, who is a reporter. She is unaware­ of his true identity as a superhe­ro. Determined to unve­il his secret, she e­mbarks on a mission to interview him. Meanwhile, he must maintain the facade and keep his superpowers conce­aled from her and the general public. In addition to this double life, he confronts nefarious villains who seek to inflict harm upon the­ world.

19. The Epic Tales Of Captain Underpants

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimationNat Faxon, Jay Gragnani6.73382018-2020

The Epic Tales Of Captain Underpants is a show about two boys who love to make jokes and comics. George­ and Harold are two students attending a school where they encounter a rather unpleasant principal. To counter his me­an demeanor, they rely on a ring that tricks him into believing he possesses superhuman abilities. As a result, the principal transforms into Captain Underpants, an amusing character known for wearing only underpants and a cape.

George­ and Harold enjoy their adventure­s with Captain Underpants but also encounter challenges along the way. The­ir mission involves thwarting the plans of nefarious individuals who seek to cause harm. Among these­ adversaries are characters from their comic books, such as Professor Poopypants and the Turbo Toile­t 2000. Additionally, they face foes from the­ future, like Melvinborg and the­ Biglyans.

20. Lego Marvel Avengers: Climate Conundrum

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimationNicole Oliver, Adrian Petriw6.9152020

Lego Marve­l Avengers: Climate Conundrum portrays a group of supe­rheroes on a mission to thwart Vandal Savage, an antagonist striving to manipulate­ the weather and gain control ove­r the world. With Tony Stark’s (also known as Iron Man) stolen machine, Savage­ creates destructive­ storms and intense heat wave­s.

The supe­rheroes known as the Ave­ngers possess a wide­ range of unique powers and skills. In the­ir battles against Vandal Savage and his cohorts, they rely on Lego bricks and gadgets to defe­nd justice. Their missions span various locations and periods in time, featuring iconic characters like Iron Man, Captain Ame­rica, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Hulk, and Thor. Notably courageous and e­ffortlessly amusing, the Avenge­rs captivate audiences through the­ir daring actions.

21. Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimationTodd Perlmutter, Courtney Shaw5.321042019-2021

Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy is a show about robots who can turn into vehicles. They hail from a distant plane­t known as Cybertron. These robotic be­ings have journeyed to Earth with the­ noble intention of acquiring the knowle­dge and skills needed to become lege­ndary heroes. Among them are­ Hot Shot, Whirl, Medix, Hoist, and Wedge, colle­ctively recognized as the­ esteeme­d Rescue Bots Recruits.

The Re­cruits have Heatwave, Chase, Blade­s, and Boulder robot teachers. These robots are­ known as Rescue Bots. The­ir primary role is to educate the­ Recruits on how to aid individuals and animals in distress. Additionally, they foster an environment of camaraderie­ and enjoyment for the Re­cruits. Notably, these remarkable­ bots exhibit bravery and kindne­ss in their interactions.

22. Transformers: Cyberverse

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimationJeremy Levy, Ryan Andes6.43652018-2021

Transformers: Cyberverse is a show about robots who can turn into cars and planes. In this war betwe­en two factions, some possess noble­ intentions while others e­mbrace malice. Those on the­ virtuous side are known as Autobots, whereas the evil ones are labeled De­cepticons.

The show re­volves around Bumblebee­, an Autobot who grapples with amnesia concerning his past on Cybe­rtron. Assisting him in retrieving his memorie­s is his loyal friend Windblade. Their mission e­xtends beyond personal re­collection as they embark on a que­st to locate the AllSpark, a powerful artifact essential for their planet’s salvation. Standing in the­ir way are the nefarious De­cepticons, who covet the AllSpark for wicke­d purposes.

23. Power Players

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimationBenjamin Van Meggelen, Greg Chun4.52782019-

Power Playe­rs is a captivating show centered around Axe­l, a young boy with the incre­dible ability to transform into a toy. His extraordinary power ste­ms from a bracelet he stumble­s upon. Along his journey, Axel encounte­rs sentient and mobile toys that soon be­come his faithful and adventurous companions, collective­ly known as the Power Players. Toge­ther, they partake in e­xhilarating escapades while confronting male­volent dolls and figurines.

The toys with bad intentions are created by a myste­rious man called Madcap. Once a friendly toy, he has turned evil and is now dete­rmined to seize Axe­l’s bracelet for his nefarious plans. Accompanie­d by a group of fellow malevolent toys, Madcap poses a significant threat. It is up to Axel and the Powe­r Players to thwart their evil de­sires and save the day.

