Terms of Use


The use of NetflixSavvy is subject to the terms and conditions. By using this website, you have carefully read and fully agreed to our terms of use.

You are not permitted to use or access this website if you contradict any of these terms and conditions or any part of these terms and conditions.

Our website is available for your use only on the condition that you are at least 13 years of age. You affirm that you are 13 years of age by accepting the following terms and conditions and using this website.

License to Use this Website

All intellectual property rights to the publications made and the materials used in our content are owned by NetflixSavvy.com and its licensors unless otherwise specified.

You have permission to view, download, and print files, pages, or content from the website for personal use. However, you may not:

  • Rent, sell, or sub-license material from this website.
  • Reproduce, duplicate, or commercially exploit this website’s content.
  • Use screen scrapers or iframes to duplicate or repost any part of this website.
  • Edit or change any of the content on this website.
  • Unless specifically permitted or expressly authorized, do not reproduce or redistribute material from this website.

Acceptable Use

You must not use this website in any way that harms or threatens to harm NetflixSavvy. You must not compromise its accessibility or availability in any way that contributes to illegal, illicit, harmful, or fraudulent activities.

Additionally, you are not permitted to copy, publish, or transmit any data containing any Trojan horse, worm, virus, rootkit, computer spyware, or other harmful software using this website.

Data collection activities, including data mining, scraping, data extraction, and article spinning, among others, are also prohibited. Furthermore, using this website to send unsolicited commercial messages or for marketing-related reasons without prior consent from NetflixSavvy is not allowed.

No Warranties

The website is available “as is” without any representations, warranties, or other terms. Therefore, NetflixSavvy does not guarantee that the website will always be accessible or even accessible at all. 

Nothing on the website should be construed as advice or assistance. You should contact a professional if you need advice on a legal, financial, or medical subject.

Additionally, the website disclaims all warranties and guarantees on the accuracy, reliability, or likeliness that any materials will lead to specific results.

Limitations of Liability

You agree that NetflixSavvy will not be liable for direct, indirect, consequential, exemplary, special, or any other damages arising from your website usage. Additionally, we are not responsible for damages in connection with any failure of performance, errors, deletion, interruption, or omission.

The limitations of liability will still apply even if NetflixSavvy has explicitly been informed of the possibility of loss or could have predicted the damages.

Accuracy of Materials and Content

It is possible that the information and contents on NetflixSavvy could contain typographical, photographic, or technical errors.

The accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the materials on this website are not guaranteed. The materials on the website are subject to change at any time without prior notice. Additionally, the website makes no promises that it will update its content.

NetflixSavvy may contain affiliate links, and we may earn a commission from them if you click the links and buy a product. The affiliate disclaimer statement is featured clearly on each page of the website under FTC rules and US legal requirements.


Nothing in the website disclaimer affects or excludes a statutory warranty that would otherwise be prohibited by law. Additionally, nothing shall exclude or otherwise restrict the website’s liability for any of the following:

  • Anything that would make it unlawful or illegal for the website to limit, exclude, or try to restrict its liability.
  • Fraud or deceptive misrepresentation on the part of NetflixSavvy.
  • Death or personal injury brought on by the website’s fault or those of its representatives, shareholders, owners, or staff.

Discrimination and Comments Policy

Make certain that your topic and the comments are polite. We will not condone any remarks or actions that call for harassment, hate speech, or any form of abuse or discrimination. Report any information that goes against our discrimination and comments policy.

Other Parties

You acknowledge that NetflixSavvy is a limited liability entity with limited personal liability, including its officers, employees, and agents. As a result, you agree not to file personal lawsuits against the site’s officers or employees for any losses incurred while using the website.

Without limiting the statement mentioned above, you agree that the website’s limitations on warranties and responsibility as set in its disclaimer will protect NetflixSavvy and its employees, executives, directors, subsidiaries, agents, subcontractors, and successors.


By agreeing to these terms, you indemnify NetflixSavvy from any claims that you have violated any of the terms and conditions, including losses, liabilities, costs, or expenses that may have been incurred or suffered by the website as a result of any violation of the terms and conditions by you.

Breach of Terms and Conditions

A violation of these outlined terms and conditions will result in us taking necessary action to address the breach without affecting the website’s other rights under the terms and conditions.

These actions could involve blocking devices using your IP address from accessing the website, permanently banning you from using it, contacting your internet provider to request a block on website access, or even pursuing legal action against you.


Our terms and conditions may change at any time. We may revise and update these terms and conditions periodically and apply the updated terms and conditions to the website. Make sure to frequently visit the website to become familiar with the most recent terms and conditions. You consent to be bound by the most current version of our terms of service by using NetflixSavvy.

Entire Agreement

In addition to our privacy policy, these terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and NetflixSavvy regarding your website use and supersede any prior agreements concerning such use.

Law and Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions are regulated by and enforced under the laws of the United States. Accordingly, any legal issues arising out of or relating to them are exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the US courts in the state whereby NetflixSavvy is officially established.


The other stipulations will still apply if a court or other authorized body finds one or more of the above terms and conditions invalid or illegal. 

A section of any illegal or unenforceable provision will be considered dropped. The rest of the provision will remain in place if it becomes legal or enforceable or if it were to have a portion removed.