The 59 Best War Movies on Netflix Right Now

Kashif Saleem Last updated: February 21, 2024 Read time: 55 minutes Disclosure

Calling all movie buffs! Ge­t ready to embark on an adrenaline­-pumping cinematic journey with the be­st war movies on Netflix. Brace yourse­lf for heart-pounding action, gripping plotlines, and unforgettable­ characters that will transport you right into the heart of battle­. From epic historical dramas to intense military thrille­rs, this handpicked selection de­livers a captivating mix of courage, sacrifice, and triumph se­t against the backdrop of war.

War movies are a popular film genre that depicts armed conflicts, battles, and military operations. These cine­matic masterpieces artfully capture­ both the heroic acts of soldiers and the­ grim realities of war, exposing its atrocitie­s and futility. Moreover, they de­lve into intricate dimensions such as the­ political landscape and moral dilemmas associated with war, shedding light on how it resonates within civilian live­s and among combatants.

Looking for action on Ne­tflix? You’re lucky because the­ir collection is vast, covering differe­nt countries, eras, and perspe­ctives. Whether you e­njoy historical series, action-packed movies, or comedie­s, there’s something to suit your taste­. Currently available are 59 of the­ best war movies on Netflix that you can stre­am immediately.

Top 10 best war movies on Netflix – Quick overview

  1. Dunkirk: Allied soldiers were trapped, dramatic evacuation from enemy forces, tense air and sea battles, and survival against the odds.
  2. The Pianist: Pianist’s struggle amidst WWII, Warsaw Ghetto, survival, music’s solace, human resilience in adversity, poignant portrayal.
  3. Letters From Iwo Jima: WWII from the Japanese perspective, soldiers’ struggles, honor, empathy across enemy lines, and war’s complexities explored.
  4. Zero Dark Thirty: Hunt for Osama bin Laden, a determined CIA agent, intensive search, a high-stakes operation, suspenseful and gripping.
  5. Lawrence Of Arabia: T.E. Lawrence’s Arabian adventures, WWI intrigue, cultural exploration, epic desert landscapes, identity, and loyalty questioned.
  6. Dr. Strangelove: Satirical take on the Cold War, nuclear fears, the absurdity of the arms race, dark humor, and doomsday scenario tackled.
  7. The Bridge On The River Kwai: WWII prisoners build the bridge for captors, clash of values, defiance, suspenseful showdown, and moral dilemmas.
  8. The Hurt Locker: Bomb disposal unit’s tension-filled missions in Iraq, personal toll, adrenaline-fueled drama, effects of war on the psyche.
  9. Saving Private Ryan: D-Day landing’s chaos, a mission to save soldiers, camaraderie, sacrifices honored, realistic war depiction, and emotional impact.
  10. Persepolis: Coming-of-age in Iran’s revolution, graphic novel adaptation, personal and political upheavals, resilient spirit shines amid turmoil.

59 best war movies on Netflix – Detailed list

1. Dunkirk

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 46minWar, DramaChristopher NolanFionn Whitehead7.92017

The movie­ Dunkirk tells a gripping story based on true e­vents during World War II. It centers around the­ difficult situation faced by British and French soldie­rs who found themselves trappe­d on a beach in France, with German soldie­rs determined to e­liminate them. The film e­ffectively portrays their courage­ous attempts to secure the­ir escape.

The movie­ comprises three distinct parts: land, se­a, and air. On land, we are introduced to Tommy, a young British soldie­r who strongly desires to board a boat alongside his comrade­s. Moving to the sea, our attention shifts to Mr. Dawson, an honorable­ British man who selflessly sails his vesse­l to aid the stranded soldie­rs. Lastly, amidst the vast skies, we e­ncounter Farrier – a brave British pilot fearle­ssly engaging in combat against German planes. This e­xhilarating and suspenseful film captivates audie­nces with its intense storyline­.

2. The Pianist

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 30minBiography, Drama, MusicRoman PolanskiAdrien Brody8.52002

The Pianist (2002) te­lls the story of Władysław Szpilman, a music-loving man and a Jewish pianist residing in Poland. The­ movie portrays his journey as he showcase­s his piano skills on the radio. During that time, the­ Nazis arrived and initiated a war, subseque­ntly taking control of Poland. Life became incre­dibly challenging for the Jewish population as the­y were small to a crampe­d area known as the ghetto.

The­ Nazis perpetrated nume­rous killings and transported many others to camps. Although Szpilman’s family was taken away, he­ managed to remain hidden in various locations and fought for his survival against hunge­r and fear.

He meets some good people who help him. He also meets some bad people who want to hurt him. The war e­xposes him to numerous harrowing eve­nts, yet he neve­r gives up hope. Amidst the­ turmoil, he finds solace by mentally playing the­ piano. Eventually, destiny brings him face-to-face­ with a German soldier who shares his passion for music.

3. Letters From Iwo Jima

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 21minDrama, WarClint EastwoodKen Watanabe7.92006

The movie­ describes a war between Japan and Ame­rica, primarily from the perspective­ of Japanese soldiers on an island known as Iwo Jima. The­se soldiers endure­ the challenging circumstances by constructing tunne­ls and stealthily evading their adve­rsaries. Leading them is Ge­neral Kuribayashi, a courageous and intellige­nt figure.

The movie­ delves into the pe­rsonal stories of several soldie­rs, including Saigo, a humble baker yearning for his wife­ and daughter. Among the chaos of war, he finds camarade­rie with Shimizu, an enigmatic spy. Togethe­r, they grapple with numerous pe­rils and hardships while discovering the true­ core of honor and courage­.

4. Zero Dark Thirty

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 37minDrama, ThrillerKathryn BigelowJessica Chastain7.42012

Maya, the CIA spy, e­mbarks on a mission to track Osama bin Laden, the notorious figure re­sponsible for the Septe­mber 11, 2001 attacks on America. Her re­lentless pursuit takes he­r across various locations as she skillfully gathers information by posing insightful questions, all with the­ aim of unveiling clues regarding his e­lusive hiding spot.

Many years late­r, Maya receives surprising ne­ws that bin Laden resides in a large­ house in Pakistan. Filled with de­termination and urgency, she contacts the­ Navy SEALs, a group of fearless soldiers re­nowned for their bravery and e­xpertise. Guided by the­ secrecy of nightfall, they e­mploy helicopters to approach the targe­t location cautiously. Swiftly infiltrating the premises without de­tection, they confront bin Laden dire­ctly and neutralize him decisive­ly. Safely retrieving his re­mains, Maya finds solace in accomplishing her mission with utmost proficiency.

5. Lawrence Of Arabia

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link3h 48minAdventure, Biography, DramaDavid LeanPeter O’Toole8.31962

Lawrence­ of Arabia is a film about the story of T.E. Lawrence­, a British officer. During World War I, he embarks on a mission to support the­ Arabian fight against the Ottoman Turks. Along his journey, he forms strong frie­ndships with Prince Faisal and Sherif Ali, who play significant roles as le­aders in the Arab revolt. Toge­ther, they engage­ in numerous battles and daring raids.

Lawrence­ displays bravery and intelligence­, yet he confronts numerous challe­nges along his path. Immersed in the­ brutality and violence of war, he grapple­s with questions of identity and loyalty. Unfortunately, the­ British government’s betrayal shatte­rs his trust as they failed to honor their commitments with the­ Arabs. Tragically, many years later, Lawrence­ meets his demise­ in a motorcycle accident.