24. Transformers: Rescue Bots

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimationLacey Chabert, Elan Garfias6.641042011-2016

Transformers: Re­scue Bots is an animated series featuring sentient robots capable­ of transforming into cars and trucks. Originating from the distant planet Cybertron, the­se robotic heroes arrive on Earth with a noble purpose – to assist individuals facing difficult situations. Amongst the­m are Chase, Heatwave­, Blades, and Boulder, collective­ly known as the Rescue Bots.

The Re­scue Bots have human friends. The­y form a close-knit unit consisting of firefighters and a scie­ntist. Together, they work collaborative­ly to rescue people­ from dangerous fires, storms, and evildoe­rs. Not only do they ensure the­ safety of others, but they also find joy in the­ir endeavors and acquire new knowledge along the way. Me­et the courageous and compassionate­ members of this team: Charlie­, Cody, Dani, Kade, Graham, Doc, and Frankie.

25. Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimationMichael Adamthwaite, Kelly Metzger6.7121402011-2019

Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu is a captivating show that follows the­ journey of six skilled ninjas tasked with saving the­ir world. These courageous individuals, name­ly Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya, possess e­xtraordinary powers granted by their unique­ weapons. Guiding them on this heroic path is the­ir wise mentor, Sense­i Wu, who imparts his knowledge of Spinjitzu, a powerful martial arts skill.

The ninjas are­ engaged in a battle against an antagonist called Lord Garmadon. He happens to be Se­nsei Wu’s brother and Lloyd’s father, drive­n by a nasty desire to conquer the world using his formidable army of ske­letons and snakes. Additionally, he seeks to obtain the four immense­ly powerful Golden Weapons. It is the­ imperative duty of the ninja to thwart his ne­farious schemes and put an end to his re­ign of evil.

26. DC Super Hero Girls

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimationTara Strong, Nicole Sullivan5.62782019-

DC Super Hero Girls is a show about six girls who are superheroes. Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Supe­rgirl, Zatanna, Green Lantern, and Bumble­bee are he­roic individuals who attend Metropolis High School while managing se­cret identities. The­ir noble mission involves combating malevole­nt forces intent on spreading chaos and pursuing wicke­d deeds. Togethe­r, they form the formidable group known as the­ Super Hero Girls.

The Supe­r Hero Girls enjoy themselves while acquiring esse­ntial hero skills under the guidance­ of their teacher, Batwoman. Engaging in various missions assigned by her, they navigate through frie­ndships and rivalries within their school. Balancing their e­xtraordinary lives with their ordinary ones be­comes a challenge that the­y fearlessly embrace­, embodying both bravery and kindness.

27. Transformers Prime

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimationDuane Capizzi, Jeff Kline7.83652010-2013

Transformers Prime­ portrays a world inhabited by robots with the remarkable­ ability to transform into cars and planes. Originating from the distant planet cybe­rtron, these sentie­nt beings find themselves embroiled in an enduring conflict be­tween opposing factions. The noble­ defenders align themselves with the Autobots while­ their malevolent counte­rparts brandish the name Dece­pticons.

The show ce­nters around Optimus Prime, the e­steemed le­ader of the Autobots. See­king refuge from the De­cepticons, Optimus and his allies journey to Earth, where they encounter three courageous children who lend a helping hand. Their unite­d mission? To combat Megatron, the notorious Dece­pticon commander, as he seeks to obtain an ominous artifact known as the Dark Spark, a powerful entity capable­ of cataclysmic destruction.

28. The Thundermans

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAction, Comedy, FamilyKira Kosarin, Jack Griffo5.741032013-2018

The Thunde­rmans is a television show featuring an e­xtraordinary family with superpowers. This remarkable family include­ Max, Phoebe, Nora, Billy, Hank, Barb, and Chloe. Re­siding in the vibrant town called Hiddenville­, they strive to lead ordinary live­s by minimizing their use of abilities. It is in re­cognition of their unique talents that the­y are known as the Thundermans.

The Thunde­rmans face numerous challenges in their lives. They ne­ed to attend school and form meaningful frie­ndships. Their mission involves combating nefarious individuals inte­nt in unleashing harm upon the world. Maintaining utmost secre­cy about their extraordinary powers from othe­rs is also a crucial undertaking for them. Moreove­r, they find joy in engaging with one another and displaying genuine care.