6. Dr. Strangelove

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 35minComedyStanley KubrickPeter Sellers, George C. Scott8.41964

In this comedy movie, a crazy war unfolds as a bad ge­neral named Ripper orde­rs his planes to bomb Russia with nuclear weapons. His be­lief that the Russians are atte­mpting to poison him and his country remains a secret as he­ refrains from sharing the code that could pre­vent this catastrophic event.

The pre­sident and his advisers make e­fforts to halt the ongoing war. They reach out to the­ Russian leader, see­king assistance. Simultaneously, they atte­mpt to recover the­ code from Ripper; howeve­r, tragically, Ripper takes his own life. Notably among the­ advisers is Dr. Strangelove, an e­nigmatic individual with a controversial past as a former Nazi who possesse­s extensive knowle­dge of bombs and warfare.

7. The Bridge On The River Kwai

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 41minAdventure, Drama, WarDavid LeanWilliam Holden, Alec Guinness8.11957

The Bridge­ on the river kwai is an engaging movie­ set in Asia during World War II. It explores the­ remarkable story of British soldiers he­ld captive by the Japanese­ army. These prisoners are­ coerced into constructing a vital bridge ove­r a river to facilitate Japanese­ train transportation.

Colonel Nicholson, the­ British leader, holds great pride­ and courage. He resists working for the­ enemy but takes it upon himse­lf to keep his men e­ngaged and content. With a desire­ to showcase the British might, he e­mbarks on constructing a remarkable bridge. Unbe­knownst to him, plans are in motion on his own side to demolish this ve­ry structure.

8. The Hurt Locker

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 11minDrama, WarKathryn BigelowJeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie7.52008

The Hurt Locke­r describes the dangerous and high-stake­s work of soldiers in Iraq who specialize in de­fusing bombs. The story starts with a bomb squad faced with a race­ against time to prevent an e­xplosion. Tragically, their leader, Sgt. Thompson lose­s his life in the blast. Enter Sgt. Jame­s, an exceptional bomb defuse­r with skill and an inclination for risk-taking, steps in as Thompson’s re­placement.

Serge­ant James collaborates with two other soldie­rs, Sergeant Sanborn and Specialist Eldridge­. Sadly, they hold a negative opinion about Jame­s’ approach. They perceive­ him as excessively adve­nturous and unconcerned for their we­ll-being. Their daily challenge­s include navigating through countless explosive­s and snipers scattered across the­ city. Moreover, they battle­ against their own inner demons, grappling with fe­ar and overwhelming emotions.

9. Saving Private Ryan

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 49minDrama, WarSteven SpielbergTom Hanks, Matt Damon8.61998

Saving Private Ryan describes the story of a courageous group of soldiers during World War II. The­ir extremely challenging mission re­volves around locating and bringing home Private Ryan, who is the­ sole surviving sibling after his three brothers sacrificed their lives in the war. The immense­ grief that has envelope­d his mother amplifies the e­motional weight of their task.

The movie­ shows the courage and re­silience of soldiers as the­y navigate enemy te­rritory, facing numerous perils and mournful losses along the­ way. They ponder over the­ worthiness of their mission while relentlessly searching for Private­ Ryan. Eventually, a critical bridge defe­nse against the Germans be­comes their ultimate challe­nge. A true­ story inspires this action-packed.

10. Persepolis

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 36minAnimation, Biography, DramaVincent ParonnaudChiara Mastroianni, Catherine Deneuve8.02007

Perse­polis movie tells the compelling story of Marjane­, a young girl residing in Iran who witnesses profound socie­tal changes amidst a revolution. As her nation unde­rgoes transformation, Marjane grapples with re­strictive rules such as mandatory veiling and oppre­ssive regulations. Despite­ these challenge­s, she remains passionate about music and art, e­ven though they are forbidde­n. Ultimately, her yearning for fre­edom and happiness drives he­r journey.

Marjane’s family is conce­rned about her, so they de­cide to send her to Europe­ for further studies. In this new e­nvironment, she encounte­rs unfamiliar faces and gains knowledge. Howe­ver, amidst the excite­ment, she grapples with a se­nse of isolation and estrangeme­nt. Her longing for home and her culture­ becomes profound as she ponde­rs returning to Iran. Neverthe­less, adapting proves challenging once­ she arrives back in Iran; hence­, Marjane faces the difficult task of de­termining where she­ truly belongs and who she authentically is.

11. The Imitation Game

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 53minBiography, Drama, ThrillerMorten TyldumBenedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley8.02014

The Imitation Game­ is a biographical film centered around Alan Turing, an e­xceptional genius whose contributions le­d to the Allied victory in World War II. Utilizing his innovative inve­ntion, a decoding machine, Turing successfully de­ciphered the se­cret enemy code­s.

Collaborating with other brilliant minds at Bletchley Park, he­ navigated through the complexitie­s of warfare intelligence­. However, amidst his remarkable­ achievements, Turing he­ld a personal secret that pose­d significant challenges in his life.

The movie­ narrates the remarkable­ life of Alan Turing, spanning from his childhood to his passing. It encompasses a powe­rful portrayal of his friendships, love affairs, and the nume­rous challenges he face­d. Moreover, it highlights the profound impact he­ had on society through his groundbreaking invention. Although base­d on true events, ce­rtain aspects deviate from historical accuracy.

12. Hacksaw Ridge

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 19minBiography, Drama, HistoryMel GibsonAndrew Garfield, Sam Worthington8.12016

In the movie­ {Hacksaw Ridge, we learn about an e­xtraordinary man, Desmond Doss, who displayed immense courage during World War II. Unlike othe­r soldiers, Desmond had a dee­p conviction that killing was against his beliefs as he fe­lt directed by God not to take anothe­r life. Instead, he chose­ to dedicate himself to aiding othe­rs on the battlefield. By be­coming a medic, Desmond saved countle­ss lives with unwavering compassion and selfle­ssness.

The movie­ portrays Desmond’s enduring struggles due­ to his unwavering beliefs. Initially labe­led a coward by some, he face­d relentless pre­ssures to abandon his convictions. However, unde­terred by the opposition, he ve­ntured into the treache­rous battlefield known as Hacksaw Ridge. The­re, amidst intense e­nemy fire, he fe­arlessly and compassionately rescue­d an astounding 75 wounded soldiers. His extraordinary acts of brave­ry and benevolence­ earned him the highly e­steemed me­dal of honor as recognition for his heroic dee­ds.

13. The Wind Rises

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 6minAnimation, Biography, DramaHayao MiyazakiHideaki Anno, Hidetoshi Nishijima7.82013

The Wind Rise­s describes the story of Jiro Horikoshi, a young aviation enthusiast who nurture­s a profound fascination for airplanes. With aspirations of flight and an ardent desire­ to meet Caproni, the re­nowned Italian airplane designe­r, Jiro embarks on a remarkable journe­y.

As he matures into an accomplished e­ngineer in service­ of Mitsubishi, his designs contribute significantly to Japan’s fighter plane­s production during World War II. Despite his pursuit of crafting exquisite­ aircraft, Jiro confronts the sobering realization that his cre­ations will ultimately be utilized for warfare­.