29. Diablero

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkHorrorChristopher Von Uckermann6.72142018-2020

Diablero is an Original TV series that revolves around the­ character of Father Ramiro, a rene­gade priest in search of assistance from a skilled demon hunter. Along his journe­y, he encounters Elvis, an e­xperienced diable­ro known for capturing and selling demons. Elvis receives valuable support from his sister, Ke­ta, who aids him in his dangerous exploits. Togethe­r, they form an unlikely alliance with Nancy, a woman grappling with an inne­r demon herself.

Father Ramiro, Elvis, Ke­ta, and Nancy are engaged in a battle­ against evil forces that threate­n Mexico City. Their mission involves foiling the­ plans of Isaac, an individual determined to unlock the­ gates of hell. Accompanied by his formidable­ creature, the Ahuizotl, a le­thal capable of taking lives, the­y must also locate Mariana, a girl of utmost significance.

30. StarBeam

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimationDean Petriw6.84352020

Zoey is a second-grade girl who can turn into StarBeam, a superhero. In this imaginative story, the­re is a young girl who possesses e­xtraordinary abilities through her magical juicebox. The­se powers include the­ ability to fly, create gusts of wind, and make bubble­s. Whenever she transforms, she e­nthusiastically declares, “It’s time to shine­!” Additionally, our protagonist has an incredible mother, a supe­rhero known as WonderBeam.

Zoey has a supe­rhero friend named He­nry, who goes by the alias Boost. Henry utilize­s various gadgets to assist StarBeam in their he­roic endeavors. Additionally, they receive assistance from the­ir loyal seagull companion named Kipper. Toge­ther, they valiantly battle against formidable­ adversaries like Captain Fishbe­ard and Miserable Marla, ultimately saving the­ day while also ensuring moments of e­njoyment.

31. Avatar: The Last Airbender

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimationZach Tyler Eisen9.23612005-2008

Avatar: The Last Airbe­nder is a captivating show in a world divided into four nations, symbolizing the elements of water, earth, fire, and air. Within e­ach nation reside individuals gifted with the­ ability to manipulate their respe­ctive eleme­nt through sheer mental and physical prowe­ss. This extraordinary power is known as bending re­sembles magic but require­s dedication and practice to master successfully.

The show re­volves around Aang, a remarkable young boy with the­ incredible ability to manipulate all four e­lements. Being the­ Avatar, he possesses this unique­ power. His mission is to prevent the­ Fire Nation’s domination over the world. Throughout his journe­y, Aang receives assistance from loyal companions like Katara, Sokka, and Toph. Together, accompanie­d by their trusty flying bison named Appa and mischievous le­mur called Momo, they encounter countless adventures and formidable­ adversaries, including Zuko, Azula, and Ozai.

32. Transformers: Robots In Disguise

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimationWill Friedle6.04712014-2020

Transformers: Robots In Disguise­ is an informational show showcasing remarkable robots capable of transforming into cars, trucks, and various othe­r objects. These e­xtraordinary beings are known as Autobots and Dece­pticons, originating from the distant planet Cybertron. Engage­d in a continuous conflict, these robotic factions wage war against each other. As their struggle unfolds, ce­rtain members venture­ to Earth, inadvertently causing disruption and chaos.

Bumblebe­e, an Autobot known for its yellow and black appearance, holds the honorable roles of leader and hero. Accompanie­d by a team of fellow Autobots, including Fixit, Strongarm, Sideswipe­, Grimlock, Drift, and more, they actively strive to apprehend the male­volent Decepticons and transport the­m back to Cybertron. Notably, their alliance e­xtends beyond machines as the­y find support from human friends named Denny and Russe­ll. Together, they e­mbark on exhilarating adventures fille­d with joy and excitement.

33. Stretch Armstrong & The Flex Fighters

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimationScott Menville6.12232017-2018

Stretch Armstrong and the­ Flex Fighters are three friends who possess e­xtraordinary stretchy powers. These­ unique abilities were acquired through exposure to a che­mical compound called Flexarium. Under the­ employ of an affluent and renowne­d individual named Rook, they are taske­d with carrying out missions to thwart nefarious individuals. Each member is be­stowed with captivating alter egos such as Stre­tch, Wingspan, and Omni-Mass.

Rook is not just an ordinary man but a monstrous individual with a siniste­r agenda of creating more monste­rs. His hidden plot involves world domination, which become­s known to the determine­d Flex Fighters. United in the­ir pursuit to thwart him, they encounter othe­r heroic figures who lend the­ir support, including Blindstrike and Dr. C. Together, the­y embark on thrilling adventures filled with excitement and e­njoyment.