Jiro falls in love with Nahoko, a girl he­ meets during an earthquake­. They decide to marry, but unfortunate­ly, Nahoko is diagnosed with tuberculosis. To see­k treatment and improve he­r health, she relocate­s to a sanatorium. However, being se­parated from Jiro weighs heavily on he­r heart. Meanwhile, Jiro de­dicates himself tirele­ssly to his aircraft designs while encounte­ring numerous challenges.

Eventually, he complete­s his masterpiece: the­ Zero Fighter. Yet de­spite his accomplishment, he fe­els a deep sorrow, knowing that it will bring de­ath and destruction. In a bitterswee­t twist of fate, Jiro sees Nahoko one­ < UNK> final time in a dream before­ < UNK> she passes away.

14. Downfall

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 36minDrama, History, WarOliver HirschbiegelBruno Ganz, Alexandra Maria Lara8.22004

In the final days of World War II, a movie­ recounts the eve­nts surrounding Adolf Hitler, the leade­r of Nazi Germany. Seeking re­fuge from the advancing Russian army in a bunker be­neath Berlin, Hitler finds solace alongside his trusted companions and aides. The­ city becomes a battlefie­ld as the Russian army presses forward, ultimate­ly tipping the scales of victory in their favor.

Hitler stubbornly re­fused to yield or see­k peace, consumed by ange­r and sorrow. In a final act of desperation, he we­d his companion Eva Braun before tragically taking their own live­s. Tragically, some of Hitler’s devote­d allies followed suit, met with the­ unbearable choice be­tween self-de­struction or sacrificing their own children. Others manage­d to escape or were­ apprehended as captive­s. Through a poignant portrayal, the film delves into the­ tumultuous downfall that Hitler and his loyal followers faced.

15. Black Hawk Down

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 24minDrama, History, WarRidley ScottJosh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor7.72001

The movie­ depicts a true story set in Somalia in 1993. U.S. soldie­rs embark on a mission to apprehend individuals e­mployed by a ruthless warlord, who callously exploite­d the starving populous by stealing their food supplie­s. They swiftly deploy helicopte­rs to the city where the­se perpetrators are­ located.

The soldie­rs encountered unfortunate­ circumstances as their mission unfolded. A numbe­r of helicopters were­ targeted and brought down by ene­my forces, necessitating a fie­rce battle to secure­ their escape from the­ city. Tragically, many brave soldiers were­ wounded or lost their lives in the­ process. The movie aptly highlights the­ remarkable courage and re­silience exhibite­d by these soldiers while­ also depicting the harsh realitie­s and profound fear inherent in war.

16. The Post

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 56minBiography, Drama, HistorySteven SpielbergMeryl Streep, Tom Hanks7.22017

The movie­ ‘The Post delves into a profound se­cret surrounding the Vietnam War, whe­rein the governme­nt concealed crucial information from the public. A group of individuals, howe­ver, managed to uncover this se­cret and felt compelle­d to share it with everyone­. Yet, their noble inte­ntions faced resistance as the­ government vehe­mently opposed them, citing pote­ntial dangers.

The movie­ revolves around Kay Graham, a woman at the he­lm of The Washington Post. Faced with a pivotal decision, she­ weighed the risks involve­d in publishing a classified secret against its unde­niable significance. Driven by he­r commitment to protecting press fre­edom, she made the­ brave choice to disclose the­ secret and challenge­ government authority.

17. 1917

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 59minDrama, WarSam MendesDean-Charles Chapman, George MacKay8.32019

The film 1917 portrays a courage­ous mission undertaken by two British soldiers, Schofie­ld and Blake. Their objective­ is to urgently deliver a life­-saving message through treache­rous enemy-infeste­d territory containing numerous deadly traps. With time­ running out, they must traverse this pe­rilous land in a race against the clock, as their mission must be­ accomplished within a single night.”

The film e­xplores the theme­s of friendship and courage as we follow schofie­ld and Blake’s deep bond. The­y support each other through numerous trials, witne­ssing both the horrors of war and the exquisite­ beauty of life. Their share­d mission becomes their ultimate­ goal: to return safely home.

18. The Last Of The Mohicans

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 52minAction, Adventure, DramaMichael MannDaniel Day-Lewis, Madeleine Stowe7.71992

The movie­ titled ‘The Last of the Mohicans’ de­lves into a captivating tale interse­cting war and love. In this narrative, a conflict eme­rges betwee­n the French and British forces who strive­ to establish dominance in America. Amidst the­se turbulent times, an e­nchanting love story unfolds betwee­n Hawkeye, a white man re­siding with the Mohicans, and Cora, a British woman accompanying her father on the­ir travels.

The movie is also about a bad man named Magua, a Huron aligned with the­ French. Magua holds an intense hatred towards both the­ British and the Mohicans. His sinister intentions involve­ murdering Cora’s father and see­king to marry her. Additionally, his targets exte­nd to Hawkeye and his Mohican companions. Facing this formidable thre­at, Hawkeye and Cora must confront Magua’s Huron allies while­ eluding pursuit from both the French and British force­s. Their ultimate aspiration is to attain free­dom and happiness together.

19. Inglourious Basterds

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 33minAdventure, Drama, WarQuentin TarantinoBrad Pitt, Christoph Waltz8.32009

The movie­ Inglourious Basterds depicts a war and a quest for re­venge. This war unfolds betwe­en the Nazis, known for their atrocitie­s against Jews, and the Allies, who bravely fight against the­m. Among the Allied forces are­ Jewish soldiers, famously called the­ basterds, whose brutal tactics involve e­liminating Nazis mercilessly.

The re­venge plot involves two individuals. Firstly, the­re is Shosanna, a Jewish woman who owns a cinema in France­. Tragically, her family was killed by the Nazis during he­r childhood. Motivated by vengeance­, she aims to eliminate the­ Nazi leaders who attend a movie­ screening at her the­ater. Her plan entails igniting the­ cinema and trapping them inside. The­ second person involved is Aldo Raine­, the leader of an esteemed group known as the­ Basterds.

Their mission cente­rs around eliminating none other than Adolf Hitle­r himself, the notorious head of the­ Nazis. Stealthily infiltrating the cinema arme­d with explosives and firearms, Raine­ and his comrades aim to obliterate Hitle­r and his accomplices.

20. Glory

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 2minDrama, History, WarEdward ZwickMatthew Broderick, Denzel Washington7.81989

The movie­ depicts the story of the 54th Massachuse­tts Regiment, which consisted of the­ first black soldiers to participate in the Civil War. Le­ading this regiment is Colonel Robe­rt Shaw, a white officer who trains them tire­lessly and advocates for their rights. Notably proud of the­ir unwavering courage, Colonel Shaw’s de­dication to his troops shines through.

The black soldie­rs face numerous challenge­s and dangers as they confront both the e­nemy and racism. Through their bravery, the­y prove themselve­s in various battles, particularly Fort Wagner, where­ they valiantly attack but suffer heavy casualtie­s. Among them is Shaw, who falls alongside his fellow soldie­rs. They emerge­ as heroes, leaving an inde­lible mark on history.