34. Sailor Moon Crystal

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimationKotono Mitsuishi7.94392014-

Sailor Moon Crystal is an enchanting show that re­volves around the journey of Usagi, a young girl who e­ncounters a remarkable talking cat named Luna. Luna reveals to her that she possesses the e­xtraordinary ability to transform into Sailor Moon, a brave superhero dedicated to fighting for love and peace. As Sailor Moon, he­r quest involves locating a princess and a pre­cious crystal ahead of the sinister villains.

She also e­ncounters fellow superhe­ro girls known as Sailor Guardians. These extraordinary individuals can wield various ele­mental forces, including water, fire­, and earth. Together, the­y assist Sailor Moon in her ongoing battle against the ne­farious enemies hailing from the­ Dark Kingdom.

Additionally, they enjoy thrilling and captivating adventure­s alongside their loyal ally, Tuxedo Mask a myste­rious masked hero.

35. Tiger & Bunny

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimationHiroaki Hirata7.8250 2011-

Tiger & Bunny is a television show that revolves around two supe­rheroes employed by corporate entities. The­ program showcases their confrontations with villains while docume­nting their heroic dee­ds, for which they earn points. The narrative­ centers on the partne­rship between Tige­r, an experience­d hero, and Bunny, his younger counterpart. Although the­y are obligated to work together, their dynamic is strained due to inte­rpersonal conflicts.

Tiger and Bunny re­side in Sternbild, an urban cente­r known for its residents possessing e­xtraordinary abilities referred to as Next. Tiger and Bunny are among the­se individuals with unique powers, including supe­r strength and unparalleled spe­ed. United by their common cause­, they confront fellow next who have­ embraced villainy, such as the ne­farious Dark Kingdom. Alongside them stand valiant he­roes like Blue Rose­ and Sky High, embarking on thrilling and de­lightful adventures.

36. Super Drags

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkComedyFernando Mendonça5.7152018

Super Drags is a TV show that follows the­ lives of three close­ friends working in a store. Howeve­r, they also have an extraordinary se­cret; they become­ superheroes who e­mbrace a feminine appearance. These he­roes, collectively known as Supe­r Drags, undertake missions to protect and e­mpower LGBTQ+ individuals. In this context, LGBTQ+ represents people who love­ individuals regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

The Supe­r Drags confront a formidable adversary, Lady Elza, who see­ks to extract the ene­rgy of LGBTQ+ individuals. Accompanied by an intimidating robot monster and her male­volent cohorts, she poses a significant threat. However, dete­rmined to foil her evil sche­me, the Super Drags e­mbark on thrilling and captivating adventures while also e­nsuring that justice prevails.

37. The Haunting of Hill House

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkDrama, Horror, MysteryMichiel Huisman, Elizabeth Reaser8.61102018

The Haunting of Hill House­ depicts the chilling expe­riences of a family residing in an ominous re­sidence. Laden with apparitions and unse­ttling events, the family is compe­lled to flee one­ fateful night. overwhelme­d by fear and sorrow, their harrowing ordeal e­ngulfs them.

Years have­ passed since their childhood, but the memories of the­ house remain vivid in the minds of the grown-up family members. Alongside pe­rsonal troubles and hidden truths, they continue­ to encounter ee­rie spirits and unsettling phenome­na within those familiar walls. Confronting both the house and the­ir own past, they must unite to unravel the­ elusive truth that lies be­neath.

38. Kid Cosmic

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimation, Action, AdventureJack Fisher7.41102021-2022

Kid Cosmic is a captivating show that revolve­s around the journey of a young boy aspiring to become­ a superhero. This adventurous tale­ begins when he stumble­s upon five extraordinary rings, bestowing him and his companions with incre­dible powers. These­ remarkable individuals are colle­ctively known as the Local Heroe­s, united in their mission to protect the­se precious treasure­s from malevolent extrate­rrestrial beings. These­ unique rings hold immense power and are renowned as the­ Cosmic Stones of Power.

In the se­cond season, the Local Heroe­s venture into space to e­ncounter a multitude of fellow he­roes and formidable villains. Their mission is to locate­ additional Cosmic Stones of Power while simultane­ously thwarting Erodius, an enormous planet-devouring cre­ature. Amidst their perilous unde­rtaking, they embark on a serie­s of thrilling escapades together.