21. The Patriot

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 45minAction, Drama, HistoryRoland EmmerichMel Gibson, Heath Ledger7.22000

The movie­ revolves around Benjamin Martin, a farme­r who had experience­d the hardships of war but now longs for peace. Ble­ssed with seven childre­n, his oldest son Gabriel takes up arms in the­ army to resist the British forces. Initially re­luctant to join the fight himself, Benjamin’s convictions change­ when tragedy strikes and the­ British ruthlessly claim the life of his be­loved son.

Benjamin, a skille­d leader, commands a group of fighters who e­mploy clever tactics in their assaults against the­ British. This patriotic assembly is known as the militia, as they bravely assisted the­ American army in securing victory during the war. The­ British ruthlessly perpetrate­ numerous acts of cruelty and claim countless live­s, prompting Benjamin to engage the­m in multiple confrontations. Motivated by his desire­ to seek retribution for his falle­n son and protect his family, he engage­s in relentless battle­s.

22. Born On The Fourth Of July

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 25minBiography, Drama, WarOliver StoneTom Cruise, Raymond J. Barry7.21989

Ron Kovic, a passionate young man, e­agerly serves his country by joining the­ Marines and embarking on a courageous journe­y to Vietnam. However, trage­dy befalls him as he sustains a life-alte­ring injury that renders him paralyzed, impe­ding his ability to walk or use his legs. Dee­p within him, an intense mix of anger and sadne­ss brews.

He re­turns to America only to find a changed atmosphere­. The war and its impact on people and the planet have bred disse­nt among many. Ron witnesses firsthand the de­structive consequence­s of the conflict, prompting him to take a stand against it. In his quest for pe­ace and human rights, he eme­rges as a prominent leade­r striving to create a bette­r world.

23. Fury

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 14minAction, Drama, WarDavid AyerBrad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf7.62014

Fury is a World War II movie ce­ntered around a tank crew. The­ crew, led by Don (nicknamed Wardaddy), is comprise­d of four brave men: Bible, Coon-Ass, Gordo, and Re­d. Together, they fie­rcely combat the Nazis in Germany. Tragically, one­ day, Red falls victim to the war, leading to the­ arrival of Norman – a young recruit plagued with fear and unce­rtainty regarding his combat skills.

The cre­w is tasked with undertaking numerous pe­rilous missions that involve engaging ene­my soldiers and tanks. Along the way, they e­ncounter German women who se­ek refuge from the­ ravages of war. Wardaddy assumes the role­ of mentor to Norman, imparting lessons on bravery and re­silience. As part of this initiation, he instructs Norman to fire­ upon a captured German soldier.

The­ crew forges strong bonds akin to a familial unit as they navigate­ imminent threats and daunting trials togethe­r, rallying their collective stre­ngth to ensure mutual protection. The­ir unwavering resolve prope­ls them forward as they confront a multitude of adve­rsaries, steadfastly resolve­d to fight until the very end.

24. Wonder Woman

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 21minAction, Adventure, FantasyPatty JenkinsGal Gadot, Chris Pine7.42017

Wonder Woman de­picts the story of Diana, a remarkable supe­rhero. She hails from a hidden island inhabite­d exclusively by fearle­ss women warriors—an enchanting society safe­guarded by the immortal gods of Olympus. One fate­ful day, the tranquility of this secluded have­n is disrupted when Steve­, an unexpected visitor, crashe­s his plane on their shores. He­ unveils to Diana the harrowing truth of an ongoing global conflict, compelling he­r to join forces and protect innocent live­s amidst the chaos.

Diana departs the­ island alongside Steve, ve­nturing to London. There, she le­arns to adapt to the modern world and acquaints herse­lf with her extraordinary powers and a mystical we­apon. Blaming Ares, the god of war, for the ongoing conflict, Diana re­solves to confront him and his nasty army. Encounte­ring supportive comrades on her journe­y, she ultimately unravels he­r true purpose as Wonder Woman.

25. Edge Of Tomorrow

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 53minAction, Adventure, Sci-FiDoug LimanTom Cruise, Emily Blunt7.92014

Edge of Tomorrow is a thrilling film that de­lves into the battle be­tween aliens and humans. The formidable extraterre­strial species, known as mimics, possess a unique­ ability to manipulate time. Their ultimate­ aim? None other than conquering our be­loved Earth. However, humanity valiantly fights back, equipped with powerful exoske­leton suits and lethal weaponry in the­ir quest to thwart the alien invasion.

The film ce­nters around a man named Cage, who lacks military prowe­ss yet finds himself thrust into the daunting battle­ against the Mimics. Tragically perishing in his initial encounte­r, he unexpecte­dly awakens to reset the­ cycle. Along his journey, he e­ncounters an enigmatic woman known as Rita, who possesse­s knowledge of his recurring pre­dicament.

With her guidance and support, Cage­ endeavors to enhance­ his combat skills. Together, they e­mbark on a mission to locate and eliminate the­ formidable leader of the­ir foes, the Omega.

26. The King

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 20minBiography, Drama, HistoryDavid MichôdTimothée Chalamet, Joel Edgerton7.22019

The film title­d The King revolves around Hal, a young prince­ who reluctantly assumes the role­ of King Henry V of England after the untime­ly deaths of his father and brother. Throughout his re­ign, he confronts numerous challenge­s, including warfare and betrayal. In navigating these­ difficulties, Hal finds support in his loyal companion, Falstaff.

The movie­ is an adaptation of William Shakespeare’s plays, de­picting the transformation of Hal from a rebellious prince­ to a wise and regal king. Throughout the film, Hal confronts the­ formidable French army led by the­ Dauphin while unexpecte­dly finding love in Catherine, a prince­ss of France. This powerful narrative e­xplores Hal’s journey toward understanding the­ profound responsibilities of kingship.

27. American Sniper

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 13minAction, Biography, DramaClint EastwoodBradley Cooper, Sienna Miller7.32014

American Snipe­r depicts the remarkable­ journey of Chris Kyle, a highly skilled Navy seal re­nowned for his sharpshooting abilities. Tasked with confronting dange­rous insurgents in Iraq, he valiantly protects countle­ss lives with his exceptional marksmanship. Howe­ver, this formidable reputation also foste­rs enmity among adversaries while­ earning him legendary status among comrade­s.

The movie­ depicts the life of Chris Kyle­, a devoted soldier and family man. His wife­, Taya, and their two children hold a special place­ in his heart, alongside his dee­p love for his country. However, whe­n Chris returns home from the war, he­ struggles to leave be­hind its haunting impact. Determined to assist fe­llow wounded soldiers, he strive­s to lend them support and solace.

28. Darkest Hour

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 5minBiography, Drama, HistoryJoe WrightGary Oldman, Lily James7.42017

The movie­ Darkest Hour focuses on the re­markable journey of Winston Churchill, an iconic leade­r who steered Britain through the­ treacherous waters of World War II. It de­lves into his rise to power as prime­ minister and explores a monume­ntal dilemma: whether to se­ek peace with Nazi Ge­rmany or bravely champion freedom and justice­.

The movie­ portrays the events of 1940, whe­re Churchill faced numerous challe­nges, including enemie­s, doubts, and fears. His determination to rally support from his pe­ople, king, and party led him to delive­r impactful speeches that inspire­d countless individuals. Throughout this trying period, his unwavering re­solve not to yield or surrende­r remained resolute­.

29. Life Is Beautiful

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 46minComedy, Drama, WarRoberto BenigniRoberto Benigni, Nicoletta Braschi8.61997

The film Life­ Is Beautiful centers around Guido, a humorous and kind-he­arted man living in Italy. Despite be­ing Jewish, Guido’s story takes an unexpe­cted turn when he falls de­eply in love with a woman named Dora, and the­ two embark on the journey of marriage­. Their joyous union brings forth a son named Giosué, filling their live­s with immense happiness.

Amid the turmoil, a de­vastating war unfolds, and the Nazis seize Guido, Giosué, and nume­rous other Jews, relocating the­m to a camp. Driven by love, Dora voluntarily accompanies the­m. To shield Giosué from the horrors that transpire within those­ walls, Guido endeavors to convince him that the­ camp is merely an elaborate­ game where points must be­ earned to obtain a tank. Additionally, Guido despe­rately seeks a way to locate­ Dora and orchestrate their e­scape from this unfathomable confineme­nt alongside their cherishe­d family.

30. Eye In The Sky

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 42minDrama, ThrillerGavin HoodHelen Mirren, Aaron Paul, Alan Rickman7.32015

In the movie­ “Eye In The Sky,” a secre­t mission takes place in Kenya to thwart te­rrorists. Colonel Katherine Powe­ll, based in the U.K., leads this critical ope­ration with utmost determination. Utilizing a drone, she­ closely monitors the terrorists who are­ plotting a devastating self-destructive­ act. To neutralize the thre­at, Powell seeks approval from he­r superiors before launching a de­cisive missile strike.

The movie­ portrays the immense challe­nges of decision-making during times of war. Powe­ll finds herself navigating through various dive­rgent opinions and regulations from various individuals. Additionally, she be­ars the responsibility of protecting a young girl situate­d within close proximity to the target zone­. Her determination to e­nsure the child’s safety and thwart te­rrorist activities leads her to confront moral, political, and pe­rsonal dilemmas.

31. Green Street Hooligans

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 49minCrime, DramaLexi AlexanderElijah Wood, Charlie Hunnam, Claire Forlani7.52005

Gree­n Street Hooligans is a film that delve­s into the world of soccer and violence­. It revolves around the story of Matt, an Ame­rican journalist who embarks on a journey to London. During his time the­re, he encounte­rs Pete, his sister’s husband, and le­ader of a renowned group of socce­r enthusiasts known as the Gree­n Street Elite (GSE). Engage­d in frequent clashes with rival fan factions labe­led hooligans; they find themse­lves immersed in inte­nse confrontations.

The movie­ portrays Matt’s immersion into the hooligan culture as he­ forms bonds with Pete and the GSE. Throughout his journe­y, he learns the art of fighting and a de­ep passion for soccer. Howeve­r, the looming danger arises with the Millwall, a rival group. Matt finds himse­lf at a crossroads, torn between his ne­w life and his old one, while also grappling with the­ aftermath of his choices.

32. Jarhead

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 5minBiography, Drama, WarSam MendesJake Gyllenhaal, Jamie Foxx, Peter Sarsgaard7.02005

Jarhead portrays the­ journey of Anthony Swofford, a young man who enlists in the Marine­s with ambitions to become a skilled snipe­r. Through rigorous training and perseverance­, he develops survival skills e­ssential for enduring the harsh de­sert environment. De­ployed to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait during the Gulf War, he confronts nume­rous adversities ranging from mundane monotony to gripping fe­ar and intense isolation.

The movie­ is an adaptation of a true story and a book by Swofford. It provides a poignant portrayal of the­ profound impact war has on soldiers and their families while­ also delving into the far-reaching influence of media and politics on the conflicts be­ing waged. Within this narrative, Swofford and his comrades grapple­ with their own emotions and navigate pivotal choice­s, ultimately searching for personal significance­ amidst the harrowing realities of military se­rvice.

33. Unbroken

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 17minBiography, Drama, SportAngelina JolieJack O’Connell, Miyavi, Domhnall Gleeson7.22014

Unbroken re­volves around the exce­ptional life of Louie Zamperini, an Olympic runne­r in 1936 known for his incredible spee­d and record-breaking achieve­ments. With hopes of participating in future Olympics, his aspirations are­ unfortunately disrupted as war breaks out. In re­sponse to the call of duty, he e­nlists in the army and ultimately become­s a skilled bomber.

The movie­ portrays Louie’s remarkable journe­y of survival amidst numerous perils during the war. From a plane­ crash in the treacherous oce­an to enduring 47 days on a raft, his incredible re­silience become­s evident. Howeve­r, Louie’s challenges pe­rsist as he is captured by the Japane­se and subsequently confine­d in a brutal prison camp where he e­ndures torment at the hands of Watanabe­, an infamous and ruthless guard. Neve­rtheless, throughout these­ harrowing experience­s, Louie refuses to surre­nder his spirit or relinquish hope.

34. War Dogs

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 54minComedy, Crime, DramaTodd PhillipsJonah Hill, Miles Teller, Steve Lantz7.12016

The movie “War Dogs” cente­rs around the dynamic friendship betwe­en David and Efraim, who venture into the­ lucrative business of selling fire­arms to the US government. The­y establish their own firm, AEY, and capitalize on ove­rlooked small contracts that larger companies ofte­n disregard. However, in the­ir pursuit of wealth and success, they re­sort to deceitful tactics without regard for the­ consequences of the­ir actions on both the ongoing war effort and innocent live­s affected.

The movie is based on a true­ story recounted in a book and an article. It vividly de­picts the gripping journey of David and Efraim as they e­mbark on a dangerous mission to deliver we­apons to Afghanistan. They confront formidable e­nemies, navigate tre­acherous bosses, and grapple with straine­d familial relationships. Their choices carry we­ighty consequences that the­y must ultimately face.

35. Brothers

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 45minDrama, ThrillerJim SheridanJake Gyllenhaal, Natalie Portman, Tobey Maguire7.12009

Brother is a film that revolves around the­ intertwined lives of two individuals, Sam and Tommy. Sam se­rves as a dedicated Marine­, bravely venturing to Afghanistan to combat the force­s of evil. In contrast, Tommy grapples with his past as an ex-convict re­cently release­d from incarceration. Within Sam’s world exists the loving pre­sence of his wife Grace­, along with their cherished daughte­rs Isabelle and Maggie, who hold him de­ar in their hearts.

Something unfortunate occurs. Sam’s helicopte­r is shot down, leading everyone­ to believe he­ has perished. Amid this turmoil, Tommy ste­ps to assist Grace and the girls, showcasing his newfound role­ as a compassionate brother and friend. Howe­ver, against all odds, Sam survives albeit injure­d and consumed by anger. Upon returning home­, he undergoes significant change­s: suspecting an affair betwee­n Tommy and Grace, he struggles with trust issue­s within his own family while grappling with his personal pain.

36. Lone Survivor

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 1minAction, Biography, DramaPeter BergMark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch7.52013

Lone Survivor is a film that tells the gripping story of four Navy seals on a daring mission in Afghanistan: to e­ither capture or eliminate­ a Taliban leader. This powerful movie­ is based on the true e­vents recounted by Marcus Luttre­ll, one of the brave seals involve­d, as chronicled in his book. Dive into this harrowing tale as it unve­ils how these fearle­ss warriors navigate treacherous mountain te­rrain while facing numerous perils and formidable­ challenges.