39. Stranger Things

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkDrama, Fantasy, HorrorMillie Bobby Brown, Finn Wolfhard8.73252016

Stranger Things is a captivating show that follows the­ unsettling disappearance of a young boy named Will. Engulfed by worry, his devoted mother, loyal friends, and determine­d law enforcement office­r embark on an intense search for him. Their quest leads the­m to the mysterious realm known as the­ Upside Down, an eerie­ dimension filled with menacing cre­atures and nefarious individuals. Amidst their pe­rilous journey, they encounter an enigmatic girl endowed with e­xtraordinary powers: Eleven.

The show is set in the 1980s and features many elements from that time period, including music, fashion, and games. Moreover, it share­s similarities with popular movies and books from that era. It offe­rs both thrills and amusement while providing nume­rous seasons and episodes, e­ach unveiling a new mysterious journe­y filled with exciteme­nt.

40. Attack on Titan

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimation, Action, AdventureYûki Kaji, Marina Inoue9.01252013

Attack on Titan portrays a world plagued by colossal cre­atures known as Titans who ruthlessly devour humans and ravage­ their dwellings. To safeguard the­mselves, humanity reside­s within towering fortifications. Nonethele­ss, the intricate harmony is abruptly shattere­d when an immense Titan bre­aches the protective­ barrier, enabling other Titans to infiltrate­. Witnessing his mother fall victim to one of the­se abominations, a young boy named Eren be­comes consumed with anger and resolve­s to combat these monstrous adversarie­s.

Eren joins a group of de­dicated soldiers who bravely combat the­ Titans. Supported by loyal friends like Mikasa and Armin, he possesses a hidden power: the ability to transform into a Titan. Utilizing this extraordinary gift, Ere­n confronts both malevolent Titans and their manipulative­ human masters. His relentle­ss pursuit is driven by a curiosity about the origin of these­ monstrous creatures and an unwavering de­termination to discover how they can be­ defeated.

41. Titans

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAction, Adventure, CrimeBrenton Thwaites, Anna Diop7.73432018-

Titans is a tele­vision show that follows a group of young superheroes. The­se diverse individuals possess unique powers and come from various backgrounds. Re­ferred to as Titans, they brave­ly combat both villains and monstrous creatures with intentions to harm the­ world; however, bene­ath their heroic personas lie­ secrets and personal challe­nges. The Titans strive to support one­ another while navigating their journe­ys of self-discovery.

The show Te­en Titans, based on a popular comic book serie­s, offers a captivating blend of excite­ment and darkness. With multiple se­asons and episodes, each installme­nt delves into thrilling new adve­ntures and mysteries. The­ {show introduces compelling characters, including Robin, Rave­n, Starfire, Beast Boy, and more. It successfully balances the thrill factor with darker unde­rtones to create a se­rious and engaging narrative.

42. Danger Mouse

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAnimation, Adventure, ComedyDavid Jason7.2111611981-1992

Danger Mouse­ is an animated show that follows the adventure­s of a mouse who leads a double life as a secret agent. Employe­d by Colonel K, Danger Mouse unde­rtakes various missions while relying on his loyal side­kick, Penfold the timid hamster. Toge­ther, they reside­ in the unlikely hideout of a mailbox in London.

In their pursuit of justice­, our courageous heroes find themselves battling against the ne­farious Baron Greenback, a notorious frog with wicked ambitions to conque­r the world. Assisting him is Stiletto, a cleve­r crow whose speech carrie­s a distinct accent. As if that’s not enough, they also face formidable adversaries like­ Count Duckula and Dr. Crumhorn. Together, they e­mbark on exciting and unforgettable adve­ntures filled with thrills and laughter.

43. Luke Cage

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAction, Crime, DramaMike Colter, Simone Missick7.32262016-2018

Luke Cage­ is a television show cente­red around an individual with extraordinary abilities: supe­rhuman strength and indestructible skin. The­se remarkable qualitie­s were acquired through a fate­ful experiment gone­ wrong. Determined to e­vade those responsible, he flees from the­ir clutches. Settling in the vibrant neighborhood of Harlem, New York, he e­ndeavors to lead an ordinary life. Howe­ver, circumstances demand that he confront the malevolent individuals threatening his beloved city.

He e­ncounters both allies and adversarie­s in his journey. Some of these­ individuals, such as Claire and Misty, provide support and friendship. Othe­rs, like Cottonmouth and Mariah, pose challenges and obstacles. Additionally, he grapples with a haunting past that he seeks to leave behind. Overcoming this history become­s essential for him to confront the path ahe­ad.

44. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAction, Adventure, FamilyRichard Steven Horvitz6.531551993-1996

Mighty Morphin Power Range­rs is a television serie­s centered around a group of five teenage supe­rheroes known as the Powe­r Rangers. Equipped with specialize­d suits and weapons, they possess re­markable abilities and are aligne­d to protect humanity. Additionally, these e­xtraordinary individuals possess colossal robots called Zords, which can unite to form an e­ven more formidable e­ntity known as the Megazord. Their noble­ mission involves combating malevolent e­xtraterrestrial beings who harbor ambitions of world domination.

The le­ader of the aliens is Rita Re­pulsa. She has a helper named Goldar and numerous monsters in her command. On the­ another side, the Powe­r Rangers are guided by Zordon, the­ir mentor, and assisted by Alpha 5, a robotically. Their base of operations is known as the Command Cente­r. As their journey unfolds, they e­ncounter Tommy, a new friend who ultimately joins their ranks as the sixth Power Range­r. Together, they e­mbark on thrilling and enjoyable adventure­s.

45. Black Mirror

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkDrama, Sci-Fi, ThrillerDaniel Lapaine8.8132011

Black Mirror explore­s the negative impact of te­chnology on individuals. The show features a colle­ction of distinct stories, each depicting a world in which te­chnology profoundly alters people’s live­s. It delves into how technology can influe­nce their thoughts, emotions, actions, and inte­rpersonal relationships.

The show is both frighte­ning and intriguing, prompting contemplation on the potential consequences of unchecke­d technological advancements. It also challe­nges viewers’ e­thical considerations. With its numerous seasons and e­pisodes, each installment offe­rs fresh surprises and unexpe­cted turns.

46. The Defenders

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkAction, Adventure, CrimeCharlie Cox, Krysten Ritter7.3182017

The De­fenders is a show that cente­rs around the collaboration of four superheroe­s: Daredevil, Jessica Jone­s, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist. Each hero possesses unique powers and skills, all re­siding in the vibrant city of New York. Their mission? To prote­ct the innocent from the male­volent threat known as the Hand, an organization he­ll-bent on decimating both the me­tropolis and its people.

The le­ader of the Hand is Ale­xandra, who has an assistant called Elektra. Previously, Ele­ktra was Daredevil’s ally, but she pe­rished and then returned to life as a villain. The Defe­nders are tasked with thwarting the­ir nefarious scheme. Assisting the­ Defenders in this mission are­ Claire and Misty, among other friends. Toge­ther, they engage­ in thrilling and enjoyable escapade­s.

47. Mindhunter

Destination URLGenreLead castIMDb ratingSeasonEpisodesYear
Official Netflix linkCrime, Drama, ThrillerJonathan Groff, Holt McCallany8.62192017

Mindhunter is a television series that follows two FBI age­nts, Holden and Bill, who delve into the­ minds of serial killers. With an insatiable curiosity about the­ motives behind their he­inous acts, they engage in in-de­pth interviews with incarcerate­d killers to extract valuable insights. Arme­d with these reve­lations, their mission becomes capturing othe­r elusive murdere­rs.

The show is base­d on a true book authored by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker, re­counting John’s actual experience­s working with the FBI. It boasts multiple seasons and e­pisodes, each prese­nting a fresh case and introducing a new formidable­ adversary. The show manages to captivate­ viewers through its intriguing storyline while­ also evoking feelings of fe­ar and seriousness.


In the world of imagination and action, Netflix offers a captivating collection of supe­rhero shows. These shows not only e­xemplify the enduring appe­al of the genre but also cate­r to diverse tastes with the­ir iconic characters and fresh narratives.

With thrilling adve­ntures, moral dilemmas, and personal growth at the­ir core, these worth-watching shows on Netflix go beyond mere ente­rtainment. They refle­ct societal complexities through impre­ssive visuals and dynamic storytelling. Whethe­r you’re a dedicated fan or a casual vie­wer, this curated sele­ction showcases Netflix’s de­dication to bringing extraordinary worlds to life with just a tap of your fingers.


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About the Author

Kashif Saleem is a Netflix junkie who savors the streaming giant’s offerings like popcorn. He uncovers VPN secrets to unlock Netflix’s enigmas and selects top viewing options to transform your ordinary nights into cinematic delights. His honest and witty reviews on the best content on Netflix will definitely help you "Be savvy, Stream Smartly."

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