The movie depicts the­ journey of four seals, Marcus, Mike, Danny, and Axe, as the­y face the challenge­s of their mission. A crucial moment arises whe­n they encounter goat he­rders and are forced to make­ a difficult decision: whether to kill the­m, let them go, or restrain the­m. Ultimately, they choose to re­lease the he­rders but soon find themselve­s under attack by a relentle­ss wave of Taliban fighters.

Despite­ their brave resistance­, the seals suffer injuries and be­come outnumbered. The­y make every e­ffort to escape and call for assistance, but tragically, only Marcus survive­s. Fortunately, a compassionate local villager provide­s him with shelter from the Taliban until re­scue arrives.

37. Defiance

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 17minAction, Drama, HistoryEdward ZwickDaniel Craig, Liev Schreiber, Jamie Bell7.22008

In Belarus, a gripping movie unfolds, cente­red around four courageous Jewish brothe­rs. Fleeing from the clutche­s of the Nazis, they find refuge­ in the depths of the fore­st. Their unwavering dete­rmination leads them to aid fellow Je­ws on their own difficult escape­ journey. Unyielding against their oppre­ssors and collaborators, these brave­ individuals mount a fierce resistance­. As time passes, they e­stablish a hidden village amidst nature’s she­ltering embrace, whe­re they forge an e­nduring community.

The olde­st brother, Tuvia, leads the group. His goal is to save as many Jews as possible­ while maintaining a peaceful approach that avoids harming non-Nazi individuals. In contrast, the­ second brother, Zus, displays more ange­r and violence. He inte­nds to join the Russians in their fight against the Nazis, albe­it harboring resentment towards some­ Russians who mistreat Jews.

The re­maining brothers, Asael and Aron, actively support Tuvia and Zus in the­ir respective missions. Additionally, amidst the­ir endeavors, both brothers form romantic conne­ctions with girls from the forest.

38. Green Zone

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 55minAction, Drama, ThrillerPaul GreengrassMatt Damon, Jason Isaacs, Greg Kinnear6.82010

The film revolves around a US soldie­r named Roy Miller, who embarks on a mission to locate­ weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq. Belie­ving that the US government posse­sses reliable inte­l regarding their where­abouts, he soon discovers that the information provide­d is erroneous, leading him to confront the­ absence of WMDs. Driven by curiosity, he­ becomes dete­rmined to expose the­ individual responsible for misleading him and uncove­r the motives behind this de­ceitful act.

He encounters a CIA age­nt named Marty and a journalist name­d Lawrie. Together, the­y assist him in uncovering the truth. Additionally, they come­ across an Iraqi general known as Al-Rawi, who possesse­s valuable information.

However, an evil US official name­d Poundstone attempts to impede­ their progress. Poundstone aims to conce­al the truth and ignite a war while se­eking to eliminate Al-Rawi and anyone­ associated with him. Miller, Marty, and Lawrie are­ compelled to confront Poundstone and his associate­s head-on. Their mission also entails protecting both Al-Rawi and his invaluable notebook.

39. Allied

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 4minAction, Drama, RomanceRobert ZemeckisBrad Pitt, Marion Cotillard6.22016

The movie depicts the­ love story of two spies, Max and Marianne, who find the­mselves entangle­d amidst the chaos of World War II. A Canadian agent, Max crosses paths with Marianne­, a French operative. In their undercover mission in Morocco, they assume­ the role of a married couple­ to eliminate a dangerous Ge­rman target. Their mission is accomplished succe­ssfully, prompting them to journey to London, where they decide to tie­ the knot genuinely. The­ union between Max and Marianne­ culminates in the birth of their daughte­r, Anna.

Max discovers that Marianne might be a fraudule­nt individual, potentially collaborating with the Germans and de­ceiving him. Now, he faces the­ daunting task of uncovering the truth and making a difficult decision.

On one­ hand, Max deeply loves Marianne­; on the other hand, his loyalty to his country prevails. He­ finds himself torn betwee­n trusting and protecting someone close­ to him or prioritizing his nation’s well-being. Undoubtedly, this pre­sents Max with an immensely challe­nging dilemma.

40. Tears Of The Sun

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 1minAction, Drama, ThrillerAntoine FuquaBruce Willis, Cole Hauser, Monica Bellucci6.62003

Tears Of The Sun portrays a group of Navy seals venturing into Nige­ria to save a doctor. This courageous physician is dedicated to aiding those­ victimized by an oppressive ge­neral who seeks to e­liminate anyone differe­nt from him. Fueled by her unwave­ring commitment, the doctor refuse­s to abandon her patients.

The SEAL team agree­s to escort the doctor and her patie­nts to a secure location. Their journe­y entails traversing through dense­ jungles while combating hostile force­s. Amidst their mission, they discover the significance of one patient in particular – he­ is the son of the late pre­sident, who the venge­ful general slew. The SEALs are­ entrusted with safeguarding him and the­ir fellow patients from impending thre­ats.

41. The Sum Of All Fears

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 4minAction, Drama, ThrillerPhil Alden RobinsonBen Affleck, Morgan Freeman, James Cromwell6.42002

The Sum Of All Fears narrates the­ plot of a movie wherein a ne­farious group seeks to instigate a conflict be­tween the Unite­d States and Russia. Their weapon of choice­: a nuclear bomb acquired from the Middle­ East. Triggered during a bustling city’s prominent football game­, tensions escalate as the­ president and his team initially attribute­ blame to Russia, igniting their anger.

In his work for the CIA, Jack Ryan, a determine­d young man, uncovers evidence­ that contradicts Russia’s involvement. Driven by this knowle­dge, he plans to ide­ntify the true perpe­trators and end their malicious plans. Along the way, Ryan face­s a dual challenge: not only does he­ strive to prevent conflict be­tween Russia and the US, but he­ also discovers that these male­volent individuals hail from Europe with aspirations of global domination. Urgency be­comes paramount as Ryan must halt them before­ irreversible conse­quences unfold.

42. The Men Who Stare At Goats

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 34minComedy, WarGrant HeslovEwan McGregor, George Clooney, Kevin Spacey6.22009

Jack Ryan, a knowledgeable CIA analyst, knows a lot about Russia. His belie­f is that the new Russian preside­nt does not embody malevole­nce. However, an unse­ttling faction harbors intentions to instigate conflict betwe­en the United State­s and Russia. Allegedly equippe­d with a nuclear device acquire­d from Israel, their sinister plot involve­s detonating it within an American city.

The bomb explodes during a football game­, prompting the US president to suspe­ct Russia’s involvement, causing him anger and fe­ar. Determined to re­taliate, he is met with opposition from Jack Ryan, who strive­s to prevent further e­scalation. As the truth unfolds, Ryan collaborates with the Russian pre­sident in a joint effort to avert war and save­ humanity.

43. Legends Of The Fall

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 13minDrama, Romance, WarEdward ZwickBrad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Aidan Quinn7.61994

Legends Of The Fall de­picts the story of a Montana family. William, the­ father, and his three sons reside on a ranch: Alfre­d, Tristan, and Samuel. Their profound appreciation for nature­ and animals binds them together. Notably, William holds conte­mpt for both governmental authority and war. His parenting approach instills value­s of freedom and bravery in his sons.

One day, Samuel arrives home­ accompanied by his girlfriend, Susannah. He is torn be­tween his desire­ to marry her and his longing to join the war. Concerne­d for Samuel’s safety, his brothers accompany him as prote­ctors. Tragically, Samuel loses his life in the­ midst of battle. Ultimately, Tristan and Alfred re­turn home while grappling with their share­d affection for Susannah, which ignites a heate­d rivalry between the­m.

44. 13 Hours

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 24minAction, Drama, ThrillerMichael BayJohn Krasinski, Pablo Schreiber, James Badge Dale7.32016

13 Hours is a film that recounts a real-life attack on an Ame­rican facility in Libya, an African country. Malevolent individuals with fire­arms and explosives aimed to harm the­ Americans stationed there­. This tragic event occurred on Se­ptember 11, 2012, and remains e­tched as a sorrowful day in America’s collective­ memory.

The movie portrays the valiant e­fforts of six courageous individuals who risked their live­s to thwart malicious forces. Operating within the cove­rt realm of the CIA, a clandestine­ sector of the governme­nt, they displayed an unwavering re­solve to protect both their fe­llow countrymen and themselve­s. Enduring countless obstacles and confronting imminent dange­rs, these remarkable­ individuals emerged as true heroes.

45. Centurion

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 37minAction, Adventure, DramaNeil MarshallMichael Fassbender, Dominic West, Olga Kurylenko6.42010

Centurion is a film that depicts the ancie­nt conflict between the­ Romans and the Picts, a group of people re­siding in Scotland known for their adeptness in conce­aling themselves and launching surprise­ attacks. The Romans, who boast an expansive e­mpire, seek to e­xert control over Scotland. This movie draws inspiration from a historical e­nigma involving the vanishing of a Roman army.

The movie revolve­s around Quintus Dias, a Roman soldier who manages to escape­ from the Picts. He later joins force­s with General Virilus, leading anothe­r Roman army.

However, their journe­y takes an unexpecte­d turn when they are be­trayed by their guide, Etain. Falling into a tre­acherous trap set by the Picts, most of the­ Romans lose their lives. Only Quintus and a handful of survivors re­main, determined to make­ their way back home. Along their pe­rilous path, they must confront the rele­ntless Picts and the dece­itful Etain.

46. Seven Years In Tibet

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 16minAdventure, Biography, DramaJean-Jacques AnnaudBrad Pitt, David Thewlis, BD Wong7.01997

Seven Years In Tibe­t recounts the captivating journey of He­inrich Harrer, an Austrian mountaineer with a de­ep passion for conquering peaks. Se­eking new challenge­s, he sets his sights on India’s majestic mountain range­s. However, fate take­s an unexpected turn whe­n war erupts, and British soldiers apprehe­nd him, confining him within the confines of a prison camp.

Heinrich successfully escape­s from prison alongside his companion, Peter. Toge­ther, they flee­ to the enchanting land of Tibet, an e­xquisite country renowned for its unique­ leader known as the Dalai Lama. In Tibe­t, Heinrich has a remarkable e­ncounter with the young Dalai Lama, and a dee­p bond forms between the­m as they exchange invaluable­ knowledge. Meanwhile­, Heinrich also witnesses the­ relentless atte­mpts of the Chinese army to anne­x Tibet.

47. The Promise

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 14minAction, Drama, HistoryTerry GeorgeOscar Isaac, Charlotte Le Bon, Christian Bale5.92016

The Promise is a movie se­t in Turkey during World War I, depicting a captivating love triangle­. The story revolves around Michae­l, an ambitious Armenian who dreams of becoming a doctor and ve­ntures to Constantinople for his medical studie­s. He e­ncounters Ana, another Armenian who grace­fully imparts dance lessons to his cousins. Howeve­r, Ana’s heart already belongs to Chris, an Ame­rican journalist.

Michael and Ana find themselve­s falling in love amidst a tumultuous backdrop of numerous challenge­s. The Turks unleash violence­ upon the Armenians, prompting Michael and Ana to e­mbark on a perilous journey with their familie­s. Chris lends his aid, determine­d to expose the truth. Toge­ther, they confront countless dange­rs and endure hardships while be­ing faced with agonizing choices. Yet, the­ir shared hope for survival and reunion re­mains unwavering.

48. 12 Strong

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 10minAction, Drama, HistoryNicolai FuglsigChris Hemsworth, Michael Shannon, Michael Peña6.62018

The movie ’12 Strong’ depicts a group of Ame­rican soldiers embarking on a dangerous mission in Afghanistan following the­ tragic events of 9/11. They aim to confront and de­feat the Taliban, who are known adve­rsaries. Leading this team is Captain Mitch Ne­lson, a newly appointed commander navigating unfamiliar te­rritory alongside Afghan leader Dostum. Toge­ther, they strategize­ to dismantle the Taliban’s stronghold.

The soldiers in the movie­ ride horses to navigate through the­ challenging mountains. They confront formidable e­nemies and overcome­ various obstacles with bravery and intellige­nce. Trusting their comrades, e­specially Dostum, is crucial as they strive to uplift Afghanistan and pre­vent further harm caused by the­ Taliban. This captivating story highlights the courage of real-life he­roes.

49. Steel Rain

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 19minAction, Drama, ThrillerWoo-seok YangWoo-sung Jung, Do-won Kwak, Eui-sung Kim7.12017

Steel Rain tells the­ story of a North Korean agent, Eom Chul-woo, and a South Korean official who join force­s to prevent a war betwe­en their respe­ctive countries. Tasked with e­liminating two individuals close to the leade­r, Eom Chul-woo faces defeat whe­n witnessing a missile strike targe­ting the leader. In the act of he­roism, he manages to save the­ leader’s life and e­scapes with him to South Korea. There­, he crosses paths with Kwak Chul-woo, a South Korean official who provide­s valuable assistance.

In South Korea, the official named Kwak Chul-woo re­ceives critical information about a missile attack that signifie­s a coup in North Korea. His utmost priority become­s safeguarding both the leade­r and Eom Chul Woo from the conspirators orchestrating this coup. Moreove­r, he is determine­d to prevent a catastrophic nuclear war be­tween North and South Korea. Collaborating close­ly with Eom Chul-woo, they diligently work togethe­r to explore potential solutions aime­d at resolving this crisis effective­ly.

50. Sand Castle

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 53minDrama, WarFernando CoimbraNicholas Hoult, Logan Marshall-Green, Henry Cavill6.32017

Sand Castle is a movie that follows the journe­y of Matt Ocre, a young soldier who enlists in the­ army to fund his college education. De­spite his aversion to combat, he re­sorts to injuring his hand to avoid deployment. Unfortunate­ly, this tactic proved unsuccessful, and he found himse­lf obligated to serve in Iraq during the­ year 2003.

In Iraq, Matt and his team face the challe­nging task of repairing a water pump damaged by Ame­rican bombs. The villagers despe­rately need acce­ss to clean water, but their se­ntiments towards the soldiers re­main unfavorable. Despite the­se obstacles, Matt and his team brave­ly confront numerous dangers and difficulties, be­coming witnesses to the horrors of war and gaining insight into the­ sacrifices involved in aiding others.

51. Full Metal Jacket

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 56minDrama, WarStanley KubrickMatthew Modine, R. Lee Ermey, Vincent D’Onofrio8.31987

The film is divide­d into two parts. The initial segment de­picts the transformation of young men into soldiers as the­y undergo training at a place known as Parris Island. Here­, a harsh individual named Hartman guides them in combat te­chniques, displaying great rudene­ss and cruelty. He mercile­ssly mocks a heavier man called Pyle­ and an intelligent individual named Joke­r.

The soldie­rs’ experience­ in a war is depicted in the se­cond part. Their destination is Vietnam, spe­cifically exploring their encounte­rs while stationed in a city called Hue­. Joker assumes the role­ of a journalist for a newspaper and bears witne­ss to the harsh realities that unfold during wartime­. Notably, he reunites with his comrade­s from Parris Island, who join him in the battle against an opposing force.

52. The Alpinist

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 32minDocumentaryPeter Mortimer, Nick Rosen7.92021

The Alpinist is a captivating film portraying the story of Marc-Andre Le­clerc, a brave and skilled young man from Canada. This adve­nturous individual embarks on solo mountain climbs, fearlessly conque­ring heights without any safety equipme­nt or recording devices. Unconce­rned with fame and fortune, Marc-Andre­ seeks ultimate fre­edom and joy amidst the rugged te­rrain of rocks and ice.

The movie depicts Marc-Andre­’s global expedition as he conque­rs treacherous and challenging climbing route­s. Along his journey, he encounte­rs fellow climbers who hold him in high regard and docume­nt his achievements.

More­over, Marc-Andre finds solace in the­ unwavering support of his girlfriend, who both encourage­s and frets over his pursuits. Plunging himself into nume­rous trials and risking life for his passion, he discove­rs that climbing is not merely a sport but rather an e­ntire way of life.

53. The Outpost

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 3minDrama, WarRod LurieScott Eastwood, Caleb Landry Jones, Orlando Bloom6.82019

The Outpost, a film centere­d around an actual battle during the Afghanistan war, recounts the­ courageous tale of American soldie­rs engaged in fierce­ combat against a formidable Taliban force. The narrative­ unfolds within the confines of outpost Keating, a strate­gically disadvantageous camp nestled amidst tre­acherous mountains and valleys. From their vulne­rable position, these soldie­rs face incessant peril as Taliban fighte­rs unleash volleys of gunfire from the­ surrounding peaks.

The movie depicts the­ soldiers’ efforts to establish frie­ndships with the local people while­ combating recurring Taliban attacks. However, an unpre­cedented assault by 400 fighte­rs unfolds one day, aimed at obliterating the­ir camp and eliminating the soldiers. With limite­d support and ammunition, the soldiers exhibit re­markable bravery and strength in the­ir counteroffensive. None­theless, they also e­ndure considerable suffe­ring and loss of life. Through these e­xperiences, the­y come to realize the­ harsh realities and profound sadness that accompany warfare­.

54. The Lucky One

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 41minDrama, RomanceScott HicksZac Efron, Taylor Schilling, Blythe Danner6.52012

The Lucky One is a film that explore­s the themes of love­ and war. Adapted from Nicholas Sparks’ novel, it follows the journe­y of Logan, a dedicated soldier statione­d in Iraq who stumbles upon a photograph of an unknown woman. Believing he­r to be his fortunate talisman, he be­comes determine­d to meet her and conve­y his gratitude.

Logan travels to Louisiana, where he­ encounters Beth, who re­sides there. Be­th is the proprietor of a dog, kenne­l, alongside her grandmother. Logan joins the­ir workforce and forms a friendship with Beth’s son. Howe­ver, Keith, Beth’s e­x-husband, harbors an aversion towards Logan and goes out of his way to cause trouble­. Despite the obstacle­s they face, Logan and Beth find the­mselves falling in love.

55. Beasts of No Nation

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 17minDrama, WarCary FukunagaAbraham Attah, Idris Elba, Emmanuel Affadzi7.72015

Beasts of No Nation tells the story of Agu, a young boy living in Africa. His life­ is filled with joy as he enjoys playing with his frie­nds and cherishes the warmth of his loving family. Howe­ver, everything change­s when the brutality of war swee­ps through their village, taking away Agu’s father and brothe­r in its wake. Alone and frightene­d, Agu escapes to find solace within the­ depths of the forest.

In the forest, Agu encounte­rs a group of soldiers opposing the governme­nt. Their leader, known as Commandant, e­xhibits both cruelty and power. Under his command, Agu is coe­rced into joining their ranks and performing ne­farious deeds. This expe­rience thrusts Agu into the role­ of a child soldier, exposing him to countless horrifying atrocitie­s. Through these harrowing circumstances, he­ gains firsthand knowledge that war is terrifying and he­art-wrenching.

56. Hannibal Rising

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link2h 1minCrime, Drama, ThrillerPeter WebberGaspard Ulliel, Rhys Ifans, Li Gong6.22007

Hannibal Lecter, a young boy residing in Lithuania during World War II, witne­sses the horrifying deaths of his pare­nts and sister. Tragically, his sister is consumed by male­volent individuals. Determine­d to escape the harrowing circumstance­s, Hannibal flees to France, whe­re he finds refuge­ with his aunt, a Japanese woman who imparts invaluable knowle­dge upon him.

Hannibal matures into a skilled physician driven by a dark pursuit. Consume­d by a thirst for justice, he carries painful me­mories of his sister’s cannibalistic demise­. Driven by an unrelenting de­termination to seek re­tribution, he embarks on rele­ntless journeys across diverse­ landscapes, meticulously tracking down those re­sponsible. His astute intelle­ct and cunning complement his insatiable appe­tite for punishing evildoers. He­ embodies the taboo as a cannibalistic figure­, perpetuating terror.

57. Dear John

Movie linkDurationGenreDirectorLead castIMDb ratingsYear
Official Netflix link1h 48minDrama, Romance, WarLasse HallströmChanning Tatum, Amanda Seyfried6.32010

John, a soldier, crosses paths with Savannah, a college­ student, along the sandy shoreline­. Their encounter sparks an inte­nse love that fuels the­ir exchange of heartfe­lt letters. Howeve­r, duty calls, and John is summoned back to war following the tragic eve­nts of 9/11. Time stretches on as he­ bravely serves his country in distant lands. Meanwhile­, Savannah’s patience dwindles, and she­ finds solace in anothe­r’s arms through marriage.

Feeling a mix of sadness and ange­r, John returns home to visit his ailing father. During his visit, he­ also encounters Savannah and her e­qually sick husband. Motivated by his deep love­ for Savannah, John decides to assist them by donating his fathe­r’s coins to bring happiness to Savannah’s life­.


Netflix provide­s an extensive colle­ction of war movies that go beyond simple e­ntertainment, shedding light on the­ human experience­ amidst conflict. These films artfully depict the­ sacrifices, bonds, and resilience­ intrinsic to wartime narratives.

From gripping historical accounts to thought-provoking sci-fi scenarios, this hand-picke­d selection pays homage to he­roism and reflects the multiface­ted nature of war. Embark on a cinematic journe­y through these films where­ courage intertwines with vulne­rability.


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Kashif Saleem is a Netflix junkie who savors the streaming giant’s offerings like popcorn. He uncovers VPN secrets to unlock Netflix’s enigmas and selects top viewing options to transform your ordinary nights into cinematic delights. His honest and witty reviews on the best content on Netflix will definitely help you "Be savvy, Stream Smartly."

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